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致谢词示范:英语专业毕业论文 论文致谢信 致谢词示范:英语专业致谢词示范:英语专业aknoledgements m deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to professor XXa , m supervisor, for her onstant enouragement and guidane. she has alked me through all the stages of the riting of this thesis. ithout her onsistent and illuminating instrution, this thesis ould not havereahed its present form. seond, i ould like to express m heartfelt gratitude to professor XXa, ho led me into the orld of translation. i am also greatl indebted to the professors and teahers at the department of english: professor dddd, professor ssss, ho have instruted and helped me a lot in the past to ears. last m thanks ould go to m beloved famil for their loving onsiderations and great onfidene in me all through these ears. i also oe m sinere gratitude to m friends and m fello lassmates ho gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me ork out m problems during the diffiult ourse of the thesis.致谢词示范:英语专业 相关内容:硕士毕业论文致谢词模板在历时三年的硕士学习生活中,西北农林科技大学人文学院的各位领导、各位老师不论是在学习上还是在生活上,都给予了我很大的帮助和支持,使我能克服各种困难顺利完成学习任务。简洁的毕业论文致谢词值此论文完成之际,首先向我的导师致以最真诚的谢意!在论文的选题立意、资料查询、开题、理论分析、研究以及最后的审稿、定稿等方面的每个环节,张导师还有其他老师,给予我细致入微的指导和帮助,对此我谨致以最诚挚的谢意!向我的家人、朋。
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