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Electric Power System,电力系统,Electric Power Systems, components that transform other types of energy into electrical energy and transmit this energy to a consumer .The production and transmission of electricity is relatively efficient and inexpensive ,although unlike other forms of energy, electricity is not easily stored and thus must generally be used as it is being produced.电力系统把其它形式的能源转化为电能并输送给用户。尽管不同于其它形式的能源,电能不容易储存,一旦生产出来,必须得到使用,但是电力的生产和传输相对高效和廉价。,Introduction 介绍,component kmpunnt n.成分;零件;要素;组分 adj.组成的;合成的;构成的;成分的transform trnsf:m v.转变,变成transmit trnzmit vt.传输;传送,传递;发射;传染vi.发送信号transmission trnzmin n.播送;传送;传动装置 relatively reltvl adv.关系上地;相对地;比较地;较比,Components of an Electric Power System 电力系统的组成,A modern electric power system consists of six main components :(1)the power station,(2)a set of transformers to raise the generated power to the high voltages used on the transmission lines,(3)the transmission lines,(4)the substations at which the power is stepped down to the voltage on the distribution lines,(5)the distribution lines, and (6)the transformers that lower the distribution voltage to the level used by the consumers equipment.当今的电力系统由六个主要部分组成:1.电站 2.升压变压器(将发出来的电升压至传输线所需高电压)3.传输线 4.变电站(电压降至配电线电压等级)5.配电线路 6.降压变压器(将配电电压降至用户设备使用的电压水平)。,consist of 由组成;由 . 组成;包括 transformer n.变压器;促使变化的(或人物),改革者generated adj.发电的 substation n.变电站,变电所 step down 逐步减低降低电压 (退休,辞职 )equipment ikwipmnt n.设备,装备;器材,配件;,Power Station The power station of a power system consists of a prime mover ,such as a turbine driven by water ,steam, or combustion gases that operate a system of electric motors and generators. Most of the worlds electric power is generated in steam plants driven by coal, oil, nuclear energy, or gas. A smaller percentage of the worlds electric power is generated by hydroelectric (waterpower), diesel, and internal-combustion plants.电站。电力系统的电站包括原动机,如由水,蒸汽驱动的涡轮,或者燃烧气体操控的电动机和发电机系统,世界上大多数的电能由煤炭、石油、核能或者燃气驱动的蒸汽发电厂产生。少量电能由水力,柴油和内燃机发电厂产生。,prime praim adj.最好的;首要的;最初的;基本的n.精华;初期;全盛时期;青年 vt.使准备好;填装;事先指导adv.极好地 vi.(为枪炮)装火药;涂底漆;修剪树枝;注水入泵引起prime mover 原动机 turbine tban n. 涡轮 combustion kmbstn n.燃烧,烧毁;氧化;骚动 steam plant 蒸汽动力厂 hydroelectric hadrlektrk adj.水力发电的 diesel di:zl n.柴油机;柴油机机车(或船等) internal-combustion adj.内燃的,Transformers Modern electric power systems use transformers to convert electricity into different voltages. With transformers, each stage of the system can be operated at an appropriate voltage. In a typical system, the generators at the power station deliver a voltage of from 1,000 to 26,000 volts (V). Transformers step this voltage up to values ranging from 138,000 to 765,000V for the long-distances primary transmission line because higher voltages can be transmitted more efficiently over long distances . At the substation the voltage may be transformed down to the levels of 69,000 to 138,000 V for further transfer on the distribution system. Another set of transformers step the voltage down again to a distribution level such as 2,400 or 4,160 V or 15,27,or 33 kilovolts (kV). Finally the voltage is transformed once again at the distribution transformer near the point of use to 240 or 120V.变压器。现代电力系统使用变压器把电能转换为不同的电压。有了变压器,系统的每个阶段都能在合适的电压等级下运行。在典型的系统中,电站发电机发出的电压范围是1000伏到26000伏。变压器把电压升至138000到765000伏后,送至主传输线上。因为对于长距离传输,电压越高,效率越高。在变电站,电压被降至69000到138000伏,以便在配电系统中传输。另外一组变压器把电压进一步降至配电等级,如2400到4160伏,或者15,27,33KV。最终,在使用端,经配电变压器,电压再次被降至240V或120V。,convert knv:t vt.(使)转变;使皈依;兑换,换算;侵占vi.经过转变;被改变appropriate prprit adj.适当的;相称的 generator denreit n.发电机,发生器;电力公司;生产者,创始者deliver vt.发表;递送;交付;使分娩vi.投递;传送step up 升压 range n.范围;射程;山脉;排;一系列;闲逛;炉灶;【数】值域,极差v.排列;使站在某一方;延伸;漫游;射程达到(某距离)range from v.从 . 到 . 变动;从 . 到 . 范围;延伸;绵亘 primary praimri adj.首要的,主要的;最早的,原始的;地质学原生的;基本的n.第一位;最好者;要素;候选人提拔会transfer trnsf vt.使转移;使调动;转让(权利等);让与vi.转让;转学;转乘;转会(尤指职业足球队)n.转移;调动;换乘;(运动员)转会distribution n.分配,分布;法(无遗嘱死亡者的)财产分配;无线频率分布;电配电,Transmission Lines The lines of high-voltage transmission systems are usually composed of wires of copper, aluminum, or copper-clad or aluminum-clad steel, which are suspended from tall latticework towers of steel by strings of porcelain insulators. By the use of clad steel wires and high towers, the distance between towers can be increased, and the cost of the transmission line thus reduced. In modern installations with essentially straight paths, high-voltage lines may be built with as few as six towers to the kilometer. In some areas high-voltage lines are suspended from tall wooden poles spaced more closely together. 传输线。高压传输系统通常由铜线、铝线或者镀铜、镀铝的钢线组成,它们悬挂在高大钢格构塔架上成串的瓷质绝缘体上。由于含镀层钢线和铁塔的使用,增大了塔与塔之间的距离,降低了传输线的成本。在当前的直线安装中,每公里高压线只需建立6个铁塔。在一些地区,高压线悬挂于距离较近的木质电线杆上。,be composed of 由 . 组成 suspend vt.暂停;延缓;暂停;悬浮 vi.暂缓;悬浮;无力支付porcelain insulators 陶瓷绝缘器 clad kld adj.穿衣的;覆盖的;镀过金属的;用金属包被的 v.穿(衣)installation nstlen n.安装;装置 ;军事驻地 essentially adv.本质上,根本上;本来;“essential“的派生,
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