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,1. What do you see?(你看到些什么?),2. After enjoying the beautiful pictures of the nature, how do you feel?(欣赏完这些大自然美丽的图片后,你有什么感受和想法呀?),red,I see red.,yellow,I see yellow.,green,I see green.,黄瓜,黄瓜,blue,I see blue.,blue,蓝色/蓝色的,en.12999.com,red,yellow,green,blue,red,yellow,green,blue,红色red 红色red黄色yellow 黄色yellow绿色green 绿色green蓝色blue 蓝色blue,Lets chant,What colour do you see?,Play a game,What colour do you see?,Play a game,What colour do you see?,Play a game,What colour do you see?,Play a game,What colour do you see?,I see _.,yellow,green,blue,red,red red I see redyellow yellow I see yellowgreen green I see greenblue blue I see blue,Lets chant,a red light,What colour do you see?,a yellow light,a green light,We can stop.,We can wait.,We can go.,Red light, red light, stop, stop, stop.Yellow light, yellow light, wait, wait, wait.Green light, green light, go, go, go.,Bye-bye,Thank you !,
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