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对立观点型(一) :There is no denying /(It goes without saying that)不可否认 the fact that.has been a hotly/warmly debated topic/issue in China/nationwide/worldwide. 热烈讨论的话题 Peoples opinions differ/vary sharply on this issue.观点大相径庭 Some individuals/folks hold the positive view. 正面观点They say that.They also claim that.Without.,Others, however, hold the opposite view.持相反观点They maintain that.They point out thatThey also argue thatPersonally/As far as I am concerned, I believe that we should not go to extremes.走极端. Weighing the pros and cons 正反 of these arguments 权衡正反论据, I am inclined to agree with the former/latter point of view.权衡正反论据,我倾向于赞同后者观点 On the one hand, we should; on the other hand, we should对立观点型(二) :There has been much controversy overin the past years ( with each party owning convincing evidences.) 近年引起争议,双方论据相当。Those who are in favor of 赞成claim thatOn the other hand, there are many people who are of 持有,具有 the opinion that Personally, I believe that both sides have something right.双方均有一定道理 Actually, should be viewed/regarded as a double-edged sword 双刃剑, (优势:advantage/asset/edge)which presents us with both benefits(beneficial) and troubles.(good and evil 正邪) But we should not give up eating for fear of choking. 但是不能因噎废食 The best policy, (as I see it),在我看来最佳政策是 is to maximize their advantages 优势最大化 and minimize their unhealthy influence 将不利影响最小化, so that they can benefit us in a better way. 更好地为我们服务
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