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be in strict accordance with both ability and political integrity, to Germany for the first requirement, according to the Department on the evaluation of cadres moral views on the strengthening of the provisions of, as the noble spirit of the pursuit of strengthening moral cultivation, the lead in stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example, tried to be a leader who both ability and political integrity, integrity and pragmatic style and governing for the peoples vanguard for example. First, we need to conscientiously study, to learn the number. Learning is the basic methods of strengthening the moral cultivation. Hu Jintao comrades stressed that learning is not only an important way for leaders to improve their level of knowledge, is an important way to improve their own spirits. A persons moral standards, high and low positions not necessarily linked with him, nor with his promotion, and natural increase. In the Analects learn gaining stature is very familiar with, but that are part of the sentence is official, that is to say a person wants to go into politics to do things, not only must first lay a good basis for learning, and since the more you want to read to learn, to get things done. Now after some cadres have taken leading positions, feel-good, thinking than others in all aspects, relax, relaxing world transformation, its easy to make mistakes. We must learn to understand the basic role of virtue, as a lifelong pursuit of learning, as the greatest reading pleasures of life, not only to learning theory, learning their jobs need knowledge, also studied literature, history, science and technology and other areas of knowledge purifies the soul with scientific knowledge and advanced culture, cultivate, and constantly enhance the level of moral. After the end of the General, County, Township and village levels many comrades of the new positions were adjusted, whether retention, communication or promotion of leading cadres must conscientiously enhance learning, familiar with the business, as soon as possible into the role, open working situation as soon as possible. Second, to clean, to LiDE. Morality has a strong sense of practicality, not just from practice, and practice. Cadres of the people always listen to his words and watch his deeds. Leaders clean officers is to keep poor, endure loneliness, making . The lack of. Is evident that shame is how officials at all, some official didnt do first because man is not properly done. Two AWE: comrade Li yuanchao pointed out, when leading cadres of the cadres in particular is in power to be in awe. One is the fear of history, so that his work can stand the test of practice and history; the second is fear of the people, allow yourself to do something worthy of nurturing our people; the third is fear of life and reminiscing about the past will not feel regret in the future. Fear can be. Leaders in the face of all kinds of temptation, we must resolutely overcome catch the smug indifference, fearless, fearless little attitude, and always maintain the caution, the pressure of skating on thin ice, always vigilant, self-discipline, di established active prevention. The sanctity of power to AWE, always grasp the power of right direction; reverence for State laws and party discipline, always obey the law, guard against abuses of power, adhere to the limits of power; the fear of public opinion, always pay attention to peoples comments and to reflect, listen to peoples criticisms and correct shortcomings and mistakes in our work. Three must have normal heart: each party cadres to work every day, as a kind of spiritual experience, inan effort to develop a sense of normalcy in the work, fame and correct treatment of personal gains and losses. Specific to be three: one is to take yourself too seriously. Who holds a certain power of leading cadres, often tall and one eye, handing out. On this, to keep awake of mind, summary cannot because others on you enthusiasm is, and kind is, and respect is, on arrogant, carried away, even produced superior of thought, and should pendulum are location, modest, learned clip with tail man, put himself see have light is, put work do have good is, on cadres masses again courtesy is, makes cadres masses feel to you has personality charm, can close, willing to contacts, worth respect. Second, see dark fame. Due to the particularity of jobs, than any other cadre of leading cadres will see some more fame and fortune, will be more convenient to get some fame and wealth, if not treated correctly, can lead to mental imbalance, thereby further affecting the impartiality and objectivity of the work. As a leader, work not only position higher, we should see far, fame, gain and loss in perspective, do know grace, contentment, he knows the responsibility. Know well, is to cherish the people feeding of grace, parental support, and the partys culture of grace. Content is to be good at desire, abstinent contentment, develop busine
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