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20142015 学年高一 RX 版广东专版第 1 期试题参考答案及部分解析第 1 期测试题参考答案1-5 CBACD 6-10 CBCCB 11-15 DCBBD16-25 (One possible version)16. what 17. began18. best 19. as 20. who 21. around22. importance 23. every 24. will open 25. why 26-30 DDCBB 31-35 CDCAA 36-40 DBBCC 41-45 BACBC46-50 EABDC基础写作(One possible version)Dear Lily, Im really glad to hear from you. Im sorry to know that you are feeling upset about your new class, so Id like to offer some tips to you. Youd better communicate more with your new classmates, especially your deskmate in order to make friends with them. Besides, join in a series of team activities with your classmates so that the loneliness will be easily driven away from your life. And your new classmates will be grateful to you if you respect and help them. Calm down and after you go through a few weeks, you will fall in love with your new class and become happy.Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Li Lei读写任务 (One possible version)To encourage teenagers to play sports, the author tells us to play sports at home and take sports as regular family activities. Nowadays, teenagers are facing many health problems, such as overweight and physical weakness. We can always see lots of overweight students on campus. And more and more teenagers prefer to stay at home rather than take part in some outdoor activities.Many factors may cause these health problems. For example, they are said to eat too much junk food, which does harm to them. Besides, they are busy with too much homework, so that there is little time for them to play sports. I think teachers should assign less homework to students, so that they can have more time to play physical sports. In addition, students ought to play less computer games or watch less TV. Students are not supposed to eat too much junk food. In short, a healthy lifestyle will be helpful to our health. 听力练习1-5 BBABA 6-10 BBACA 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 (One possible version)16. family 17. doctor 18. 38 19. middle school 20. studying第 1 期测试题部分答案解析完形填空两个小男孩通过很偶然的一件事知道了帮助别人很快乐这个道理。1. C。根据前文 two boys 可知,这个年龄小的男孩看着那个年龄大的男孩。2. B。根据前文 his older friend 可知,这个年龄大的男孩想了一会。3. A。根据后文 they placed a silver coin in each shoe 可知,两个小男孩要将银币放进农民的鞋子里。4. C。根据后文他们往农民的鞋子里放银币的语境可知,年龄小的男孩“答应”了。5. D。根据后文第三段 as they were very close 可知,两个小男孩藏在了附近。6. C。农民在鞋子里发现了银币,想知道是谁放进去的,应该是很“惊讶的” 。7. B。根据前文 He put on a shoe and immediately felt the coin under his foot.可知,农民穿上另一只鞋并发现了第二枚银币。8. C。农民感谢给他银币的人,故跪在了地上。9. C。根据 as they were very close 可知,他们能“容易地”听到那个农民所说的话。10. B。根据上下文可知,农民很感激地“哭喊着” 。11. D。这里是指农民感激不知名者给了他“钱” ,故选 D。12. C。两个小男孩藏起来,不让农民知道是他们,故农民“离开”后,他们才走了出来。13. B。农民离开后,两个小男孩才出来,并开始“慢慢地”往家走。14. B。看到农民这么高兴,那两个小男孩内心感觉很“高兴” 。15. D。两个小男孩知道了“帮助 ”别人是件让人很快乐的事情。语法填空在 Lets Go Study Abroad 这个项目的帮助下,作者有幸去了荷兰留学,在那里作者收获了许多。16. what。考查 what 引导的宾语从句。句意为:最适合我一直寻找的大学。17. began。考查时态。根据 this September 可知,此处要用一般过去时。18. best。考查形容词的最高级。根据句意可知应使用所给形容词的最高级修饰后面的名词decision。19. as。考查连词。句意为:由于我有机会与来自世界各地的人交流和分享不同的文化,所以我身边有来自不同背景的人。20. who。考查关系代词。who 引导的定语从句在从句中做主语且指人。21. around。考查介词。句意为:我周围有很多来自不同背景的人。22. importance。考查词性转换。 important 意为“重要的” ,此处要用其名词形式importance。23. every。考查代词。句意为:每一个学生在受教育的某个时间可以出国留学,这是非常重要的。24. will open。考查时态。根据前文 studying abroad will 可知此处要用一般将来时。25. why。考查疑问副词。句意为:这就是我建议所有人找机会出国的原因。阅读理解A作者丢了钱包,一位好心人将其归还了,并在里面放了 20 美金。26. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的 After we returned to school, I found my wallet was gone.可知,作者回到学校后发现钱包不见了。27. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的 Hearing that, David laughed and said, “Dont be so naive. Why would someone bother to do that?” I thought he was right.可知,这一段主要说明,起初作者跟他的朋友都不相信有人会花时间来帮助他。28. C。推理判断题。根据第三段的 This Friday, my headmaster found me and handed me my wallet. I couldnt believe my eyes.可知,作者很惊讶。29. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的 I added $20 to it so that you can know the world is a great place. Do me a favor. When you get the chance, do something nice for someone else.可知,那位陌生人那样做是希望作者能把善行传递下去。30. B。细节理解题。根据末段的 He also wanted to encourage us to do good deeds in life. Ive decided to pay it forward.可知,作者已经决定去做些善事。B作者在进入高中的第一天交到了一个好朋友,只因为那个女孩主动来跟她交谈。31. C。细节理解题。根据第一段的 I wanted to make some new friends.可知,作者想在新学校里交些朋友。32. D。词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的 didnt know what to say at all 可知,作者当时有些“尴尬” 。33. C。细节理解题。根据第二段的 but I really wanted to communicate with her. It was a good opportunity to make friends with her.可知,作者想跟那个女孩交朋友。34. A。细节理解题。根据第二段的 and to my surprise, that girl immediately said “yes”.可知,那个女孩马上答应跟作者交朋友。35. A。作者意图题。根据末段的 If you are also as shy as I used to be, please dont be afraid to talk to others.可推断,作者想鼓励那些像她一样害羞的人勇敢地去和别人交谈。CLee 到了一所新学校,在那里不知道该如何交朋友,于是写信向 Amy Feld 求助。36. D。细节理解题。根据 Lee 所写信的第一段的 It has been two weeks and I still dont have any friends.可知,她面临着在新学校没有朋友的问题。37. B。细节理解题。根据 Lee 所写信的第三段的 Most of them like Hollywood singers while I like reading.可知,她喜欢看书。38. B。作者意图题。根据 Lee 所写信的最后一段的 but I really dont know what to do. I need your help.可知,她想向 Amy Feld 寻求帮助。39. C。推理判断题。根据 Amy Feld 所写信的第一段的 Two weeks probably feels like forever but making friends takes a while.可推断她想让 Lee 再多给自己一些时间去交朋友。40. C。细节理解题。根据 Amy Feld 所写信的
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