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考研集训营,为考生服务,为学员引路!www.kaichengschool.com 第 1 页 共 5 页2016翻译硕士复习资料:散文翻译(4)美文妙译林语堂的 Moment in Peking 当中描写慈禧太后的句子:1. The ignorant old woman who ruled for the entire last half of the nineteenth century did more than any other single person to hold back Chinas progress. Without her the progressive Emperor Kuangshu would certainly have gone on with his reforms. To the end, the Emperor, like an eagle deprived of its wings, remained submissive to his aunt. Ignorance added to a strong character was a double curse; stupidity joining hands with stubbornness was twice stupid.张振玉先生的译文:那个愚蠢无知的老太婆统治了 19 世纪的后 50 年,使中国不能进步,她可算功劳第一。若没有她,锐意求进的光绪皇帝,一定会进行他的维新大计。光绪皇帝,像个剪去翅膀的苍鹰,一直对他这位大权在握的老伯母必恭必敬,百依百顺。愚而妄,其为祸则加倍地强烈。愚蠢再与刚愎携手,则愚蠢倍增。【spoiltcat 点评】最后一句实在是经典。 “愚蠢无知”来译 ignorant,有点过,因为 ignorant似乎并无“愚蠢”之意。苍鹰不是一个一个的吧。 “必恭必敬”尚可表现出无奈的感觉, “百依百顺”则不可。【spoiltcat 改译】那个无知的老太婆在 19 世纪后半叶统治中国整整 50年之久。阻止中国进步的第一大功臣,当真非她莫属。若不是她,锐意进取的光绪皇帝,一定能推行他的维新大计。然而自始至终,光绪都慑服于他这位伯母的淫威之下,如一只剪去翅膀的苍鹰。无知而刚愎,其为祸则倍增。愚蠢与顽固携手,便是愚不可耐。2. All of these disciplines have changed so much in recent years that I cannot image people climbing over departmental walls and specialty boards so easily. On the other hand, I do envision a time ahead when the clinical science will come to share the same ground in their base of knowledge.原译:所有这些学科在近年来变化如此之大,我真难以想象我们何以能够容易地跨越科学的高墙和不同的专业舞台。但是,我确能预见,有朝一日名临床学科能在其知识基础上共享一席。【spoiltcat 点评】此译妙在“共享一席” 。 “如此之大” , 句子有欧化之嫌。 “何以能够” ,似乎含有“已经跨越,只是原因未知”的意思,而原文中是否定性的预见, 觉得这种跨越不太可能。要“跨越” “高墙”恐怕确实非一般人所能, 且“跨越”与“舞台”搭配也有些勉强。【spoiltcat 改译】所有这些学科在近年发生了深刻的变化,能否轻易翻越科学的高墙和不同的专业舞台,我着实难以想象。但是,我确能预见,有朝一日各临床学科能在其知识基础上共享一席。 考研集训营,为考生服务,为学员引路!www.kaichengschool.com 第 2 页 共 5 页PS:这段话是从一篇关于医学的文章里选出来的,所以“临床学科”似乎可以接受。3. The stage of mental comfort to which they had arrived at this hour was one wherein their souls expanded beyond their skins, and spread their personalities warmly through the room. (from Tess of the Durberveilles)张谷若先生的译文:他们那时所达到的欢畅阶段是:神游身外,脱却形骸,满眼生花,满室生春。【spoiltcat 点评】“神游身外,脱却形骸,满眼生花,满室生春”堪称神来之笔。 “所达到的欢畅阶段”令人费解。【spoiltcat 改译】彼时彼刻,他们心情欢畅,简直是神游身外,脱却形骸,满眼生花,满室生春。4. I lost myself in the authors world. And when finally I put it down, my mind was totally refreshed.原译:我完全沉浸在作者笔下的世界里,不得自知身在何处了。最后放下书来时,我倦意全消,身心为之一爽。译者用笔精妙,实在不容我不折服。粗读之下,本觉“我完全沉浸在作者笔下的世界里,不得自知身在何处了”用 24 个字来译原文“I lost myself in the authors world”区区 7 个字,罗嗦太甚,想加修改,却无从动笔。佩服。