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1Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world.单项填空1A growing anxiety is disturbing the public_ the economy will continuously decline.Awhich BthatCwhy Dwhere2This book tells _ life story of John Smith,who left _ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.Athe;the Ba;theCthe;/ Da;/3_ tricks_ others is something we should never do.APlay;on BPlaying;onCTake;of DTaking;of4Excuse me,could you tell me where I could make a call?Sorry,Im a stranger here._.AThanks a lotBThats a pityCThanks anywayDIm sorry to hear that5The story_ me of an experience I once had in the forest.Amentioned BinformedCreminded Drecalled6I _ her,but I never could.Aought to helpBmust helpCmust have helpedDought to have helped7After she made herself up,she _ herself in the mirror.Afound BadmiredCshowed Denjoyed28I owe her an apology _ what I said yesterday.Afor BtoCof Dwith9This is a book_ the construction workers.Ain need of Bin praise ofCin case of Din search of10None of us expected the chairman to_ at the party.We thought he was still in hospital.Aturn in Bturn overCturn up Dturn d own11Jack_ and then dived into the water.Aheld his breath Btook a deep breathCcaught his breath Dwas out of breath12This is not a match.Were playing chess just for_.Ahabit BhobbyCfun Dgame13_ worries me is the way he keeps changing his mind.AThis BThatCWhat DIt14In some parts of London,missing a bus means_ for another hour.Awaiting Bto waitCwait Dto be waiting15She looks forward every spring to_ the flowerlined garden.Avisit Bpaying a visitCwalk in Dwalking in.完形填空It is a very interesting story that I heard.A young man longing to _16_ the beautiful daughter of a farm owner came one day to the _17_ to make the proposal(求婚)The farm owner looked at him _18_, saying, “All right.Lets go to my pasture(牧场)Ill _19_ three bulls one by one.If you can catch any ones _20_,you3re qualified to marry my daughter.”Then they came together to the pasture.The young man stood waiting _21_ for the first bull to appear.A few minutes later the cattle shed(牛棚) opened and a bull rushed out _22_ him.It was the largest and ugliest bull he had ever seen.He thought maybe the _23_ one would be better,so he stepped aside to let it _24_ the pasture to the back gate of the shed.The shed _25_ again and the second bull came rushing out.It was not only very big but also unusually _26_.It stood with its hoofs (蹄子) kicking and its throat muttering (咕噜) “How terrible it is! The next cannot be as _27_ as this.” He was so scared that he hurried to _28_ behind the railings (栏杆)It rushed away to the back gate.Soon afterwards,the shed opened for the third bull to come out._29_ it,the young man became very happy.It was not only small in _30_ but also thin and weak in strengththe _31_ type of a bull for him.When it rushed toward him he was ready to _32_.With a jump he stretched his hands to catch its tail but _33_ it simply had no tail at all.It goes without saying that the young man _34_ to marry the farmers beautiful daughter.He had been given _35_,but they had all gone in a flash.16A.meet BknowCdate Dmarry17A.farm BvillageCtown Dcountry18A.up and down Bhere and thereCagain and again Dlittle by little19A.set out Bgive outClet out Dtake out20A.head BlegCbody Dtail21A.anxiously BsadlyChappily Dpatiently22A.from BoverCupon Dtoward23A.last BnextCother Danother424A.cross BpassCleave Denter25A.closed BlockedCopened Dturned26A.fierce BgentleClovely Dcruel27A.exciting BsurprisingCfrightening Damazing28A.fall BsitCwait Dhide29A.Looking at BSeeingCWatching DObserving30A.size BlengthCweight Dnumber31A.just BveryConly Dquite32A.act BbehaveCrun Dperform33A.in astonishment Bin angerCin trouble Din vain34A.tried BdecidedCfailed Dmanaged35A.luck BchancesCbulls Dtime.阅读理解Bedford Castle: The Home of Bedfordshire RoyaltyBedfordshire had its fair share of royal visits from the early stages of the 10th century onwards and the importance that the county placed on this is evident in the monuments,country houses,churches and any number of other structures that are still present there to this day.Bedford Castle is one of those structures and,although it is nowhere near its former glory today,it is an essential attraction to visit if you really want to grasp 5what its heritage means to the county!Bedford Castle was built initially as a fortress (要塞) to help protect Bedfordshire on the south of the River Ouse after the people in the local towns and villages had already been subdued.It was built in 919 on the orders of King Edward the Elder,although it was destroyed by a Danish invasion years later.This was when it was rebuilt as the castle,of which the ruins exist today!There i
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