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目 录中文摘要 .1Abstract .2前 言 .3一.员工离职的界定 .41. 概念定义 .42离职率的界定 .43原因分析 .54负面影响 .5二工作嵌入理论概述 .71工作嵌入的理论背景 .72工作嵌入的内涵 .83工作嵌入的结构 .8三工作嵌入对员工离职的影响分析 .91 联结 .92 匹配 .93 牺牲 .9四、提升工作嵌入程度的对策 .111 建立员工与工作的动态匹配 .112 促进非工作匹配 .113 促进员工与工作的联结 .114促进员工的非工作联结 .125通过引入长期财务激励建立工作牺牲 .12结 语 .13参考文献: .14致 谢 .15苏州大学本科生毕业论文1中文摘要人力资源是企业第一资源。人是生产力中最活跃的因素。企业要发展,人才是关键,人是企业立足的根本,也是企业发展的基石,得人才者得市场,市场的竞争实质上是人才的竞争。员工离职问题成为许多企业心头永远的痛,那么怎样才能留住人才,使离职率控制在合理范围内,使得企业在激烈市场竞争中无后顾之忧,从而获得稳定健康的发展,是现代人力资源管理的重点问题,这对于如何正确处理人才流动问题具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文以工作嵌入的内涵、结构、理论背景展开阐述,并在对以往研究进行总结的基础之上,对未来的研究做出了展望,提出了提高工作嵌入程度从而降低员工离职率的相关对策。关键词:工作嵌入;离职率;提升策略苏州大学本科生毕业论文2AbstractHuman resources are the primary resources. They are the most active productivity. As to the enterprises development, talent is the key, based on the fundamental human enterprise is the cornerstone of enterprise development, those who have talent in the market, competition in the market is essentially a talent competition. Employee turnover is a serious problem for many businesses, then how can we retain talent, the turnover rate was controlled within reasonable limits, making the enterprises in the fierce market competition, no worries, to obtain stable healthy development of modern human resource management the key issues, which for the problem of how to correctly handle the flow of talent has important theoretical and practical significance. In this paper, the work of embedding theory as a staring point to work embedded in the content, structure, expand the explained theoretical background and summary of past research in the basis of studies made on the future prospects of work proposed to improve the degree to embed employee retention related countermeasures.Key words: job embeddedness;employee satisfaction;strategy; 苏州大学本科生毕业论文3前 言员工自愿离职因其难以预测和不可控制,会对组织产生巨大的冲击力,尤其是核心员工的离职,全球前五大之一的人力资源服务公司 Kelly Services,目前与哈佛商业评论中文版杂志最新合作发布的Kelly Services2010 年中国关
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