5. Illness brought her a strange restlessness and made her all the more eager to cling to life and squeeze from it the last drop of happiness. It made her envy health, but it also made her sentimental over a leaf that the wind had blown into her room.原译:这种病使她特别敏感不安,她越发急切于抓住人生不放,似乎是要把人生的甜蜜幸福挤到最后的一滴而后已。这病使她多么羡慕人家的健康,也使她多愁善感,见一叶飘零,随风入室,便愁绪满怀,无以自解。【spoiltcat 点评】“见一叶飘零,随风入室,便愁绪满怀,无以自解”译笔绝佳。【spoiltcat 改译】说来也怪,缠绵病榻,使她特别焦躁不安,她越发急切地抓住人生不放,欲将人生的幸福榨到最后一滴而后已。这病使她无比艳羡人家的健康,也使她多愁善感,见一叶飘零,随风入室,便愁绪满怀,无以自解。6. That tiny catch in my old friends voice dissolved whatever stood between me and my sorrow. My torrents of grief were unleashed.原译:我的老朋友的说话声微微哽塞却让我的心堤决口了,悲哀的大潮汹涌奔腾而来。此译妙在对介词 between 的处理。 “我的”二字多余,去掉。原文似乎并无转折之意。老朋友的声音微微哽塞,却让我的心堤决口了,悲哀的大潮汹涌奔腾而来。7. For those who do not know it, happiness is a problem, and for those who do know it, happiness is a mystery. 考研集训营,为考生服务,为学员引路!www.kaichengschool.com 第 3 页 共 5 页在未得安乐的人,求之而不可得,在已得安乐之人,又不知其来之所自。【spoiltcat 点评】英文是林语堂在译作 Six Chapters of a Floating Life (浮生六记的 Preface 中关于幸福的妙语。汉语同样出自林的手笔,虽非严格的对译,但同样精彩。8. Bright red costumes, with hats, shoes, and stockings to match, are to be all the craze in the Spring. Smart women will have to be careful not to yawn in the streets in case some shortsighted person is on his way to post a letter.原译:鲜红的时装,再配上与之相配的帽子、鞋子和袜子,是春日的时髦打扮。可是聪明的女子得小心一点,别在街头打哈欠,以防目光近视者正在去邮寄信件。美文妙译林语堂的 Moment in Peking 当中描写慈禧太后的句子:1. The ignorant old woman who ruled for the entire last half of the nineteenth century did more than any other single person to hold back Chinas progress. Without her the progressive Emperor Kuangshu would certainly have gone on with his reforms. To the end, the Emperor, like an eagle deprived of its wings, remained submissive to his aunt. Ignorance added to a strong character was a double curse; stupidity joining hands with stubbornness was twice stupid.张振玉先生的译文:那个愚蠢无知的老太婆统治了 19 世纪的后 50 年,使中国不能进步,她可算功劳第一。若没有她,锐意求进的光绪皇帝,一定会进行他的维新大计。光绪皇帝,像个剪去翅膀的苍鹰,一直对他这位大权在握的老伯母必恭必敬,百依百顺。愚而妄,其为祸则加倍地强烈。愚蠢再与刚愎携手,则愚蠢倍增。【spoiltcat 点评】最后一句实在是经典。 “愚蠢无知”来译 ignorant,有点过,因为 ignorant似乎并无“愚蠢”之意。苍鹰不是一个一个的吧。 “必恭必敬”尚可表现出无奈的感觉, “百依百顺”则不可。【spoiltcat 改译】那个无知的老太婆在 19 世纪后半叶统治中国整整 50年之久。阻止中国进步的第一大功臣,当真非她莫属。若不是她,锐意进取的光绪皇帝,一定能推行他的维新大计。然而自始至终,光绪都慑服于他这位伯母的淫威之下,如一只剪去翅膀的苍鹰。无知而刚愎,其为祸则倍增。愚蠢与顽固携手,便是愚不可耐。2. All of these disciplines have changed so much in recent years that I cannot image people climbing over departmental walls and specialty boards so easily. On the other hand, I do envision a time ahead when the clinical science will come to share the same ground in their base of knowledge.原译:
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