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1毕 业 论 文 材 料专业班级国际经济与贸易本科 072 班 姓 名 指导教师 所在学院 外经贸学院 2011 年 5 月 2总 目 录毕业论文评语、评阅表,答辩记录任务书开题报告文献综述外文翻译3毕 业 论 文题 目 绍兴纺织业出口发展现状及对策研究 专 业 国际经济与贸易 班 级 姓 名 指导教师 所在学院 外经贸学院 完成时间:2011 年 5 月 4承 诺 书我谨此郑重承诺:本毕业设计(论文)是本人在指导老师指导下独立撰写完成的。凡涉及他人观点和材料,均依据著作规范作了注释。如有抄袭或其它违反知识产权的情况,本人愿接受学校处分。承诺人(签名):年 月 日5绍兴纺织业出口发展现状及对策研究外经贸学院国际经济与贸易专业 摘 要:浙江是全国经济最具活跃性的地区之一,绍兴纺织业随着中国世贸组织的加入,面临着巨大的发展机遇,呈现出广阔的发展空间。纺织业是绍兴经济的支柱产业,在全市经济中占有重大比重。绍兴纺织业经过多年的发展,逐步形成了产业链条较完整、区域分布较集中、龙头企业不断发展壮大、外向度较高且在国际市场有较强竞争力的产业集群。绍兴纺织业在出口贸易中表现出了极大的优势,与此同时也面临着前所未有的挑战和竞争,特别是在由美国次贷危机所引发的国际金融经济危机后,绍兴纺织业存在的问题也日益明显。为了绍兴纺织业更好的发展,研究中分析了绍兴纺织业出口的发展现状,同时分析其存在竞争力不足及国际贸易摩擦不断升级这两大问题,结合国际国内环境,为绍兴纺织业出口在金融危机后的快速复苏以及今后的可持续发展提出了对策。本研究对绍兴纺织业出口发展有一定的参考价值。研究中得到的结论有:1.在企业层面上,加快技术和品牌创新,优化产业结构,促进产业升级;实现出口转型,提高产品附加值。2.在行业协会层面上,协调同行业企业双方的利益,遏制不合理竞争。3.在政府层面上,完善我国技术标准和市场体制,培育出口品牌;与企业密切合作携手反击,转变政府职能,加快外贸战略调整,充分利用 WTO 争端解决机制。关键词:绍兴纺织业;出口;现状;竞争力;贸易摩擦;对策6The Development Status of Shaoxing Textile Import and Export and StrategiesSun Jinjin, Major in international economic and trade, school of foreign trade and economicAbstract: Zhejiang is one of the most active areas of the national economy in china, Shaoxing textile industry to join with Chinas accession to the WTO, facing a huge opportunity for development, showing a broad development space. Textile industry is the backbone of the economy of Shaoxing, in the city occupies a significant proportion of the economy. Shaoxing textile industry after years of development, gradually formed a relatively complete industrial chain, regional distribution is more concentrated, leading enterprises have continuously developed, export-oriented high and strong in the international market competitiveness of industrial clusters. Shaoxing textile export trade has shown a great advantage, while also facing unprecedented challenges and competition, especially from the U.S. Subprime mortgage crisis triggered by the international financial and economic crisis, there is the problem of Shaoxing textile industry Increasingly evident. In order to better development of Shaoxing textile industry, the study analyzes the current development of Shaoxing textile export, while lack of competitiveness of its existence, and international trade friction escalating these two issues, combined with international and domestic environment for the textile industry into Shaoxing Exports in the rapid recovery after the financial crisis and the future of sustainable development put forward countermeasures.The research has a certain value for future development direction of Shaoxing textile import and export. The conclusions show as follows:1. In the enterprises, accelerate technological and brand innovation, optimize the industrial structure,promote industrial upgrading; make the transformation of export and increase the value of products.72. In the trade association level, coordinate well with the interests of both industries and enterprises, curb unfair competition.3. At the government level,Improve our technical standards and market institutions, fpster export brands; Work in close cooperation with the enterprise and back, Transform functions of government, Accelerate the strategic adjustment of foreign trade, make full use of WTO dispute settlement mechanism.Key words: Shaoxing Textile Industry;export;Situation;Competitiveness ;trade friction;Strategy 8目 录一、引 言 .1二、绍兴纺织业出口现状分析 .1(一)目前绍兴纺织业出口贸易数据分析 .1(二)绍兴纺织业出口特点分析 .2三、绍兴纺织业出口发展中存在的问题 .3(一)绍兴纺织业出口竞争力欠缺 .31、资源要素不足 .32、产品质量不高 .33、缺乏创新品牌 .44、无序竞争激烈 .4(二)绍兴纺织业出口遭遇国际贸易摩擦升级 .41、具体表现 .42、原因分析 .5四、国际贸易摩擦不断升级对绍兴纺织业出口发展的影响 .5(一)正面影响 .51、给绍兴企业带来技术创新的动力 .52、促进绍兴企业优胜劣汰 .63、促进产业结构调整 .6(二)负面影响 .61、加大企业的出口风险和成本 .62、中小纺企失业率提高 .73、造成绍兴外贸环境的不和谐 .7五、绍兴纺织业出口竞争力提升对策 .
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