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给水排水管道系统 课程设计计算说明书题 目:厦门市给水排水管道工程设计 学 院:市政与环境工程学院 专 业:给排水科学与工程 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 前言水是人生命的源泉,科学用水和排水是人类社会发展史上最重要的社会活动和生产活动内容之一。特别是现代,随着城市化进程的加快,给水排水工程已经发展成为城市建设和工业发展的重要的基础设施,成为人类健康安全和工农业科技与生产发展的保障,同时也是发展成为高等教育人才培养的重要专业领域。给水排水工程是由给水工程和排水工程两大部分组成,给水排水管道工程是给水排水工程的主要组成部分,其建设投资占给水排水工程的总投资的 70%左右,长期以来备受给水排水工程建设、管理、运营、和研究部门的高度重视。给水排水管道系统是贯穿给水排水工程整体工程流程和链接所有工程环节和对象的通道和纽带,给水管道系统和排水管道系统在功能和顺序上虽然前后不同但两者在建设上却始终是平行进行的。做为工程类专业学生,实践学习和设计是我们自身获取知识和经验的最好环节。学生通过设计,综合运用和深化所学的基本理论、基本技能,培养我们独立分析和解决问题的能力,通过设计能使我们具有掌握查阅规范、标准设计图集,产品目录的方法,提高计算、绘图和编写设计说明的水平,作好一个工程师的基本训练。熟练城镇给水排水工程系统的详细计算和培养一定的理论分析和设计的能力。提高方案的比较、技术经济、环境、社会等诸方面的综合分析和论证能力。培养计算机操作和应用能力。熟练专业软件应用。PrefaceWater is the source of human life, scientific water and drainage is one of the most important developments in the history of human society, social activities and production activities. In particular, modern, with the acceleration of urbanization, water and wastewater engineering has become an important urban infrastructure construction and industrial development, security and human health became industrial and agricultural science and technology development and production, but also the talent to develop into higher education cultured important areas of expertise.Water Supply and Drainage Water Supply project is composed of two parts and drainage works, water supply and drainage pipeline project is a major component of water supply and drainage works, and its construction investment accounted for about 70% of the total investment in water supply and drainage works, water supply and drainage has long been highly construction, management, operations, and research departments attach great importance. Water supply and sewer systems throughout the entire engineering process water and wastewater engineering and engineering aspects and links to all the channels and link objects, water supply and sewer system piping system in function and sequence although different, but both before and after the construction has always been carried out in parallel The. As engineering students, hands-on learning and design our own knowledge and experience to get the best link. Students through the design, the integrated use of the basic theory and deepen learning, basic skills, to develop our independent analysis and problem-solving ability, through the design enables us to have the ability to consult Method Standard Design Atlas, product catalog, improve computing, drawings and written description of the design level, prepare a basic training engineers. Skilled detailed calculations town water supply and drainage system and the ability to develop certain theoretical analysis and design. Demonstrate the ability to analyze and improve the overall comparison, technical and economic, environmental, social and other aspects of the program. The ability to develop computer operations and applications. Skilled professional software applications.目 录第一章 课程设计任务书 .1第二章 给水管网设计和计算 .32.1 给水管网布置及水厂选址 .32.2 给水管网设计计算 .32.3 管网水力计算 .72.4 二级泵站 .142.5 消防校核 .14第三章 污水管网设计与计算 .163.1 污水设计流量计算 .163.2 污水管道水力计算 .17第四章 雨水管网设计与计算 .194.1 雨水管网设计流量 .194.2 雨水管道设计参数 .194.3 雨水管道水力计算 .20设计总结 .22附表一 .23附表二 .25附表三 .29附表四 .
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