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1Unit 2 教学目标类 别 内 容 课次 要 求produce, chest, breathe, manage, waste, cancer, influence, look 1ASeveral, secretary, relation, fisherman, president, dead, rabbit 1Bdisturb, downstairs, deaf, for example, print 1Cblood, coal 1Dnone, rubbish, anybody, steal, in public, punish, earth, die out 1Asand, cut down, behavior, prevent, prevent.from., although, cut off 2Bas a result, sun, bamboo 2Crather, rather than, can, sort 3Aperson, action, word, take up 3Belectric, forward 3C掌握quick, towel 3Dchemical, chemical factory, soil, harmful 1AMy goodness! 1Bhearing, loss 1Celectricity 1Dproducer, yeah, spit, farmland, desert 2Asandstorm 2Bpollute, Mars, greenhouse effect, completely 2Corganization, reduce, recycle 3Aought to, distance, harm 3B词汇power, nuclear, acid, following, the Maglev Train, magnet, movement 3C理解语言知识语法1.现在完成时How long have you been like this?I have been like this since last month.I have been at this school since last year / for one year.2.不定代词和不定副词As we know, none of us likes pollution.2类别 内 容语法Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.If people spit anywhere in public, they should be punished.Nothing is difficult if you set your mind to it.3. 复合句About 430 million tons of waste is produced in Britain every year, and about 85 percent of the waste is put into the land.Of all the rubbish, about 35 percent can be recycled while the rest cant.They work well, but they are slow and cant run for long.语言知识功能和话题1.表达责备和报怨。2.谈论不同种类的污染。3.谈论污染的危害。4.谈论环境保护问题。5.谈论如何给出建议。6.描述个人情感。7.谈论健康。8.表达不满。听1.能够听懂有关环境污染和环境保护的对话或短文。2.能够听懂别人含有责备和抱怨语气的句子。3.能够从所听语言材料中获得有效信息,并能补充短文或完成表格。说1.能就环保问题表达简单的观点和意见。2.能就环保问题与他人沟通信息、合作完成任务。3.能够朗读或表演有关环保的对话。4.能在以上口语活动中注意保持语音、语调自然,语气恰当。读1.能流畅地朗读课文。2.能够读懂有关环保问题的说明文。3.通过阅读策略获取有关环保的信息。4.能利用工具书进行学习。语言技能写 1.能够根据写作要求,收集、准备有关污染和环保的素材。2.能根据所给图示或表格写出有关污染和环保的短文。Topic 1 Section AThe main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master some new words and useful expressions:produce, chest, breathe, manage, waste, cancer, influence, look2. Learn the present perfect tense with for/since: How long have you been like this? I have been like this since last month.3. Learn something about some kinds of pollution:(1)The large population has caused many problems.(2)Air pollution makes people sick.(3)Light pollution is harmful to our eyes.(4)Litter influences the look of our cities.34. Let students know that pollution is really a serious problem. Teaching aids 教具录音机/本课图片/当地有关环境变化的图片. Five -finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:10 分钟)1.(为了引导学生说出有关环境污染的话题,可用家乡变化的图片或联系居住的周围环境,采用问答的方式,让学生自己说出图片中所有的环境变化或居住地的环境变化。 )T: Now please look at these pictures. Would you like to say something about the environment around us?Pleaseanswer my questions. No.1. Where do you live?And are you living in the countryside or in town? No.2. Are there any changes in your village/town/city?(What changes have taken place in your village?)(教师注意引导学生说出工厂的建立,树木的减少等。)No.3. How do you like living there? Why?(What problems do we have to face?)(教师通过引导,让学生说出各种污染,是由于工厂林立、树木减少引发的污染,引出下列单词。)air,soil, water, light, noise pollution, litter2. (通过以上复习,导入新词。教师捂胸做痛苦状,咳嗽,师生问答。 )T: Last night, the air smelt terrible. I coughed all night.What am I doing?(教师捂胸做咳嗽状。)Ss: Youre coughing.T: Yes, I am coughing. My chest hurts.(做手捂胸状)And I cannot breathe(深呼吸的动作)Do you want to know how I get it?Ss: Yes.T: The factory makes(produces) terrible smell.(捂鼻子的动作)You know the factory(名字)is very near my home.Ill try (manage) to leave there.Ill try (manage) to move to a new place.3. (教师出示 1a 图片,通过图片认读所要学的单词。)T:OK. This is the chemical factory.It is producing (making) terrible gas.It makes my chest hurt. I cant breathe.(教师边表演动作边板书生词。)chemical factory produce chest breatheStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间: 5 分钟)1. (教师可以通过挂图复述课文内容,使学生更容易听得懂。)T:Now look at the picture and listen to me.4You may find Kangkang and Granny. Theyre having a talk.Kangkang and Granny met in the morning. Granny couldnt stand the environment here. The chemical factory produces terrible gas. It makes her chest hurt and it is difficult for her to breathe. And the factory makes a lot of noise and she cant sleep well at night. And there are too many people around her home. It is crowded everywhere. She is always in a bad mood. Shell manage to leave here. She has been like this since last month. She has to see a doctor.(通过教师板书 key words,加深理解,巩固。领读,为 pair work 和 retell 作准备。)2.(听录音。 )(1)T:Listen to the tape.(2) (布置听力任务 1b,学生带着任务再听一遍。)T:Listen to the tape again. Answer the following questions.(教师可以从最简单的问题开始提问,遵循循序渐进的原则。)For example:T: (1) Who are in the picture?(2) What are they talking about?(3) Is the chemical factory near Grannys home?(4) Can we find fish in the river?(5) Is the sky blue?(6) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:10 分钟)1. (教师放录音,学生跟读。 )T: Read after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (学生齐读课文。 )T: Now lets read together. Pay attention to the intonation.3. (
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