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http:/sh.xdf.cn/moretoefl美国大学经常有一些国内没有的专业,而且由于国情不同,很多在国内的热门专业,在国外可能不是那么“吃香” ,另外不是名校的专业就是最好的,可能某个普通大学的专业就是排名第一,那么我们一起看看那些不错的学校学院排名吧!2015 年美国大学艺术学院排名2015年美国大学艺术学院排名TOP1-25 TOP76-1001 Rhode Island School of Design 76 Columbia College2 Yale University 耶鲁大学 77 Florida State University 佛罗里达州立大学3School of the Art Institute of Chicago78 Louisiana State University4 Cranbrook Academy of Art 79 Northwestern University 西北大学5 Maryland Institute College of Art 80University at Buffalo State University of New York 纽约州立大学水牛城分校6 Virginia Commonwealth University 81 CUNY-Brooklyn College7 Virginia Commonwealth University 82 Maine College of Art8Carnegie Mellon University 卡内基美隆大学83 New York Studio School9University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校84 New York Studio School10Alfred University-New York State College of Ceramics85 San Jose State University http:/sh.xdf.cn/moretoefl11 Art Center College of Design 86 Stony Brook University-SUNY12 California College of the Arts 87 University of Delaware 德拉华大学13 Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学 88University of Maryland College Park 马里兰大学帕克分校14 Temple University 天普大学 89University of Massachusetts Amherst 马萨诸塞大学 Amherst 校区15 Bard College 90 University of Nevada-Las Vegas16 Pratt Institute 91 University of Oregon 俄勒冈大学17 School of Visual Arts 92University of South Florida 南佛罗里达大学18University of California San Diego 加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校93 Clemson University 克莱姆森大学19The University of Texas at Austin 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校94 CUNY-City College20Washington University in St Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学95 CUNY-Queens College21 CUNY-Hunter College 96 George Mason University 乔治梅森大学22New School-Parsons School of Design97 Iowa State University 爱荷华州立大学23 Ohio State University 98 San Francisco State University24 Otis College of Art and Design 99 Southern Methodist University 南卫理公 http:/sh.xdf.cn/moretoefl会大学25Rochester Institute of Technology 罗彻斯特理工学院100 SUNY-New PaltzTOP26-50 TOP100-12526University of California Davis 加州大学戴维斯分校101 University of Connecticut 康涅狄格大学27University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 伊利诺伊大学厄本那 香槟分校102 University of Houston 休斯顿大学28 The University of Iowa 爱荷华大学 103University of Nebraska Lincoln 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校29University of Wisconsin Madison 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校104University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校30Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学105 West Virginia University 西弗吉尼亚大学31Indiana University,Bloomington 印地安那大学伯明顿分校106 American University32 Massachusetts College of Art 107 Kent State University33 New York University 纽约大学 108 Memphis College of Art34Rutgers University New Brunswick 罗格斯大学新伯朗士威校区109 Miami University35 San Francisco Art Institute 110 New York Academy of Art http:/sh.xdf.cn/moretoefl36University of California Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校111 Tulane University 杜兰大学37Minneapolis College of Art and Design112University at Albany-SUNY 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校38Tufts University 塔夫斯大学/School of the Museum of Fine Arts-Boston113University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth39 University of Georgia 乔治亚大学 114 University of Montana40 University of Illinois-Chicago 115 University of Notre Dame 圣母大学41 University of Michigan 116 University of Texas-San Antonio42University of Southern California 南加州大学117 The University of Utah 犹他大学43 University of the Arts 118 Wayne State University 韦恩州立大学44 University of Washington 华盛顿大学 119 California State University-Fullerton45 Herron School of Art & Design 120 California State University-Northridge46 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 121The George Washington University 乔治华盛顿大学47The University of Arizona 亚利桑那大学122 Georgia State University 乔治亚州立大学48 University of Cincinnati 辛辛那提大学 123 Kansas State University 堪萨斯州立大学49University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学124Michigan State University 密歇根州立大学 http:/sh.xdf.cn/moretoefl50 Claremont Graduate University 125 Montana State UniversityTOP51-75 TOP126-15051 Cleveland Institute of Art 126 Texas Tech University52 Cornell University 康乃尔大学 127 University of Hawaii-Manoa53Penn State University Park 宾州州立大学-University Park Campus128University of Maryland-Baltimore County54 Syracuse University 雪城大学 129 University of Miami 迈阿密大学55University of Minnesota Twin Cities明尼苏达大学 Twin Cities 分校130University of North Carolina-Greensboro56University of New Mexico 新墨西哥大学131 Utah State University 犹他州立大学57The University of Tennessee 田纳西大学-Knoxville132Vermont College of Fine Arts/Union Institute and University58 BOSTON University 波士顿大学 133Washington State University 华盛顿州立大学59California State University-Long Beach134 Bowling Green State University60California State University-Los Angeles135 Bradley University61 Mills College 136 Brigham Young University 杨百翰大学62 Ohio University 俄亥俄大学 137 Colorado State University 科罗拉多州立 http:/sh.xdf.cn/moretoefl大学63Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts138 East Carolina University64 Purchase College-SUNY 139 Illinois State University65Rensselaer Polyte
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