1 如何准备经理人招聘面试?How to prepare for arecruitment interviewwith an experiencedexecutive?OJMH303  l2 如何进行经理人招聘面试?Conducting arecruitment interviewwith an experiencedexecutiveOJMH304  l3 如何结束招聘面试? Concluding therecruitment process OJMH305  l4 明确用人需求 Defining yourrecruitment needs HRZP001  l5 做好面试前的准备 How to get preparedbefore interview HRZP002  l6 行为事例法Using behavior casestudy to ensuresuccessfulHRZP003  l7 面试中的提问 Asking rightquestions in HRZP004  l8 做出正确的选聘决定 How to make the rightrecruitment decision? HRZP005  l9年度评估面谈:烦人的任务还是建设性的机会?The annual appraisalinterview: a tiresomeobligation or aconstructiveopportunity?OJMH344  l10 成功进行年度评估面谈的四大黄金法则Four golden rules forconducting annualappraisal interviewsOJMH345  l11 如何进行评估面谈? How to conductappraisal interviews? OJMH347  l12 如何处理评估面谈中的困境? How to managedifficult appraisal OJMH348  l13 如何监督和指导目标的完成?How to monitorobjectives agreedduring appraisalinterviews?OJMH349  l14 如何使用SMART法制定恰当的激励性目标?How to use the SMARTmethod to formulatepertinent objectivesthat motivate yourstaff?OJMH389  l15 确定员工的动力 Identifying yourstaff members’ OJMH029 l l16 如何处理士气低落的情况? How to deal withdemotivation? OJMH031 l l17 如何用V.I.E 体系激励员工?How to motivate yourstaff by using theV.I.E system?OJMH032 l l18 发掘激励的动因 Exploring yourstaff's motives HRJL001 l l19 五招激励士气低落的员工Five methods tomotivate demotivatedstaffHRJL002 l l中欧商业在线课程清单 Eceibs E-learning Course List模块适用学员l为必修课高层管理中层管理员工激励 Motivatingyour staff课程编号有效的激励 Motivatingyour staff招聘 Recruitment成功的招聘 Recruiting评估你的员工 Appraisingyour staff人力资源管理 Human Resource Management序号 系列名称 课程名称 Program Session20 制定综合性的激励方案Formulatingcomprehensivemotivation planHRJL003 l l21 善用奖惩激励员工Motivating your staffby rewards andpunishmentsHRJL004 l l22 胜任力与团队技能发展 What is competence? OJMH377 l l23 应需而变拓展团队技能 Choosing which skillsto develop in your OJMH378 l l24 通过培训提升员工技能 Developing skillsthrough training OJMH379 l l25 通过授权培养技能 Developing skills bydelegating OJMH380 l l26 一对一教练法:GROW法Developing your team’s skills throughindividual coaching:the GROW approachOJMH381 l l27 变日常工作为培训 Organizing work sothat it acts as OJMH382 l l28 提供建设性反馈 Giving trainingfeedback OJMH390 l l29 在日常工作中创造培训机会Creating trainingopportunities indaily workPMPX001 l l30 如何成为一个教练型经理人 How to become amanager-coach? PMPX002 l l31 如何提高员工胜任力 How to improve yourstaff's competency? PMPX003 l l32 通过建设性反馈帮助员工进步Developing your staffby givingconstructivePMPX004 l l33 成功进行职业发展面谈Carry out asuccessfulprofessionalOJMH393  l34 处理违规员工Dealing with acolleague who isn’tfollowing the rulesOJMH399  l35 如何讨论糟糕的绩效? Responding to poorperformance OJMH400  l36 如何祝贺和夸奖员工? Congratulate acolleague OJMH392  l37 管理中的心理学 Psychology inmanagement OJMH334  l38 如何提高教练能力?How to improve yourcoaching byunderstanding peoplebetter?OJMH336  l39 何时教练?何时管理? When should youcoach? When should OJMH341  l40 如何为培训做准备?Running a trainingsession: how toprepare for it?OJMH394  l41 组织培训的过程 Building a path foryour training session OJMH395  l42 有效地运用培训技巧 Using teachingtechniques OJMH396  l43 如何开展培训? Successfully runninga training course OJMH397  l44 根据不同的学员类型开展培训Adapting teachingprinciples to theparticipants' profileOJMH398  l45 如何成为一名出色的导师 TMCO001 l46 今天,你授权了吗? TMCO002 l有效的激励 Motivatingyour staff拓展员工技能Developingyour staff’s skills当好临时培训师Succeedingas anoccasionaltrainer发展员工技能Developstaff'sskills成功进行员工面谈Successfullymanagingface-to-facemeetingswith yourstaff经理人教练 The manager-coach职场好教练47 如何避免授权的常见误区 TMCO003 l48 如何运用授权培训员工 TMCO004 l49 帮助员工进行职业发展管理 TMCO005 l50 根据员工类型选择教练风格 TMCO006 l51 做员工的 “情商教练 ” TMCO007 l45 不同的独立性,不同的管理方式Adapting managementto the independenceof your staffOJMH402 l46 运用正确的管理方式帮助员工进步Helping your staff toprogress by using thecorrect managementstyleOJMH403 l47 采用不同的管理方法处理棘手谈话Conducting delicateinterviewssuccessfully by usingdifferent managementOJMH404 l l48 什么是授权? What is delegation? OJMH028 l l49 授权的最佳方法是什么? What is the best wayto delegate? OJMH030 l l50 监督授权 Monitoring delegation OJMH054 l l51 如何处理出错的授权任务?What to do when adelegated missiongoes wrong?OJMH055 l l52 管理员工的七种期望 Fundamentals formanaging your team OJMH105 l53 审视你的管理角色 Taking stock of yourrole as a manager OJMH056 l54 诊断你的团队 Carrying out adiagnosis of your OJMH058 l55 了解你的团队 Taking stock of yourteam OJMH059 l56 在新管理岗位上取得成功的黄金法则The golden rules forbeing successful in anew managerial roleOJMH060 l57 高效团队的三大特点 What is a team? OJMH371  l58 团队发展的四个阶段与管理对策 The 4 stages of teamdevelopment OJMH372  l59 奠定高效团队的基础 Laying your team’sfoundation OJMH373  l60 打造团结协作的团队 Creating a unitedteam OJMH374  l61 提升团队绩效:评估与授权 Developing teamperformance OJMH375  l62 何谓愿景? What is vision? OJMH120 l l63 创造你的愿景 Visioneering:creatingyour vision OJMH121 l64 何谓领导力? What is leadership? OJMH127 l l65 如何让愿景变得具体可行? Moving from vision toaction OJMH122 l l66 为实施愿景做准备 Linking the vision tothe present OJMH123 l l67 员工价值观与积极性管理Building on thevalues andmotivations of yourOJMH124 l l68 让你的团队接受愿景 Managing the beliefsof your people OJMH125 l l69 冲突的产生过程 Understanding theprocess of conflict OJCA024  l70
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