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Chapter T Front 0Oce ServiceUnit1 Room Reservation学哥压全尺鸡历子 m, 加天已- Te 。开you plan to travel it is always a good idea to12f&2p JONm1001 Lead of Nop. It wil save youa lotof ttouble of looking fo a toom, especiallyduting the peak season of the yeat.。 Means for foom tesetvation:7 Naie 710020912 c0N11N pr oo 太太3) NARe 171C120NON 21 e13011.志5ENIe-NUN 01-JGxer ”1esenyve your room aheaa of j1E: 提前订房间When you reserve a room the following information isavailable:JD) your arrival and departure time2) the number of your group3) room types 2nd Preferreq lccaticns4) board Preierence5) contact information 。 工he responsibility of the reservationists:1)receiving tesefrvations2) dealing with confirtmations and3)checking the hotels booking situation and see if thehotel has any vacancy dulfing the specified Petiodfling a tesefvation form5)tecotding the information in a tesefvation diaty SiEPS 7三FDCAT7TT Fe2ec SEA 3c277Caasck )C no CNEB 7) 。Details about Room ReservationTD. Guest Name, Name of Group, Code2). Contact Name, Telephone Numbet, company nameand addtess3).Room Type, Numbetr of Rooms有外. Numbetr 25 Guestr5). Nations1g0). Date of Attival/Depattute, Time ofAtrival/Depat-tute, Length of Staying7). Discountb Payment8).Cutoff Time(订房入住当天的保留时间)9. Agreements on Resetvation Amendments/CancellationCaaack )C how CNEB 7) 。Types of room rate1) Rack Rate 酒店公开的门市价2) Extra Charge 额外费用Day Charge白天租用价客人退房离店超过了规定时间 , 治店 许四客人收取)Rate ior Extra Bea 加床资Aidnight Charge 深夜房价酒店向凌晨抵店的客人加收一天或半天房费 )Hold-room Charge 保持房间费用Time-rafe 计时收费 Types of room rate3) Special rafe 优惠价Group rate 团队价Family plan rate 家庭套餐本 e plan rate 小包价酒店向宾客提供的一揽子常包括房和、| 和餐费 -=游览、交通等项目的总和 )人 pafe: Reguiar CuesT, Long-sfaying Cues+,VIP 折扣价Complimentary rate 免费赠送4) Contract+ rate 合同价格 General Knowledge 咱 到 Ps。The Basic categories of Rooms daeljuxe suite presidential suiteCaasck Chows CNBTP 7)buUsiness suite
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