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浙江大学硕十学位论文ABSTRACTAs an important part of power system planning,transmission planning isimportant work to safeguard the stable development of power systemFirstly in thecurrent transmission planning,a few competitive feasible schemes are generatedbased on part of constraint conditions which can be quantified more easilyThen eachalternative should be examined and selected according to all the constraint conditionsThe evaluation value of each scheme should be calculated,and finally the strategicdecision is made in virtue of comprehensive evaluation methodTherefore,the studyof transmission planning program comprehensive evaluation method has importanttheoretical and practical significanceBased on technical considerations,traditional transmission planning programevaluation takes network reliability and other technical indicators as the testconditions which must be met,and then chooses the optimal solution which has leastinvestment costThis traditional evaluation idea doesnt quantify the technicalindicators such as reliability,and places little consideration on the operation andmaintenance costS after the completion of the transmission networkSo thecoordination of planning program between economy and reliability can not beachievedConsidering the drawbacks of the traditional transmission planning programevaluation methods,the LCC theory is introduced tO solve the comprehensiveevaluation of transmission planning scheme in the paperBased on the costbreakdown of the transmission planning program,the LCC model can be established,which can be divided into investment costs,operation and maintenance costs andwaste disposal COSTS,and other partsConsidering the poor applicability of theanalogy estimation and engineering estimation method,the parameter estimates basedon fuzzy number theory is introduced to calculate the LCC of transmission planning浙江大学硕十学位论文scheme,which provides evaluation method in the aspect of economic indicatorsIn the transmission planning program evaluation and decision,it need not only toconsider the economic issues,but also to analyze and compare the performancefactors such as grid reliability,grid security,load adaptability,operational flexibilityTherefore,the cost-effectiveness evaluation model based on the REC indicator systemis established in this paperBesides the LCC indicator which is calculated above,therisk and performance of the transmission planning scheme are quantifiedBy meansof the model,a more comprehensive decisionmaking result can be given for thetransmission planning schemeFinally,by means of organic combination between theory research and projectneeds,the alternatives of the 1 2th FiveYear Plan of the transmission grid in certainprovince are placed into the technical and economic comprehensive evaluation,andfinally the optimal alternative is selectedKey Words:Transmission planning;technical and economic comprehensiveevaluation;the LCC theory;parameter estimation method;fuzzy number theory;cost effectiveness analysis;REC indicator systemIV浙江大学硕+学位论文目 次致 谢I摘 要IIABSTRACTIII目 次V1学论11I论文研究的背景和意义112国内外研究现状。2121 LCC在电力系统中的研究现状综述2122电网规划方案评价方法综述613本文主要研究内容82LCC理论体系及研究方法921引言922 LCC理论的基本概念。923 LCC理论体系的主要组成1l231 LCC估算1l232 LCC分析1l233 LCC评价12234 LCC管理1 324本章小结。143输电网规划方案的LCC估算1531引言1 532 LCC估算方法综述l 5321参数估算法15322工程估算法16323类比估算法16324各种估算法的对比分析。l 7V浙江大学硕十学位论文33输电网规划方案的LCC建模18331边界条件和基本模型l 8332初始投资成本l 8333运营维护成本19334报废处置成本1934输电网规划方案LCC模型的模糊化20341模糊数的概念与运算法则20342模糊化LCC模型的建立20343隶属度函数的选取原则2135模糊化LCC模型的求解22351扩张原理22352顶点方法23353模糊化LCC模型的求解步骤2436不同模糊数的比较排序。25361解模糊排序25362信心度排序2637本章小结274输电网规划方案的费用效能分析2841引言。2842费用效能分析概述28421费用概述。29422效能概述29423费用效能分析准则概述2943费用效能分析方法研究综述30431费用效能比法
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