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- 1 -轮机英语书后新题翻译1When a ship in loaded condition floats at arbitrary water line, its displacement is _ to the relevant mass of water displaced by the ship.A. equal B. larger C. smaller D. equivalent答案 A 以任意吃水漂浮在水面上的载货船舶,它的排水量等于船体置换掉的相应质量的水。ship in loaded condition 船舶处于有负载的状况 arbitrary 任意的 water line (船的)吃水线,水位 displacement 排水量 equal to 等于,与相等 relevant mass 相应的质量 displace 取代,置换2The displacement of a ship is _ to the total weight, all told, of the relevant loaded ship.A. larger B. equal C. smaller D. equivalent答案 B 船舶的排水量等于相应装载货物船舶的总重量。total weight 总重量 all told 副词,表示总计,总共,合计,用在这里强调是载货船舶总共的质量。3Which one is not true?A. Two main areas of skill are involved in the construction of ship.B. There are distinct divisions in responsibilities between naval architects and marine engineers.C. Each ship will assume varying proportions according to its type.D. Ships can be divided into different categories from different perspectives.答案 B 哪句话不正确?造船工程师与轮机员在职责上处于截然不同的区域。 (觉得有些问题)distinct divisions 截然不同的区域 naval architect 造船工程师,验船师 marine engineer 轮机员4Why a gearbox is needed in a ship driven by a medium-speed diesel engine?A. To reduce the main engine speed B. To increase the main engine speedC. To govern the main engine speed D. To fix the propeller shaft答案 D 为什么中速柴油机驱动的船舶需要齿轮箱?为了安装固定螺旋桨轴。 (即螺旋桨轴不是直接由主机带动的,而是连接到齿轮箱的) gearbox 齿轮箱 fix 固定,安装,修理 propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴5A propeller, in order to operate efficiently, must rotate at a relatively _ speed.A. high B. low C. fast D. lowly答案 B 螺旋桨,为了更有效率的工作,必须以相对较低的速度旋转。in order to 为了 efficiently 有效率地 relatively 相关的,相对的6In a diesel engine, _ offers the heat energy directly; _ works as working medium and changes the heat energy to mechanical energy. A. the burning of the fuel; medium shaftB. fuel spray; fresh air C. fuel; fuel spray D. the burning of the fuel, the burned gas mixture答案 D 在柴油机里,燃油的燃烧直接提供了热能,而燃烧过的气体混合物则作为工作介质将热能转变为机械能(即推动活塞做往复运动) 。 working medium 工作介质 change to 将 转变为 the burned gas mixture 燃烧过的气体混合物,即燃气7In a diesel engine, _ works as working medium and changes the heat energy to mechanical energy, _ changes the reciprocating movement to rotary movement. A. fuel spray; the burning of the fuel B. the burned gas mixture; connecting rod C. medium shaft; crankshaft D. the burned gas mixture; piston rod答案 B 在柴油机里,燃气作为工作介质并将热能转换为机械能,连杆则将往复运动转换为回转运动。working medium 工作介质 change to 将转变为the burned gas mixture 燃烧过的气体混合物,即燃气 reciprocating movement 往复运动 rotary movement 回转运动8One of the differences between a two-stroke engine and a four-stroke engine is , _.A. a two-stroke engine works without exhaust operation B. a two-stroke engine works without compression strokeC. a two-stroke engine works without expansion stroke D. a two-stroke engine works without suction operation- 2 -答案 D 二冲程和四冲程柴油机的区别之一是:二冲程机工作中没有吸气过程。9One of the differences between a two-stroke engine and a four-stroke engine is , _.A. a two-stroke engine cant work without cylinders B. a two-stroke engine cant work without pistonsC. a two-stroke engine cant work without crankshafts D. a two-stroke engine cant work without a blower答案 D 二冲程机和四冲程机区别之一是:二冲程机工作离不开应急鼓风机。blower 鼓风机,船舶主机一般另外配备有一台应急鼓风机,在起动和低负荷时,由于废气能量不足,废气涡轮增压器不能产生充足的增压空气,故需要一台电力驱动的应急鼓风机。 10In a diesel engine, when the fuel is injected into the cylinder, _.A. the piston is just coming upward from the bottom dead center. B. the piston has moved about one-fifth of the way up.C. the piston has moved most of the way up and almost reached the TDC. D. the piston has just past the TDC.答案 C 活塞走完了上行的大部分冲程,快到达上止点前,燃油被喷射入气缸。most of the way 大部分路,大部分冲程 up 上行 TDC 上止点11_ is the main reason that reduces the power advantage of a two-stroke engine over a same size four-stroke one to about_. A. Inefficient scavenging; twice B. Inefficient scavenging; 1.8 timesC. Fewer strokes in a circle; twice D. Fewer strokes in a circle; 1.8 times答案 B 扫气不充分是将二冲程机相对同尺寸四冲程机的功率优势降低到大约 1.8 倍的主要原因。 (从理论上讲,二冲程机产生的功率是同尺寸四冲程机的 2 倍) power advantage 功率优势 inefficient scavenging 不充分的扫气12If the engine is naturally aspirated or is a small high-speed type with a centrifugal turbocharger, the period of valve overlap, i.e. when both valves are _, will be _, and the exhaust valve will close some 10_ top dead center.A. open; short; after B. closed; short; after C. open; long; before D. closed; long; before答案 A 如果柴油机是自然吸气型,或者是带有离心式废气涡轮增压器的小型高速机,则其气阀重叠角,即两个阀同时开启的时间,会比较短,而且排气阀将在上止点后 10 度左右关闭。naturally aspirated 自然吸气 tu
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