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新东方在线 www.koolearn.com 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读12009 年 GRE 阅读讲义主讲: 陈虎平欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材更多留学资讯:Ecward文章模式 段落模式 与句型结构 阅读提炼的重点 题型分类 文章示范 GRE 文章的基本情况介绍 GRE 文章的难度阅读 单词难度句子长度结构复杂文章类型academic 题型standardized 选项难度GRE GMAT 中 20-25 高 high high 高 LSAT 中 25-30 极高 extremely high 高 GRE 文章的考试要求 中国大陆 VERBAL 2 个 section,每个 section 填空 7 道 类比 9 道 阅读 1 篇长文章 7 道题 1 篇短文章 4 道题,反义 11 道 长文章 400-450 字 读 2.5-3min, 题 7 min = 1 min *7 题 短文章 200-220 字 读 1.5min, 题 4min = 1 min * 4 题 GRE 文章的来源:学术期刊、著作GRE 文章的类型: physical sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, humanities 无须背景、头脑空白、定位解题 GRE 文章结构的三个层次:文章、段落、句子 新东方在线 www.koolearn.com 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读2GRE 文章的三种模式( 文章展开的方式 = KW 之间的关系; PASSAGE )开篇套路词 发展/KW 态度/AW TS & CS现象解释(多个解释)问题解决 (多个解决)唯一解释phenomenon, fact,behavior;problem, difficultypuzzle, question 有时 TW=Phen. / Prob. Phen. 1st explanation=kw1aw: -2nd interpretation=kw2 Prob.Solution 1 = kw 1 But aw- Other way/solution =kw 2 Authors expl. 前负后正(80%情况)前负后正 唯一解释 + TS: explain +现象; way +问题首段首(末)句CS: 少见 新老对比 has been, traditionally, until recently, long, once; however, recentlyfrequently, widely, many, most, usually, dominant, common however, now kw 老however+反驳=aw-kw 新 (评价) 老:否定或次要新:正评价TS: 反驳或新观点however /recent 句二段段首或一段后半部分CS: 少见 论点说明Thesis Develop-Ment评述 Review is, remain, prove + adj. can, may, should, must attitude words: +, -; recent study (人名+ 书名/人物+研究/学派+运动) Thesis (TW)subthesis 1 = kw1subthesis 2 = kw2(Conclusion)论点说明态度不定 评述文章多混合评价TS = Thesis 首段某句,多为首末句 CS: 较短末段(=TS) 无 TS CS: 综合各段主题 各段首句现象解释 phen/prob 新东方在线 www.koolearn.com 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读3kw a b aw- x ykw+ 例: Philopatry, the behavior returning to an individuals birthplace, has several advantages. One proposed mechanism by which animals can recognize unfamiliar relatives is phenotype matching, which involves learning the phenotype of familiar relatives, or of oneself, thereby forming a phenotypic template against which the phenotypes of unfamiliar individuals can be compared.A problem in investigating the behavior of settling close to kin is to exclude the possibility that they are philopatric because of benefits of settling in the natal area, rather than because of benefits of settling close to kin.A recent study shows that the settling pattern of barnacle geese Branta leucopsis females returning to their natal colony is nonrandom with respect to the nest sites of their parents and sisters. 新老观点 kw 老 a b aw- x y kw 新 uvw aw+(-) 例: Early feminist literary critics believed that the traditional concept of domesticity as manifested in the distinction between a masculinized public sphere and a privatized feminine one has become misleading and oversimplified as a framework for understanding the construction of social space for women even in the nineteenth century. In contrast, a second wave of feminist work on domesticity envisions the idea of home as a specific racial and class position for white, middle-class women, and therefore as an extension or even a supplement to the capitalist marketplace, not an alternative to it. However, these second-wave critiques of domesticity also depend upon spatial metaphors, to the extent that they present domesticity as a bounded position occupied by a specific race and class of women. Such contradictions in the representations of domesticity, I argue, only started to become obvious in the modernist period.此文结构: kw 老 kw 新 1 however aw- kw 新 2 新东方在线 www.koolearn.com 网络课堂电子教材系列 GRE 阅读4论点说明 TS (TW)kw1+/- abc kw2-/+ xyzkw3-/+ (CS) 例: There are three approaches to culture: social anthropology, ethology, and psychology. (Traditionally, social anthropologists have understood culture as ) Ethologists have tended to emphasize the phenomenon of culture the behavior itself. (Psychologists, in contrast, have concentrated on the mechanisms by which culture is learned.) 例(评述) In his new book Doctor Dolittles Delusion, Stephen Anderson pours cold water on the widespread belief that the communication systems of animals, from bees to bonobos, are essentially similar to human language, arguing convincingly communicative abilities of a wide range of creatures: the dance of honeybees, the warning cries of monkeys, and the remarkable cognitive abilities of chimpanzees. Bees famously indicate the direction, distance and quality of sources of pollen to their fellow workers by means of a waggle dance, which is often taken to show that they have a cognitive map of the local terrain. We are evolutionarily closer to other primates than to bees.To complement his critique of animal language, Anderson also outlines what is special about human language: in a word, syntax. 主题 结构 态度 必考内容TW, TS, CS: 文章较短首末段KW, AW: 段落/意群的首末句 最重要是 KW AW 各段首句 + however /but /yet 句结构性句子: 首末句 转折句 态度句 段落结构 特指 234 段的主体论证内容,main body of the passage. 一般模式: 总分 新东方在线 www.koolea
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