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英语自荐信的格式范文大全I have more than to ears of aounting experiene, inluding interning as an Auditor last ear ith the Beijing offie of CCCC. I ill be reeiving m MBA this Ma from Tsinghua Universit. I am onfident that m bination of pratial ork experiene and solid eduational experiene has prepared me for making an immediate ontribution to our pan. I understand the level of professionalism and muniation required for long-term suess in the field. M bakground and professional approah to business ill provide our offie ith a highl produtive Auditor upon pletion of our development program.I ill be in the Shanghai area the eek of April 16. Please all me at001216901 to arrange a onvenient time hen e ma meet to further disuss m bakground in relation to our needs. I look forard to meeting ou then.Sinerel,Cheng Dan
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