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Factory Evaluation Guide Bookfor (Hardlines) Vendors & Factories杂货供应商及工厂的评估指引(Section 2) 第二部分工厂评估应提供之资料Mandatory for Submission (Prior To Factory Evaluation)以下所列七项内容必须在工厂评估之前提交给 Li & Fung*Note: Scanned/Fax Copy is acceptable for FE scheduling, Originals can be verified/collected by Evaluator in the factory *请注意: 在提交以下所列七项时可以用传真或电子邮件的方式,原件/正本可在工厂评估现场交给 LI & FUNG 评估员1. Cover Sheet 首 页2. General Information (Vendor/Factory) 供应商及工厂概况3. Li & Fungs Code of Conduct Li & Fung 行为守则4. Machine List 机器设备清单5. Factory Photo Sheets 工厂照片6. Copy of the Valid Legal Business Licence/Factory Licence工厂有效的营业执照 / 工厂执照复印件(If in other Language, English translation required)(如果是其它 语 言, 请 翻 译 成英 语 )7. Copy of the Valid Export Licence 工厂有效的出口许可证复印件(If in other Language, English translation required)(如果是其它 语 言, 请 翻 译 成英 语 )Please return this sheet 请将此页传回到:TO: Li & Fung (Trading) Limited. ATTN: CRYSTAL HOFAX: (86 755) 8348 9403 FROM: TOTAL: PAGES (Incl. This Page) DATE: Subject: Request for Factory Evaluation 工厂 评 估申 请Dear Sir/Madam 亲爱的女士,先生们:Our Factory: (Name) would like to request Li & Fungs Factory Evaluation in our factory. Please contact us (the Vendor/Factory) for making evaluation appointment. 我们的工厂:(填写工厂名称)_向 LI & FUNG 申请工厂评估,请联络我们以预约工厂评估日期。All below mentioned Pre-Factory Evaluation Documents are completed and submitted in full set along with this coversheet by Fax (Copy) and/or by Mail. We understand that any missing data on the form or document might cause delay in factory evaluation scheduling. 下列的评估资料连同此文件已完整的提交给贵公司,我们清楚理解如若资料不完整将会导致工厂评估的延迟。Pre-FE Documents submitted 工厂评估应提供之资料: General Information (Sheet) 供 应 商及工厂概况(Signed) Li & Fungs Code of Conduct 已 签 署的 Li & Fung 行 为 守 则Copy of the Valid (Legal) Business Licence/ Factory Licence (If in other Language, English translation required)工厂有效的营业执照 / 工厂 执照复印件( 如果是其它 语 言, 请 翻 译 成英 语 )Copy of the Valid Export Licence (If in other Language, English translation required)工厂有效的出口许可证复印件 (如果其它 语 言, 请 翻 译 成英 语 )Machine List (If in other Language, English translation required)机器 设备 清 单 (撮要表 ) (如果是其它 语 言, 请 翻 译 成英 语 )Factory Photos (all required photos attached on the provided “Photo Sheets”)工厂照片 (所有要求的相片需要 贴 在附 页贴 相片的格式里)We fully understand the following “Important Notes”我们清楚理解以下“重要提示”:1. Vendor/ Factory must submit complete set of Pre-Factory Evaluation Docs, Otherwise NO FE Scheduling.供应商及工厂必须完成所有评估资料,否则将不接受评估申请。2. Factory must be fully operational during factory evaluation (non-operated section will be graded - Fail)在工厂评估期间,所有部门都必 须进行正常生产。 (若某部门没有正常生产,则评估结果将会不合格。 )3. Self-Assessment Forms are for Factory Self-Exercises only. (Not required for submission)工厂的自我评估资料不用提交,只作工厂自我 评估使用。Yours Faithfully 此致_Vendor/Factory Representative 供应商/ 工厂代表签署(Print) Name & Job Title: (打印姓名及职位)Encl. (附件) * General Information *供应商及工厂概况VENDORS CONTACT INFORMATION 供应商联系资料Vendor Name (in English)供应商名称 (英文)Vendor Address (in English)供应商地址 (英文) Country 国家: (Please provide the Country Code and Area Code for both Telephone & Fax Nos.)(请 在 电话 号 码 前加国家及地区的代号 )Telephone 1:电话 1Telephone 2:电话 2Fax No:传真:Person to Contact联系人Position职位Mobile No.移动电话E-mail Address电子邮件地址Remarks备注FACTORYS CONTACT INFORMATION 工厂联系资 料Factory Name (in English) 工厂名称 (英文)Factory Address (in English) 工厂地址 (英文) Production Country 生产国家: Factory Name (in other language)工厂名称 (中文)Factory Address (in other language)工厂地址 (中文) (Please provide the Country Code and Area Code for both Telephone & Fax Nos.)(请 在 电话 号 码 前加国家及地区的代号 )Telephone 1:电话 1Telephone 2:电话 2Fax No:传真:Person to Contact联系人Position职位Mobile No.移动电话E-mail Address电子邮件地址Remarks备注FACTORYS CUSTOMER INFORMATION 工厂客户资料Market(e.g. USA, UK, etc)产 品市 场(例如美国,英国 )%(for each market)市 场 比例 Customer/s(Name of CURRENT customers)现 行客 户 名称Items(e.g. stuff toys, ceramic, glass, Candle, etc.)产 品 类 型Mode(Direct or Indirect)接 单 方式 (直接或 间 接 )Transaction(FOB, CMT, LDP)交 货 方式FOB,CMT, LDPFACTORYS GENERAL INFORMATION 工厂概况Full Producer 全程生产 Assembly 装配工厂 Warehouse 仓库Total Area (Sq.Ft.):总面积 (英呎)No. of Floors:工厂层数Total No. of Machinery:机器设备总数Total Employees:工厂员工总数Total Workers:直接操作员工人数No. of Shifts:班次数目Total Monthly Capacity (pcs)每月产能(产量) (件数)Monthly Capacity Offered to Li & Fung (pcs)每月預留給 Li & Fung 的產能( 产量) (件数)* General Information * (contd)供应商及工厂概况( 续 )FACTORYS PRODUCTION INFORMATION 工厂的生产流程(Please draw the production flow and indicate what are done in the factory and sub-contacted)(请 提供生 产 流程并指出哪部分流程是在工厂生 产 及外 发 ) * General Information * (contd)供应商及工厂概况( 续 )Electricals/Electronics电 子 /电 器 类Fashion Accessories时 尚附件Health & Beauty健康及美容House Ware家居用品Others其它Audio & Video 影音类Bags包Aromatherapy香料按摩器Basketry篮Baby Items婴儿类Auto Accessories 汽车配件Belts腰带Cosmetics化妆品Clocks时钟Gifts & Premiums礼品
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