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trainm 球直播室 Are Now the ReaI Stars 故事当道,明星让路 You remember themPeople Iike Julia Robe,s Tom Cruise,Cameron Diaz,Nicolas Cageputting their faces on the movie posters would sell tickets No moreOnce the safeguard of HollywoodS most profitable movies A1ist佼者】celebrities名人】are finding their stock望,评价】fading at the cinemawhere concept is trumping【胜过】stars and story may actually matter Conside r:Knight and Day,the$1 1 7 mion adventure with Cruise and Diazwas tO be a summer hit1nsteadthe f“m opened in third place with$2o millionCageS丁ne Sorcerers Apprentice could use some magicRobeys couldnt save the fate of Dupficity Even Matt Damonwhen essentially【本质上】reprising【重复】 his role as Jason Bourne 。couldnt lift the$1 00 million Green Zone above$36 million Among the top ten movies of the year,only Johnny DeppS Alice in Wondedand and Robert Downey Jrs Iron Man 2 could claim big revenues】from star power What gives( 语)出了什么事】?Television and tabloids小报】 8 匹 触Teen。 byScottBowles 翻译:芥子 你记得他们。像朱莉娅罗伯茨,汤姆 克鲁斯、卡梅隆迪亚茨、尼古拉斯凯奇这些人 只要把他们的脸摆在海报上,电影就能卖座。 这种情况一去不复返了。一线明星曾经是 好莱坞最赚钱电影的保证,但他们对电影业的影 响力如今逐渐减弱。现在是概念胜过明星,故事 才是王道。 看看这些例子:克鲁斯和迪亚茨主演、耗 资117亿美元的冒险故事片危情谍战本应成 为暑期大热。然而该片上映第一周只拿到第三 位,票房仅有两千万美元。凯奇的魔法师的学 徒看来也要施点魔法才行。即使罗伯茨也救不 了口是心非的命运。甚至当马特戴蒙继续 在绿色地带中出演相当于森伯恩的角色, 也未能让这部耗资1亿美元的电影的票房超过 3600万美元。 在今年十部最佳电影当中,只有约翰尼 德普的爱丽丝梦游仙境和小罗伯特-唐尼的 钢铁侠2能靠明星的力量卖个满堂红。 发生什么事了?电视和小报让明星成了日 have made stars an everyday sight,and moviegoers with Iimited funds may need something more than an Alist face to convince them to spend the$1 5 Inception,fo r instance,has succeeded deSPite essentially removing Leonardo DiCaprio fr0m the poster “LeoS name is in very small font】and its clear theyre selling the concept and filmmaker(Christopher Nolan),”says Jeff Bock,analyst for an industry tracking firm“They sold that on concept” A risky conceptDan FelIman of Warner Brossays competing studio executives经理主管】tried to scare him off opening a brainy fiIm jn the summer “The timing seemed right,”Fellman says“People want a movie to go to Starbucks afterward and talk about I thought theyd want to do that as much in summer as in faIIand we knocked it out of the park ” The rise of comicbook movies could be considered as a harbinger瞰 of troubleDespite having five different stars in the capefr0m Michael Keaton to George Clooney tO Christian Baleevery Batman movie has opened at No1“Batman showed that you could put almost any star behind the mask and theyd work,”Bock says Hollywood critic Scott Mantz says that while the trend worries HollywoodS richest talentits good for the movies “Look at Star Trek,look at The Hangover,” he says of two relatively starless hits Iast year “People dont need to recognize the faceThey need to connect to the story” 注1:贾森伯恩是系列电影谍影重重的主人公。 注2:指棒球的全垒打(最典型的全垒打是把球打出球场外野最后 面的全垒打墙外,并且球飞出去时是在界内),比喻做事成功。有 关棒球的习语可查看CE:Teens2010年8月号“快乐学堂”栏目 常一景。仅靠一线明星已经很难说服拮据 的电影迷们掏出15美元(去看电影)。 比如盗梦空间 ,即使实际上他们 将莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥从海报上除去, 电影仍然大获成功。 “莱昂的名字印得很小,显然他 们卖的是故事和电影人(克里斯托弗 诺兰),”杰夫博克说。他是一家行业 跟踪公司的分析员。 “他们卖的是故事 概念。” 一个冒险的概念。华纳兄弟公司的 丹费尔曼说,竞争公司的老总们都试图 让他知难而退,不要在夏天推出一部“用 脑”的电影。 “时机似乎刚刚好,”费尔曼说。 “人们希望看完电影之后可以到星巴克再 讨论一番。我认为他们无论在夏天还是秋 天都想这样做,而我们成功了。” 可以说漫画电影的兴起是这一问题的 先兆。尽管五位明星都穿上过斗篷从 迈克尔基顿到乔治克鲁尼再到克里斯 蒂安贝尔每部蝙蝠侠电影都能 稳坐首周票房第一位。 “蝙蝠侠证明 你让任何一个明星戴上面具,电影都可能 成功,”博克说。 好莱坞影评人斯科特曼茨说,虽 然这种趋势让好莱坞最有钱的人才非常担 忧,但对电影来说是好事。 “看看星际迷航 ,看看宿 醉,”他提到去年两部没什么大牌明星 的热门电影。 “人们不需要认出那些脸 孔,他们需要的是与故事产生共鸣。”焉 疯狂英语中学版 9
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