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罗斯福就职演讲分析-10Chapter 1 Introdution10-14 1.1 The Questions and methods of the stud10-11 1.2 Aims and Signifiane of the Stud11-12 1.3 Researh Sope and Data Colletion12-13 1.4 Laout of the Paper13-14Chapter 2 Literature Revie14-18 1 Previous Studies14-15 2 Different Approahes to Interpersonal Funtion15-18Chapter 3 Theoretial Foundation18-25 3.1 A Brief Introdution to Sstemi Funtional Grammar18-19 3.2 Proposition and Proposal19-20 3.3 Modalit Sstem20-24 3.4 Personal Pronoun Sstem24-25Chapter 4 The Modalit Sstem25-42 4.1 Modalization26-34 4.1.1 Probabilit26-32 4.1.2 Usualit32-34 4.2 Modulation34-41 4.1 Obligation34-37 4.2 Inlination37-41 4.3 Summar41-42Chapter 5 Modal Values and Personal Pronoun Sstem in F.D.Roosevelts Inaugural Addresses42-50 5.1 Modal Values42-45 5.1.1 High Value Finite Modal Operator43 5.1.2 Median Value Finite Modal Operator43-44 5.1.3 Lo Value Finite Modal Operator44-45 5.1.4 Summar45 5.2 Personal Pronoun Sstem45-50 5.1 First Personal Pronoun46-48 5.1.1 First Personal Pronoun We46-47 5.1.2 First Personal Pronoun I47-48 5.2 Seond Personal Pronoun ou48 5.3 Third Personal Pronoun the48-49 5.4 Summar49-50Chapter 6 Conlusion50-52Referenes52-55Appendix55-70攻读硕士学位期间发表论文及科研情况70-71Aknoledgements71篇三:罗斯福就职演讲分析任长普;张竹莉;周美才;安徽工业大学学报;201X年 04期
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