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14 级后续课程班级基础英语词汇选择题1. Parents can help ease the_ that children feel and teach them to cope with stressful situations.A. stress B. pain C. crisis D. feeling2. His face was very red, which was a clear_ of his fever.A. crime B. information C. conviction D. evidence3. The Toyota Matrix that we were driving was shaking vigorously, and some of its screws were getting_. A. loose B. slight C. broadly D. excessive4. The committee did not_ the plan to build a new bridge over the river. A. hear of B. appeal to C. approve of D. pose for5. While studying he was financially dependent_ his wife. A. to B. of C. on D. from6. The children there are being put_ every day because many care workers still do not know how to protect them from HIV.A. at the risk B. at riskC. in risk D. on risk7. During that time I was overwhelmed with_ for those innocent days of early childhood.A. wishing B. longing C. urging D. hoping8. We finally managed to _ the committees approval of our plans. A. secure B. arouse C. exert D. execute9. There is calm and joy, too, when the mind can focus on the_ and beauty of nature.A. magnificence B. brilliance C. significance D. competence10. The swimming pool is so_ that its safe for small children. A. stable B. smooth C. superficial D. shallow11. These vitamins and minerals, ultimately_ food, are the necessary source of energy for animals. A. derived from B. derive fromC. deriving from D. be derived from12. In Britain people _ four million tons of potatoes every year. A. consume B. swallow C. exhaust D. dispose13. As some courses are pretty dull, it might be difficult for teachers to increase the students_ in the subjects. A. chance B. consumption C. interest D. fancy14. They went up to the gate, which_ open at the push of a button.A. sliced B. slit C. slid D. slide15. The change in leadership will have a huge _ on government policy.A. vigor B. impact C. violence D. intensity16. I was shocked when I_ his success in turning his small family business into an international company within three years.A. read back B. read forC. read about D. read forward17. While admitting that this forecast was _ exaggerated, the scientists warned against treating it as a cry of wolf.A. anyhow B. somewhere C. somewhat D. anyway18. Many elderly people feel more_ knowing that if they need help, there is always someone with them, caring for them. A. ensured B. served C. sure D. secured19. The studies show that many illnesses_ the category of stress-related illnesses.A. fall into B. fall downC. fall back D. fall apart20. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling_.A. income B. allowances C. pay D. wages21. In rainy seasons, this small river could become_ and thus dangerous for small children.A. water-proof B. waist-deep C. ice-cold D. snow-white22. I thought if we could_ the next year on our fathers income, things would be easier as I would graduate and get a job by then. A. get on B. get aheadC. get along D. get through23. The present difficulties _ from our failure to deal with the problem when it first arose.A. step B. stem C. steer D. sponsor24. German and Italian courses are held in Munich and Rome_. A. relatively B. reluctantly C. respectively D. relevantly25. There were certain people in that room, like Peter and John, who had failed to_ what I was saying.A. grip B. seize C. grasp D. snatch26. These friends shared common _ in literature, history and philosophy.A. emotion B. love C. habits D. interests27. The rain was heavy and _ the land was flooded. A. consequently B. continuously C. constantly D. consistently28. The baby had woken up for another feed after a(n)_ of three or four hours.A. gap B. length C. distance D. interval29. His appointment has not been formally_.A. approved B. consented C. agreed D. admitted30. The road is_ the old man who has paid all the money for building it.A. named after B. named forC. named of D. named on31. If he is only interested in your looks, that just shows how_ he is.A. light B. fleet C. shallow D. low32. Unfortunately, your feelings about writing_ your ability to write. A. interfere with B. deals withC. catch up with D. equip with33. Inadequately controlled residential development will increase_ and traffic congestion and consequently will impair the public health, safety, and welfare.A. creativity B. quality C. pollution D. population34. Universal peace would be _ to all mankind. A. beneficial B. valid C. advisable D. worthy35. This means they have been_ by a team of professional experts and the standard of their work has been approved. A. looked B. watched C. observed D. inspected36. It is an almost_ truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.A. universal B. common C. ordinary D. usual37. The
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