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山东交通学院毕业论文(设计)1摘 要汽车保险欺诈骗赔现象是伴随着汽车保险行业发展中面临的一个欺诈行为,是现代社会的一个毒瘤,社会危害性很大。汽车保险欺诈骗赔往往具有很大的隐蔽性,有不同的骗保方式和手段。面对汽车保险欺诈骗赔日益增多的实际情况,保险公司要针对汽车保险欺诈骗赔的不同特点,在实践中认真总结经验教训,提高辨别假案的能力,同时要规范公司的规章制度,杜绝来自公司内部的欺诈骗保。采取有针对性的措施预防汽车保险欺诈骗赔现象的蔓延。 关键词:汽车保险, 欺诈骗赔, 预防措施宋立祥:汽车保险诈骗情况分析及风险防范对策研究2AbstractMotor vehicle insurance fraud and deception lose phenomenon is accompanied by a motor vehicle insurance industry development in the face of a fraud, is a cancer in modern society, are very dangerous to the society. Motor vehicle insurance fraud and deception lost often has very big concealment, have different fraudulent means. In the face of motor vehicle insurance fraud and deception lose an increasing number of the actual situation, the insurance company for motor vehicle insurance fraud and deception lose different characteristics, in practice, sum up experience lesson seriously, improve identifying ability at the same time to regulate the affairs, the rules and regulations of the company, put an end to come from inside the company fraud fraudulent. Take targeted measures for the prevention of motor vehicle insurance fraud and deception for the spread of the phenomenon.Keywords: Car insurance; Fraud and deception lose;Prevention measures山东交通学院毕业论文(设计)3目 录前 言 .41 汽车保险诈骗的形成原因 .51.1 汽车保险诈骗形成的历史原因 .51.2 汽车保险诈骗形成的社会原因 .51.3 汽车保险诈骗形成的投保人原因 .51.4 汽车保险诈骗形成的保险公司原因 .62. 汽车保险欺诈骗赔的表现形特征及实例分析 .72.1 虚假告知,不够诚信 .72.2 出险在先,投保在后 .72.3 改变用途,出险索赔 .72.4 无中生有,谎报出险 .82.5 编造原因、隐瞒真相 .92.6 报案不实、夸大损失 .112.7 酒后驾驶,出险索赔 .122.8 故意造案,骗取赔款 .122.9 移花接木、混淆视听 .132.10 一险多报、重复索赔 .142.11 顶替他人、冒充索赔 .142.12 内外勾结、狼狈为奸 .152.13 多车共用一险 .163. 汽车保险欺诈骗赔的预防 .183.1 加强保险知识和法律知识的宣传普及 .183.2 加强与有关部门合作 .183.3 发挥公众监督作用 .183.4 加强内部制度建设 .18结 论 .20致 谢 .21参考文献 .
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