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1冷冻干燥保存血小板的实验研究作者:刘景汉,周俊,王冬梅,欧阳锡林,邢颜超,卢发强【摘要 】 本研究探讨冷冻干燥保存血小板的方法,以获得可长期冻干保存的血小板制品,使之能在常温条件下保存、占用空间小、重量轻、便于长距离运输,能够满足突发事件和战伤救治的需要。在冷冻干燥保存过程中添加血小板可逆性激活抑制剂、DMSO 和海藻糖等低温保护剂,进行预处理、冷冻、一级干燥、二级干燥,再水化,并同时测定血小板回收率,凝血酶聚集反应,促凝血功能,CD62p 表达率和 PAC1 表达率等。结果表明:血小板回收率为56.29,其对凝血酶的聚集反应与对照组无明显差异,对 ADP 和丙基没食子酸诱导的聚集反应较对照组分别降低 49.34和26.25,促凝血功能与对照组比较也无统计学差异;冻干血小板CD62p 表达率为 42.36,PAC1 表达率为 2.12,凝血酶激活后 CD62p 再表达率为 50.88,PAC1 再表达率为 54.55。结论:添加血小板可逆性激活抑制剂,海藻糖和 DMSO 后的冻干血小板,其聚集活性和促凝血功能与新鲜血小板无明显差异,血小板可逆性激活抑制剂降低了冻干血小板的 CD62p 表达,增强了冻干血小板的生存能力,因而延长了其生存时间,因此可以该冻干方法为基础进一步提高冻干保存血小板的效率。 2【关键词】 可逆性激活抑制剂Experimental Study on Lyophilization of PlateletsAbstract The aim of this study was to search a procedure of platelet lyophilization and find a way of longterm sto rage of human platelets at normal temperature with smaller size and lighter weight, to be convenient to transport at long distance thus to meet the demands in accidents and war time. Human platelets were pretreated by freezing, the first and the second desiccation, and were added with reversible activationinhibitors of platelets, DMSO and trehalose, then were rehydrated. At the same time, the recovery rate of platelets, platelet maximal aggregation induced by thrombin, coagulation of platelets, CD62p expression and PAC1 expression were assayed. The results indicated that the recovery rate of the plalelets was 56.29%. The platelet maximal aggregation induced by thrombin had no significant difference between lyophilized platelets and the fresh plateletrich plasma (FPRP), but the aggregation of platelets induced by ADP or propyl gallate was decreased by 49.34% 3and 26.25%. Coagulation of the lyophilized platelets was not significantly different from FPRP. CD62p expression of the lyophilized platelets (42.36) was higher than that in FPRP while PAC1 expression was 2.12%. CD62p reexpression rate induced by thrombin was 50.88% and PAC1 reexpression was 54.55%. It is concluded that the ability of recovered lyophilized platelets added with reversible activationinhibitors, DMSO and trehalose to aggregate and coagulate has showed no significant difference as compared with FPRP. The reversible activationinhibitors can decrease CD62p expression of lyophilized platelets, and may enhance their survival ability and prolongate survival time. Therefore the efficiency of lyophilizing platelets can be improved based on this freezedrying procedure.Key words platelet; lyophilization; activationinhibitor; trehalose; DMSO由于冻干制品能在常温下保存、性能稳定、便于运输,因而冷冻干燥技术已广泛应用于各种生物材料的保存。