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Tricky choice: State-owned or private?,Issue.1008 May 6, 2013,Beauty is everything,Tricky choice: State-owned or private?,Group Discussion,What decision would you make if you were Xu Yaqiong?Would you choose to work in a state-owned enterprise with less salary, or a private company with much higher income? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?When you finish your discussion, share your opinions with your classmates.,Skimming and scanning: Find the answers to the following quesitons as quickly as possible.,Instruction,1.Why did Xu Yaqiong turn down the job offer with a higher salary? 2.Why does the author say Xu is not alone in making this decision?,During the national recruitment week for private enterprises held at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, private-owned companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, were given the cold shoulder, reported Economic Daily.,Xu believes that she can have a better career with a State-owned company than a private one.,General Questions,3. What do we learn from figures from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce?4.Why do most graduates prefer to work in a state-owned enterprise according to Wu Yuzhou?,Figures from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce show that private enterprises account for 80 percent of urban employment and generate 90 percent of new jobs.,General Questions,Wu believes the preference for State-owned enterprises is partially due to “face” .“Traditionally, Chinese tend to think working for public or State-owned institutions is more decent,” says Wu.,5. What are the advantages of working in a state-owned company?6. Why did Mu Shiguo choose to work in a private company?,State-owned companies have an edge in terms of the stability, management, and career prospects they offer and some offer a hukou (or permanent residence permit) while many private-owned ones do not.,General Questions,Mu says, Its much easier to get a job in a private company and competition in State-owned companies is so fierce that its difficult to stand out.”,Detailed Study,Read the passage closely and find out the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Chinese.,Instruction,Figures from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce show that private enterprises account for 80 percent of urban employment and generate 90 percent of new jobs.,account for 占比例;对做出解释;说明的原因generate vt. 使形成;发生;生殖,Detailed Study,你怎么解释这家公司高得惊人的人员流动率?劳动部长说这些改革将带来新的工作。,How do you account for the companys alarmingly high staff turnover?The labor secretary said the reforms would generate new jobs.,Wu also acknowledges that, in general, State-owned companies do have an edge in terms of the stability, management, and career prospects they offer.,Detailed Study,Acknowledge v. 承认;答谢;Have an edge 具有优势In terms of 依据,按照,在一封写给法官的信中,内勒承认他是一个吸毒者。,Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict.,indicates that “reputation and the scale of the companys business” is of more concern to students looking for a job than the salary or location.,Detailed Study,为什么他总是想方设法毁坏我的名誉?该集团已对有关非洲政治暴力的报道表示担忧。,Why ishealwaystrying tovilifymyreputation?The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa.,Reputation n.名声,名誉;声望 Be of concern to sb. 某人很关注,But this doesnt mean private companies are losing their competitiveness.,Detailed Study,我们不排除收购的可能性,只要这能加强我们的竞争力。各五金店正在为抢生意而激烈竞争。,Wedontexcludethepossibilityofacquisitionsifitstrengthensour competitiveness.Hardware shops are competing fiercely for business.,Compete v. 竞争,比赛,对抗Competition n. 竞争,比赛,竞赛Competitive adj. 竞争激烈的;求胜心切的Competitiveness n. 竞争力,“Our business is soaring and our employees are young, so there are more chances for promotion,” says Liang.,Detailed Study,纽约证券交易所股票暴涨。打广告和促销是美国企业做得最好的事情。,Shares soared on the New York stock exchange.Advertising and promotion are what American business does best.,Soar v.急剧增加;高飞Promotion n. 提升,晋升;推销,促销;促进;发扬,Xu Yaqiong recently turned down a job offering more than 7,000 yuan a month with a private-owned overseas study agency. Instead, she joined a State-owned media company paying only half as much.,Detailed Study,I thanked him for the offer but turned it down.,Turn down 拒绝Private-owned adj. 私有的State-owned adj. 国有的,我感谢他的好意,但拒绝了他。,Beauty is everything,We all know the proverb “dont judge a book by itscover” and “beauty is skin deep”. But according to the survey in this passage, some employers do “scrutinize the looks of applicants in addition to their professional qualifications”. Whats your opinion about this? Do you think beauty is everything?,Skimming and scanning: Find the answers to the following quesitons as quickly as possible.,Instruction,1.Why did most people believe that some Miss Korea contestants have plastic surgery?2.Could you decribe their physical appearance?,All of the contestants have dark, long hair; fair, pale skin; big eyes and a perfect, bright white smile. Their faces are oval with sharp, pointed chins that seem to have undergone a certain procedure called “V-line surgery”.,
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