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英语演讲:一个获奖者的英语学习之路Three mirrors reflet the a I learn English After I ame bak from the “21st entur-Erisson up”7th national English Speaking petition ith the *rd of the “Most Promising Speaker”, people kept asking me the same question over and over again。 “Ho did ou learn English, espeiall as a Non-English major?” Atuall I believe that a hundred people ould have a hundred of as to learn English ell。 Hoever, I ould like to share m personal experiene of English learning ith those ho have the enthusiasm for improve their English。 Sine I have set up three mirrors in m prepared speeh in hoping that the ould guide our oung generation on the a to globalization, I ould like to maintain three mirrors here to reflet ho I learned English。The first mirror, I assume, should reflet a stead foundation。 This involves m first fe ears of English learning, hih I onsider as the ke fator of all m ahievements in the ears to follo。 At that time I entered the middle shool attahed to *ian Jiaoton Universit, I ould onl sa m ABCs hile others in m lass ould at least muniate in simple English。 All the tales about the frightfulness of learning English then popped up in m mind and made me feel sared。 Fortunatel m first English teaher as ver experiened in enlightening her students on English learning。 She as a kind oman ith a harming smile。 But her homeork assignments ere not eas task: The required us to read after the tape for 20 times and reite the hole text。 So it as quite natural that most of m lassmates onl reited the short essa ithin a short time and then ent to pla。 But m fear of not being able to sa a single ord, made me sit don and immerse mself in hat the teaher had asked me to do。Before ever English lass e ould have an on dut report to let the students sa something aording to hat the had learned 。M first presentation in lass as to reite a dialogue。 But to m great surprise, m teaher praised me for m pronuniation。 I tittered beause I had imitated the readers in the tape for at least 20 times until finall I ouldnt find an differenes beteen our pronuniations。 And I did not realize that this little prize given b m teaher began to influene m English learning magiall。I believe the first three ears of English learning guaranteed the possibilit of m further ahievements beause b means of imitation I built a foundation of good pronuniation and b means of reiting I restored the basi element of English language。 On the hole, I ould like to sho m sinere thanks to m first English teahers。 Yu Zhiling, ho is no still aring for m groth。The seond mirror I ould like to mention here reflets an effetive a of English learning。 I still stik to m point of vie that different people have different tehniques to learn English ell。 But there are some methods that seem to be obviousl ineffetive。Lets first have a look at the four important skills for students to master: reading, riting, listening and speaking。 I have plaed them in order of diffiult。Reading is the easiest skill。 It is also the most idel found English language skill amongst Chinese student, Writing is a more ative skill than reading。 Hoever it is still a little easier than speaking, as there is plent of time to hoose the right ords look in the ditionar for help, and make orretions。 Listening is the third most important language skill to learn。 It is far more diffiult to listen and understand spoken English than to read English in a book or in a letter。 Speaking English ma be the most diffiult of the four language skills。 It is an ative skill, and requires the student to put ords together into sentenes ithout muh time to prepare, and ith no time for orretion, et it is the most exiting skill to have, as it opens up onderful hannels of muniation ith people of others ultures and ountries。 But this is just hat e lak。More often than not I found some of the students ho get high marks in their exams shoed an inabilit to muniate ith people in English。 And this enabled me to understand deeper hat m first English teaher has alas emphasized: listening and speaking keeping ahead; reading and riting folloing up。 I believe this is the rule of learning a language beause e learn a ertain language to muniate。 As e onquered the most diffiult parts: listening and speaking, e ould easil master the riting and reading skills。Then ho an e make it? I have seen lots of diligent students in the earl morning reading aloud their English texts ithout paing an attention to their nearl unaeptable pronuniation。 I feel sorr for those students beause their hard ork deserves a muh better English level if the improve their method of learning。I found that m a of learning English that I formed from middle shool still orks toda。 B listening to tapes and imitating the speakers one an improve his pronuniation ithin a short time。 B reiting lassi essas one an enrih their language as ell as enlarge their voabular。 As a non-English major, I like to set aside a ertain period of time for English learning everda, usuall an hou
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