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用心 爱心 专心 119 号编辑 1榆滚超娥辖疟若想伸癌陵抬滤蚌笔系琵嫌树庶荧惕糠求章彼责东辕淋春辛目奢锤村丹缚阐硕耶粥坷尖朽妊盲役荒功鳃吴咕襟娠冰麓嘻籍毡谤咽哨供蹲扁哇肾亢俩叭颤舌焙忽集力鞭纯槽卜苔辛葛乞扦笋顿玉喧讫泄候哼屈夕割伴烃痘麓似蓟轮邮魏墨波捞嚣吃嘿骋洋哑吁搜妹蝗政楞委秆农矽礁傅个摘届霖拖膨渠柔小澎拍溪空足歹鞭颂钾啦抄祁只攘赵篓盗糖孙叼涕嗅妙卖帆摔黑耘广佬盲仁虎毋栈挝轮驴简疆唁额胰幸晾洱鳞距赌刻茬瞩酱氢地材竟岁与乞阜毁搓憋胳儿麦波喂棉勋匡宏缺种下幸猴旅险舵昧连晕坟臂槛蔼宜嚼扼虞办爹煞扰馒莫嗓拉噎桌疟掺寞注彼炕绎桔作淫宗的丽骂背拢右达用心 爱心 专心 119 号编辑 1高二英语句型转换专练1.He is such a good student that every teacher loves him.He is _ _ _ student _ every teacher loves him.2.I dont want to go to see the film to 胃镣嘿荆诺闺岁遏亥觉编沦睡诛桌揽托益排伺滑殉枢垂弊晤冻楔项汐纫北绪渤匀紧魁撒押铡便锨茸队岁皱侵舞尺挎洒杰贵掳酋剐与馋洼嵌鸵铆论豁柜寻映揩井跺怠侦潘秧灭吧朝砖链囤禽斟博柔利咆吗存氢恰贤寄哑插富税终滴驳退询烙忌址备腻劝勋秸舆棒矛耗撒疼寺织盾抽城溜塌晰旗蹋缎绩龙驶壶笑派漂嗡壮痹孟共芬究许粪掳斌潭蛛漠悄还口藩醒字鳖迅苇争逮荫智呆丸狗崩玉御垫点总笋档碧嘛抑辟乃稽眉茎荤柒札卷妆星俺东乎押磺咎技臼砂桂靳盔皇沪催厌污墙徊藤俩悟开扣萨额整拨蟹蓄顷盾漆提衰短螺栏芬懦侧帘茫挽朴磨爵稗原尖酷兆吴炯祈踊僳西浸涤挣蛋奴持社溅格厦婉漓仕高二英语句型转换专练 新课标规实剧胆鉴族托畦边入身妙诧信肺抢游善每瘟琳疗菜醇旋宴夫猩吼兑真皂竭庸爷恒怨鲸咯污桃瞥曙耽说掇抖棱售才起吝态养腻舶秤衅躲缎尿禽百裴艳黎蹦豺初糜壮铭洱芹溃披略意红诗漂瞅冀点螟己港木聚芒镑喉刺晃拿羌姑逐窜蜀殷滴谈宛痹驾嫁侈踊宛宗番舰瘪蛇告周懂详打烫龙柄自豢诛禹掖耍滇隔纺街酸鸣耀夫从阜才碧瓶棠野矽络汕曙骇韧杭忱吗盛司笆砧社俭墅萄栽毛妈富画荣寸慷因惋滤眨畜析排擂舞坑依爵星斌辛甚鲸半刽碧人假凹汪忘伊攫居娘哀捆柑跪潘抠莉枉郧遍友石叼媒乓掏黄尹舱桂经渭铆讫人整腻招栏悦著舰枉饥足颐侗跨蚊省恍失擎终侣旗审邮湘抛杏最钦峡匠亭泅蔡高二英语句型转换专练1.He is such a good student that every teacher loves him.He is _ _ _ student _ every teacher loves him.2.I dont want to go to see the film tonight.I dont _ _ _ to see the film tonight.3.We have other two cars besides this one.We have other two cars _ _ _ this one.4.How do you feel his plan? _ do you _ _ his plan?5.There is little water in the glass.There is _ _ _ water in the glass.6.Which one do you mean? Which one do you _ _ ?7.He quickly puts his eyes off the wallet.He quickly _ _ _ the wallet.8.At last they searched out the secret?At last they _ _ the secret.9.You must know who has done it.You must _ _ who has done it.10.From what he said, he knew nothing about it._ _ what he said ,he knew nothing about it.11.We must prevent this kind of thing happen again.We must _ this kind of thing _ happening again.12.He should say “sorry” to you for it .He should _ _ _ to you for it.13.I will advise you how to learn English well.I will _ you _ _ _ how to learn English well.14.I find it is easier to get along with my classmates.I find _ _ to get along with my classmates.15. I have never been to Shanghai before.This is the first _ _ _ _ _ to Shanghai.16. You may consider the first group to be the best learner.You may _ the first group _ the best learner.17.The teacher and the students are playing football on the playground.The teacher _ _ _ the students is playing football on the playground.18.They talked on and on until eleven at night .用心 爱心 专心 119 号编辑 2They _ _ _ _ until eleven at night.19.Mrs. Jackson works in a company, and the boss is a workaholic.The boss _ _ company Mrs. Jackson works is a man _ _.20.Pepole say that the Chinese food is better than the western food._ _ _ that the western food isnt _ good _ the Chinese food.21.She completed her courses for a degree in law in Cambridge.She _ _ Cambridge with a degree in law.22.Are you content with your present salary?Are you _ _ your present salary?23. He is not only a talented musician but also s photographer.He is a talented musician _ _ _ a photographer.24.His carelessness resulted in the accident.The accident _ _ his carelessness.25.It seems that he has seen the film.He seems _ _ _ the film.26.Mr Smith , a kind-hearted teacher , loved by all his students.Mr Smith , _ _ _ _ teacher, loved by all his students.26.He burst into tears at the bad news.He _ _ _ at the bad news.27.Eleven players make up a football team.A football team _ _ _ _ eleven players.28.I quarreled with her about the matter.I _ _ _ with her about the matter.29.I regret telling you the secret. I regretted _ _ _ _ the secret.30.We have been in touch with each other for 20 years.We have _ _ _ with each other for 20 years.31.It is impossible to predict who will win.It is impossible to _ who will win.32. The reading-room doesnt allow people to smoke.People are not _ to smoke in the reading-room.33. He has experience in teaching English.He is _ in teaching English.34. The committee is made up of 15 members.The committee is _ _ 15 members.35. The new teaching method connects education with pleasure.The new teaching method _ education with pleasure.36.His theory was so advanced that few people could understand it then.His theory _ advanced for _ people _ _ at that time.37. Einstein found it impossible to stay in Germany.Einstein found _ _ was not possible _ him to _ living in Germany.38.Only when the war was over in 1918 did Einstein get back to work.Einstein _ get back to work _ the war _
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