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一星口语考试要求以及过关攻略:采用闯关类的游戏应考模式,每一个环节由一位考官负责,一共 6 个环节通过 4 个环节即通过。一看图说词1.考试形式与要求A考生看卡片说单词。B共七张卡片,说对五个单词即通过。C考试时间为 1 分钟。2.复习关键A会读书本上所有的单词,做到看图说词。B按照书本归纳的类别记单词,有利于后面提示说词的环节。C对于图片相似的单词要找出图片上不同的地方。D个别读音相似的单词要注意区分,如 horse 和 house。二提示说词1.考试形式与要求A考官用中文要求考生说出两组单词。B考生根据考官每组的中文提示说出三个英语单词。C两组单词共六个,累计说对四个即通过。D考试时间为 0.5 分钟。2. 复习关键A会读书本上所有的单词,并且按照书本归纳的类别记单词。B听录音记单词的时候前面归纳的类别也要记住。3. 举例A请说出三种穿白色衣服的职业。B请说出三种家里养的小动物。C. 请说出三种夏天穿的衣服。D请说出三种四个轮子的交通工具。E请说出三种幼儿园里的玩具。三模仿1. 考试形式与要求A考生跟着录音逐个模仿单词与句子。B录音中共有四小节,对其中三小节模仿正确即通过。C考试时间约为 0.5 分钟。2.复习关键A句子由单词,词组,句子再到复杂句组成,说清句子中每一个单词。B特别注意一些容易漏说的词,如:the , a 等。3.举例Aa curtaina purple curtainI want a purple curtainI want a purple curtain for my room.BAn evening - a summer evening - a beautiful summer evening - Kitty is singing happily on a beautiful summer evening.C. a bike-a new bike-The new bike is a present-The new bike is a present from Uncle Mike.D. a scarf-an orange scarf-an orange scarf is on the bed-an orange scarf is on the bed in Marys room.E. A tiger a baby tiger a baby tiger is walking happily A baby tiger is walking happily behind his mother.四听听做做1. 考试形式与要求A考生听录音并按其指令逐个完成一系列动作。B活动中共有五个指令,正确完成其中的任意三个指令规定的动作即通过。C. 考试时间约为 1 分钟。D. 每个指令的完成时间全部制作在考试带中。2.复习关键A.掌握介词:in, on, above,under,between,beside,outside,insideB.掌握介词短语:on the left(righ) -hand side, in the corner , in the middleC.掌握动词:open,close,draw,write,count,put,give,turn,eraseD.掌握动词短语:take out, put back, pick up, put down, put into, turn to page, put on, take off.3.举例 A.道具:盒子里放三只小动物:小猫、小狗和小公鸡Are you ready? Now lets beginLook into the box on the desk.Now tell the teacher what animals you can see in it.Take the dog and cat out of the box.How many legs does the dog have? Count them.Pick up the cat with your left hand.Ok. Thats the end.B. 道具:一叠纸片(桌子右边,左边各放一些)盒子里有一瓶可乐,一个杯子,一听咖啡,绿蓝水笔各一支。Are you ready, now lets begin.Take the Coke and cup of the box.Put the Coke to your mouth and then put it on the desk.Pick up a piece of paper on the right-hand side of desk.With the blue pen, write “A” on it.Put it under the Coke.Ok. Thats the end.C. 道具: 桌上一只书包(内放玩具小汽车一辆,香蕉一只); 纸盒一只, 铅笔盒一只, 内有水笔二只( 红,黑)和橡皮,尺子;桌子一角有两本书( 英语和数学 )Are you ready, now lets begin.Take the toy car out of the schoolbag.Put it in the box.Then take a ruler out of the pencil-box and put it on the desk.Now pick up the math book from the desk and open it to page 10.Put the ruler on this page.O.K Thats the end.五快听快答1. 考试形式与要求A.考生听录音回答问题。B共六个问题,答对四个问题即通过。C.考试时间约为 1 分钟。D每个问题的回答时间全部制作在考试带中。2.复习关键A分类复习:一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。B一般疑问句半完整回答,如:yes,I do. 不能只回答 Yes or No.C特殊疑问句回答关键词即可,如问:what color is your hair? 答:“black” 即可。D复习所有单词归纳前面的句型。3.举例 A.Is it a fine day today?B.Can you swim?C. What toys do you have at home?D. Which season do you like?E. What can we see in the park?六看图回答1. 考试形式与要求A考生根据图片听录音回答问题。B共三个问题,答对两个问题即通过。C每个问题的回答时间全部制作在考试带中。2.复习关键A分类复习:一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。B一般疑问句半完整回答,如:yes,I do. 不能只回答 Yes or No.C特殊疑问句回答关键词即可,如问:what color is your hair? 答:“black” 即可。D复习所有单词归纳前面的句型。3.举例 A.What is the girl doing?B.How many girls can you see?C.Where is the cat?
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