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名人演讲:A Tale of Two CitiesMario Cuomo: A Tale of To CitiesOn behalf of the Empire State and the famil of Ne York, I thank ou for the great privilege of being able to address this onvention。 Please allo me to skip the stories and the poetr and the temptation to deal in nie but vague rhetori。 Let me instead use this valuable opportunit to deal immediatel ith questions that should determine this eletion and that e all kno are vital to the Amerian people。Ten das ago, President Reagan admitted that although some people in this ountr seemed to be doing ell noadas, others ere unhapp, even orried, about themselves, their families and their futures。 The president said that he didnt understand that fear。 He said, Wh, this ountr is a shining it on a hill。 And the president is right。 In man as e are a shining it on a hill。But the hard truth is that not everone is sharing in this its splendor and glor。 A shining it is perhaps all the president sees from the portio of the White House and the veranda of his ranh, here everone seems to be doing ell。 But theres another it; theres another part to the shining the it; the part here some people ant pa their mortgages, and most oung people ant afford one, here students ant afford the eduation the need, and middle-lass parents ath the dreams the hold for their hildren evaporate。In this part of the it there are more poor than ever, more families in trouble, more and more people ho need help but ant find it。 Even orse: There are elderl people ho tremble in the basements of the houses there。 And there are people ho sleep in the it streets, in the gutter, here the glitter doesnt sho。 There are ghettos here thousands of oung people, ithout a job or an eduation, give their lives * to drug dealers ever da。 There is despair, Mr。 President, in the faes that ou dont see, in the plaes that ou dont visit in our shining it。In fat, Mr。 President, this is a nation -。 Mr。 President ou ought to kno that this nation is more a Tale of To Cities than it is just a Shining Cit on a Hill。Mabe, mabe, Mr。 President, if ou visited some more plaes。 Mabe if ou ent to Appalahia here some people still live in sheds, mabe if ou ent to Lak*nna here thousands of unemploed steel orkers onder h e subsidized foreign steel。 Mabe, mabe, Mr。 President, if ou stopped in at a shelter in Chiago and spoke to the homeless there; mabe, Mr。 President, if ou asked a oman ho had been denied the help she needed to feed her hildren beause ou said ou needed the mone for a tax break for a millionaire or for a missile e ouldnt afford to use。 Mabe, mabe, Mr。 President。 But Im afraid not。Beause, the truth is, ladies and gentlemen, that this is ho e ere arned it ould be。 President Reagan told us from ver the beginning that he believed in a kind of soial Darinism。 Survival of the fittest。 Government ant do everthing, e ere told。 So it should settle for taking are of the strong and hope that eonomi ambition and harit ill do the rest。 Make the rih riher - and hat falls from their table ill be enough for the middle lass and those ho are tring desperatel to ork their a into the middle lass。You kno, the Republians alled it trikle-don hen Hoover tried it。 No the all it suppl side。 But its the same shining it for those relative fe ho are luk enough to live in its good neighborhoods。 But for the people ho are exluded - for the people ho are loked out - all the an do is to stare from a distane at that its glimmering toers。Its an old stor。 Its as old as our histor。 The differene beteen Demorats and Republians has alas been measured in ourage and onfidene。 The Republians believe that the agon train ill not make it to the frontier unless some of the old, some of the oung, some of the eak are left behind b the side of the trail。 The strong, the strong the tell us ill inherit the land。We Demorats believe in something else。 We demorats believe that e an make it all the a ith the hole famil intat。 And, e have more than one。 Ever sine Franklin Roosevelt lifted himself from his heelhair to lift this nation from its knees - agon train after agon train - to ne frontiers of eduation, housing, peae; the hole famil aboard, onstantl reahing out to extend and enlarge that famil; lifting them up into the agon on the a; blaks and Hispanis, and people of ever ethni group, and native Amerians - all those struggling to build their families and laim some small share of Ameria。For nearl 50 ears e arried them all to ne levels of fort, and seurit, and dignit, even affluene。 And remember this, some of us in this room toda are here onl beause this nation had that kind of onfidene。 And it ould be rong to forget that。 So, here e are at this onvention to remind ourselves here e e from and to laim the future for ourselves and for our hildren。 Toda our great Demorati Part, hih has saved this nation from depression, from fasism, from raism, from orruption, is alled upon to do it again - this time to save the nation from onf
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