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1Words and Expressions for Unit 10, Module IV, BNUP Learning to learn 1. motivate vt. 为之动机(常用被动语态) ;引起 The murder was motivated by hatred. 那凶杀案是由仇恨所引起的。 What motivated you to do such a thing? 引起你做这样的事的动机是什么 ? motivation n. 动机,刺激,推动 名校学案:P.22. technique n. (科学、艺术、运动等的)技巧;技术U;手法,技法 C way of doing something technique in medicine and surgery 内外科技术 They admired the pianists perfect technique. They need to learn modern management techniques. 他们还得学习现代管理技术。Dick had a new technique for doing the high jump. 迪克有一种跳高的新技术。 to learn the advanced techniques from other countries 学习别国的先进技术 名校学案:P.2* technology (科学)技术 U practical science We should master the basic advanced technology of the new century. enjoy a high level of technology 享受高水准的科技 science and technology 科学和技术 3. native a. 出生地的,祖国的,家乡的;本土的; 土生的B(+to);(某地)特有的;土著的They are native speakers of English. 他们的母语是英语。The giant panda is native to China. 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。She was native to Taipei. 她原籍台北。 Native American 美洲原住民;印第安人* n. 本地人,本国人(+of); 土著,原住民P1 ;(某地)原有的动(植)物(+of)The giant panda is native to China. 你是本地人? 或者只是过客?The professor set to study the habits of the natives. 教授着手研究当地居民的生活习惯。 The kangaroo is a native of Australia. 袋鼠是澳大利亚的土生动物。4. achievement 达成;完成U ; 成就,成绩Cachievement of an ambition 抱负的实现 make achievements 取得成就 The invention of the computer is a great achievement. 发明电脑是一大成就。* achieve v. do or finish something well after trying hardYou will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.你若总是这样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就。achieve success 取得成功 achieve a victory 获胜 achieve the four modernizations 实现四个现代化5. put off 推迟;拖延 postpone (an appointment, a trip, a visit, etc.); postpone an engagement with (sb.)Its raining hard. Wed better put off the sports meet. 正在下大雨,我们最好把运动会延期。 Dont put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。* 阻止;劝阻;使泄气 hinder; dissuade; discourage 名校学案:P.3We are not going to allow a little difficulty like that to put us off. 决不让那么一点点困难把我们吓倒。6. billion num. (美、法)十亿;(英、德)万亿 (美) thousand million , (英) million million ;大量,无数P(+of) Billions of stars twinkled in the sky. 无数星星在天空闪烁。7. percentage n. 百分比 率 ,比率 ;(口语)利益,赚头; s (胜的) 机率,胜算 2What percentage of the students are is admitted to college(s)? 有多少百分比的学生获准进入大学? A small percentage of the farm produce was ruined. 农产品中的一小部分坏掉了。 There is no percentage in it. 没有赚头(好处) 。 play the percentages 计算得失(机率)而行动 8. exist vi. 存在 to be, to be real We cannot exist without air. 没有空气,我们就不能生存。 Does life exist on other planets? 别的行星上有生命吗? The Qin dynasty existed for a very short period. 秦朝存在的时间很短。 Matter generally exists in three states: gas, liquid and solid. 物质通常有三态:气态、液态和固态。 They cannot exist on such a small income. 靠这点收入他们不能够生活。 exist on food * existence n.U 存在 being The tree owes its existence to soil. 树木依赖泥土生存。 bring into existence 使产生 earn ones existence 谋生 lead a happy existence 过着幸福生活 put . out of existence 使灭绝 * come into existence 出现,产生 start to be, live, happen, etc. When did this world come into existence? 这个世界何时产生的? 9. at present 目前;现在We dont need it at present. 我们现在不需要。We are badly in need of teachers at present. 当前我们急需教员。 10. variety 多样化,变化U ;种种S(+of) ;种类C 名校学案:P.4What other ways do you know to add variety? 你知道其他增加变化的方法吗?People like to live a life full of variety. 人们喜欢过丰富多彩的生活。He has a variety of interests. 他有多种爱好。Hospitals deal with diseases of every variety. 医院诊治各种各样的疾病。11. bow v. 鞠躬,欠身 (+to/before),顺从,屈服(+to/before) ;低( 头),欠(身) ,鞠躬(或欠身)表示;Some people bow before money. 有些人在金钱面前俯首贴耳。He bowed his head in shame. 他惭愧地低下头来。She bowed her thanks. 她鞠躬致谢。* n. 弓 a weapon that shoots arrows;结;蝴蝶结 ;奏提琴用的)弓to bend a bow 张弓 bow and arrow 弓矢 She tied her shoelaces in a bow. 她把鞋带打成蝴蝶结。A violin is played with a bow. 提琴是用弓来拉奏的。 12. passer-by n. 过路人CPassers-by could hear our rising voices. 过路行人可以听到我们越来越高的声音。* pass by 经过;过去 ;(时间)过去;错过A bus has just passed by. 一辆公共汽车刚刚过去。You should never let an opportunity pass by. 你不应该错过任何机会。13. defeat vt. 战胜,击败 ;使失败,挫败 win a victory over, overcome 名校学案:P.4The French defeated the English troops. 法国人打败了英国军队。The news that he has been defeated in the election is not true. 他落选的消息不真实。Our hopes were defeated. 我们的希望落空了。* n. 失败;战败;挫折 losing a game, fight, war, etc. 3The enemy suffered a crushing defeat. 敌人遭到了惨败。 Victories or defeats are ordinary things to a general. 对一个将军来说胜败是常事。 He returned to his home county in 1945 after the defeat of Japan. 1945 年打败日本以后他返回了家乡。Warm-up 1. earn vt. 挣得 to get money by working ;赢得,获得How much do you earn a week? 你一周赚多少钱?He earns twice as much as I do. 他挣的钱是我挣的两倍。 His achievements earned him respect and admiration. 他的成就赢得人们的尊敬和仰慕。2. out of work 失业 with no job that brings money He has been out of work for a year. 他已经失业一年了。3. beg vi. 乞求;乞讨 ask for food, money, etc. ;央告;恳求 ask for something with strong fee
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