目前的血小板保存方法使其应用和运输受到很大的限止,冻干是血小板最理想的保存方法,冻干的血小板能在常温条件下保存、占用空间小、重量轻、便4于运输等,尤其能应付突发事件以及战场救治的需要。因此,冻干保存血小板的研究几十年来一直吸引着各国学者的关注。本研究利用海藻糖、可逆性血小板功能抑制剂和二甲亚砜等低温保护剂,冷冻干燥保存血小板,现将研究结果报告如下。材料和方法血小板来源血小板取自自愿供血者。自愿供血者献血前 1 天内禁饮含酒精类饮料,2 周内未服用阿司匹林等抗血小板及抗凝血的药物。应用COBE Spectra 血液分离机采集浓缩血小板(PCs) 。主要试剂及溶液试剂 植酸钠(Phylocid sodium, Sigma 公司产品) ,百维利肽(Bivalirudin, Medicine 公司产品)左旋精氨酸( Larginine, Sigma 公司产品) ,PGE1 (商品名保达新) 、海藻糖(trehalose)购自南宁中诺生物工程公司) 、二甲亚砜(DMSO,天津医药公司产品)。荧光素标记的特异性血小板膜表面抗体及相关多肽:PAC1FITC, CD62PPE,CD61PerCP,MIgGIPE 等购自 Becton Dickinson 公司;RGDS 肽和 GPRP 5(GlyProArgPro 乙酸盐)购自 Sigma 公司产品。血小板聚集诱导剂包括:凝血酶(thrombin, Sigma 公司产品) ,二磷酸腺苷(ADP, Sigma 公司产品) ,丙基没食子酸(Propyl gallate, Analytical ControlSystems 公司产品) 。MEK6108K 型全自动血细胞分析仪(Nihon Kohden 公司产品) ,APACT2 聚集仪(德国 Lanbo 公司产品) ,FACSCalibur 流式细胞仪(Becton Dickinson 公司产品)和 CellQuest 分析软件, Centrifuge 5415D 离心机(Eppendorf) , Biofuge15R(Heraeus公司产品) ,台式冷冻干燥机(TFFD1 ) 。实验分组实验为配伍设计,5 份 PCs,各准备 15 ml。设对照组和 2 个实验组,对照组为新鲜富含血小板血浆(FPRP) ,不进行任何处理。每份 PCs 分 3 个试管,2ml/tube,分至各组,剩余的离心(2 287g,15 分钟) ,留取少量血小板血浆(PPP )备用。前处理(海藻糖负载)血小板中加入预处理液,实验组 1 含海藻糖 45 mmol/L 和DMSO 3%,实验组 2 含海藻糖 45 mmol/L,DMSO 3%,PGE1 61 mol/L,LArg 5 mmol/L,Phy 0.5 mmol/L 和 Bivaridin 0.5 mol/L。将各组样品混匀后,37水浴 4 小时,每 20 分钟振摇 1次。血小板冷冻干燥、预水化和再水化血小板悬液 1 111g 离心 8 分钟,用冷冻干燥液 1 ml(HEPES 9.5 mmol/L,NaCl 142.5 mmol/L,KCl 4.8 mmol/L,MgCl2 1.0 mmol/L, trehalose 150.0 mmol/L,PGE1 1 mol/L, LArg 5 mmol/L,Phy 0.5 mmol/L, Bivaridin 0.5 mol/L,DMSO 3%,人血清白蛋白 5%)在硅化后的玻璃瓶中重悬血小板,血小板 PCT 为 40%-50%,干燥厚度1 cm,进行冷冻干燥。冷冻 以 5/ 分钟的速度从 22降至-5; 以 2/ 分钟从-5降至-60; -60以下维持 1 小时以上。干燥 一级干燥,30,1 小时,50 mTorr;二级干燥,架上温度以 0.2/ 分钟的速度从-30升至 20,50 mTorr。一级干燥和二级干燥之间采用快速直接升温,避免梯度升温。真空干燥完毕后,样品室温下在冻干机中至少放置 24 小时,然后用于试验或封装保存室温或 4放置。7预水化 冻干的血小板在 37湿度饱和的密闭环境中水浴 4 小时,使水含量达 25左右。再水化 预水化处理后,按 14 进入等渗的复水液/H2O(3/1, V/V)中再水化。复水液含 NaCl 116.0 mmol/L,枸橼酸钠 13.6 mmol/L,Na2HPO4 8.6 mmol/L, KH2PO4 1.6 mmol/L, EDTA 0.9 mmol/L,葡萄糖 11.1 mmol/L,PGE1 1mol/L, LArg 5 mmol/L,Phy 0.5 mmol/L,Bivaridin 0.5 mol/L,DMSO 3%,pH=6.8。血小板回收率血小板回收率= (复水后血小板数目冻干前血小板数目)100血小板聚集试验各诱导剂作用浓度为 thrombin 1 U/ml,ADP 20 mol/L, propyl gallate 50 l。PPP 聚集率为 0%,PRP 聚集率为 100。原血浆调整 PRP 血小板浓度至(200-300)106/ml,反应体积 250 l。8血小板膜表面 CD62p、PAC1 的表达率采用流式细胞术(FCM)测定血小板膜表面 CD62p、PAC1d阳性表达率,操作参照常规检查步骤。以 CD61 表达和 SSC 作为选定血小板的条件 R1,获取 10 000 个血小板(速度 300 个/秒)进行 FL1(PAC1 FITC)和 FL2(CD62pPE)双参数分析。以阴性对照管,调节阳性区的假阳性率1,用单纯血小板和各阳性单染(抗 CD61 单染,抗 CD62p 单染和抗 PAC1 单染对照)
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