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第 1 页我对成功的看法英语演讲稿范文演讲稿 英语演讲稿 我对成功的看法英语演讲稿范文我对成功的看法英语演讲稿范文2017-04-17 m definition of suess b bao it is eas to desribe suess in terms of mone, fame and reputation. but i believe that suess is not external. i believe that suess es from ithin. m definition of suess is to be true to ourself, and be true to others. that means, that ou must herish our personal ideal even in the fae of adversit. i also believe that suess is not disriminator. suess is not restrited to suh a lass of people, in fat, it ma be ahieved b an person irrespetive of his rae, reed, gender and eonomi bakground. a good example of suess is that of beethoven. he is one of the orld s most famous posers, et he as deaf. he ould not hear the majesti piees of musi that he reated. et, in the fae of this adversit, he as able to maintain his ideals-that of posing musi. to exemplif hat suess means to me, i pose a question to all of ou. hat brings us together here toda? i believe that it is the beaut of the spoken ord. the effet of pause and the sound of rhetori are unique to the spoken ord. i believe the beaut of the spoken ord is even stronger for those ho have diffiult in expressing themselves. these people are relusive and had their emotions hidden ithin them. i one 第 2 页ent to australia and i sa to pitures, one as dran b a normal hild, the other as dran b a hild ith soial inhibitions. the piture dran b the normal hild as simple and plain. the other as life-like, full of details and imagination. hat this shos is that these are ideas, emotions and feelings that are loked internall in these hildren. m ideal is to be the ke, spreading the beaut of the spoken ords to these hildren. these hildren have been negleted, but i feel that i an and should help these hildren to find themselves and be able to express themselves. i realize that this is a diffiult task, and there are man obstales on the a. but i believe in m ideals and i ill stik to them-even in the fae of adversit. e should never have a premature abortion of ideals-let the hild, let our ideals, stand the hallenge. for a life ithout ideals is not living. that s all. thank ou!相关内容奋斗演讲稿:奋斗是成功的基石初中开学典礼发言稿:成功的彼岸励志演讲稿:相貌与成功的关系攀登成功的险峰成功的花儿-五四青年节演讲稿中学生演讲稿范文:成功的秘诀永不放弃小学生国旗下的讲话做一朵成功的花儿成功的英语演讲稿2017自强教育征文演讲稿:自强,通向成功的阶梯相貌与成功的关系俞敏洪在同济大学的演讲演讲稿开场白:好的开头是演讲成功的一半如何塑造一场成功的竞聘演讲学期初国旗下讲话稿:播种成功的种子作一名成功的中学生-第 3 页学生演讲稿2017比赛演讲稿:自信是成功的一半:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/2706821.htm
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