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河南理工大学毕业设计(论文)说明书摘 要随着因特网在全球的迅猛发展和广泛应用,电子商务(EC)受到人们越来越多的关注,并渗透到人们生活的各个角落,改变着社会经济的各个方面。网上鲜花订购是电子商务的一项内容,使得人们的购物变得更轻松、快捷、方便,适合人们快节奏的生活方式,它的应用越来越广泛。网上花店摆脱了传统鲜花的销售理念,避免了挑选商品的繁琐过程,使购物的过程变得轻松快捷,很适合现代人快节奏的生活。网上花店系统主要实现网上销售鲜花,从商品发布,到商品销售,从用户的浏览、注册,到用户的购买,全部实现无纸化办公。本文主要采用的技术手段是基于 B/S 架构的三层系统开发模型,所用到的编程方法为 Jsp+javaBean+servlet 技术,开发了一种基于 JSP 的网上花店系统。本网上花店采用 JSP 技术制作动态网页,使用 JAVA 语言利用数据库连接池对数据进行操作,借助JavaScript 实现一些网页特效,后台使用 Tomcat 充当 WEB 服务器,系统采用的开发工具是 Myeclipse 软件,后台采用的是 MySQL 数据库以及 Sqlyog 图形界面工具,很好的满足小型网站开发环境。此方案与现今网上已采用的一些方案相比,具有用户使用更简单、界面更直观等优点。其设计包括管理员管理,订单管理,花店管理三个大的模块,实现用户注册,用户登录,管理员登录,花店信息浏览,订单提交,订单浏览等 JSP 页面。分析并解决实现中的若干技术问题,包括与数据库的连接,建立完整的网上花店系统,进行测试并分析结果。为鲜花销售带来极大的便利。关键字:网上花店,JSP, SERVLET.河南理工大学毕业设计(论文)说明书IAbstractWith the rapid development of the Internet in the world and wide application of electronic commerce (EC) has been more and more attention, and penetrated into every corner of our life, changing all aspects of the social economy.Order flowers online is a content of electronic commerce, make people shopping easier, quick, convenient, suitable for peoples fast-paced way of life, its application is more and more widely.Online florist to get rid of the traditional flower sales idea, avoids the messy process of selected goods, make the shopping process easy and quick, is suitable for the fast pace of modern life.Online florist system mainly realize the online sales of flowers, from the goods, to sell goods, from the users browsing, registration, to the users purchase, all realize the paperless office.This article mainly uses the technology is based on B/S structure of three layers of system development model, used the programming method for Jsp + javaBean + servlet technology, developed a flower shop online system based on Jsp.The online florist adopts JSP technology making dynamic WEB pages, using the JAVA language using the database connection pool to manipulate, the data using JavaScript to achieve some WEB page special effects, the background using Tomcat as a WEB server, the system is the use of development tools Myeclipse software, the background is the MySQL database and Sqlyog graphical interface tools, good to meet small WEB development environment.This plan with today online has used some scheme, compared with the user to use a simpler, more intuitive interface, etc.Its design including the administrator management, order management, flower shop management three big modules, realizes the user registration, user login, the administrator login, florist information browsing, orders submitted, order to browse the JSP page, etc.Analyze and solve some technical problems in implementation, including the connection to the database, and establish a comprehensive system to online florist, test and analysis results.For the flowers sales bring great convenience.河南理工大学毕业设计(论文)说明书IIKeywords:Online flower shop,JSP,SERVLET.河南理工大学毕业设计(论文)说明书III目 录1 前 言 .12 系统开发环境和关键技术 .22.1 开发环境 .22.2 系统采用技术 .22.2.1 MVC 模式 .22.2.2 JSP 技术 .22.2.3 Servlet 技术 .32.3 数据库技术 .33 网站系统分析 .53.1 网上花店需求分析 .53.1.1 客户端 .53.1.2 管理端 .53.2 系统模块分析 .53.3 业务流程分析 .63.4 系统的逻辑模型 .63.4.1 数据流图 .63.4.2 数据字典 .84 系统总体设计 .104.1 设计思想 .104.2 系统功能结构 .104.2.1 用户功能 .114.2.2 管理员功能 .144.3 数据库设计 .164.3.1 数据库分析 .164.3.2 项目的 E-R 图 .164.3.3 数据库表的设计 .175 网站的实现 .205.1 系统目录结构 .205.2 前台功能实现 .215.2.1 商品查询 .215.2.2 登录与注册 .225.2.3 购物车使用 .
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