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Unit 1 How is language learned一、授课时间: October 9, 2012二、授课地点:12 学前 3 班三、教学目的:1. Students should have a good command of the useful and important language points in the passage, including the usages of important words and phrases and the structure of difficult sentences.2. Improve students ability of mastering main components of English sentences and basic sentence patterns.3. Ask students to learn how to use countable and uncountable nouns.四、教学重点:1. To master the seven basic sentence patterns:a). SV: The sun is shining.b). SVO: You should also consider this.c). SVC: New York is a very good place.d). SVA: I was at college.e). SVOO: Living at college gives me a sense of responsibility.f). SVOC: That makes me responsible for my own life.g). SVOA: You can put the dish on the table.2. Important words and phrases:a). abstract; e). failure;b). approach; f).involve;c). blame; g).take charge of;d). circumstance; 3. Difficult sentences:a). True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you chose to do.b). They have worked hard to make these opportunities open for you.c). Well, firstly, you may not get a job even if you do a course that is likely to get you one.五、教学难点:1. Help students to understand the difficult sentences and grammar points.2. Help students to get into the habit of analysing the components of the sentences.六、教学计划: 授课内容概要 教学方法与手段课授时间 教学目标(应知与应会)Words & Phrases 重点讲练 30 mins 应知:词汇、语音等知识PreparationAround the topicQuiz & Discussion & Listening师生问答 70 mins 应知:如何学好一门外语Text Structure and Main Idea 篇章分析Part IReadingGrammar Sentence study 重点讲练50 mins应知:词汇、语法等知识应会:语法、翻译等能力培养与提Part II Exercises 测验、讲练小组合作50 mins 升Project The best way to learn English 组间对话 50mins应会:交际、翻译等能力培养与提升Part Extension How to be a better reader 阅读、翻译50mins应会:阅读、翻译等能力培养与提升七、教学过程:Step1.学习生词、短语(30mins) whatever: det. & pron.1.(fml or lit) any(thing) at all that 任何;什么 都例 They eat whatever (food) they can find. 他们找到什么(吃的)就吃什么。例 Do whatever you like. 干你喜欢干的。2. (fml or lit) no matter what; without considering what 无论什么;不管什么例 Whatever happens, keep trying. 无论发生什么,别放弃。例 Whatever your reason, I shall hold to my idea.无论你的理由是什么,我都要坚持我的看法。3. (infml) anything (else) like that什么的例 Anything will make him happy: a book, a pen, a bike, or whatever. 任何东西都会使他高兴:书、笔、自行车、什么都行。4.adj. at all. (用于疑问句和否定句之后 )任何的。例 I have no money whatever. likely: adj. & adv.adj. 1. that can reasonably be expected; probable. 看来要发生的,可能的;例 Its likely to rain. 有可能下雨。例 Are we likely to arrive in time? 我们可能及时到达吗?adj. 2. probably suitable; 也许适合;例 He is the most likely of the people whove asked for the job. 他是最有可能申请这项工作的人。adv. probably; 可能;例 Profit will most likely have risen by about $25 million. 利润很可能增长 2500 万美元。 circumstance n. 1. the conditions that affect a situation, action, event, etc.例 I cant imagine a circumstance in which I would be willing to steal.2. under no circumstances: used to emphasize that something must not happen例 Under no circumstances are you to go out.3. under the circumstances: used to say that a particular situation makes an action, decision.例 Its the best result that could be expected under the circumstances.Step2. 新课导入 (20mins)Q1: Whats the difference between middle school life and college life?T: Entering college for the first time is an exciting moment in your life. Think about why you decided to go to college. You may have several reasons. But, whatever the reasons, use your time wisely to work hard, enjoy meeting new people and prepare you for a bright future.T: Now you are a college student, happy and pround. Think about some questions. “Have you found the differences between college life and middle school life?” & “Whats your purpose of going to college?”S: Yes.T: Who can tell me the differences?S:middle school life college lifeat home / dependent on parents far away from home / dependent on ourselveshomework is required homework consists of self-studying must attend class more free/refer to the syllabus to get missed assignmentsT: Now we can see that they differ in at least three ways. The first difference between high school and college is their atmospheres. In high school, the home is near to the school and for the most part we can depend on our parents who help us a lot. In college, we are far away from our homes. So, we have to do more decisions by ourselves, well have to decide how to spend own spare time, how to make the most of it, and so on. The second difference between high school and college is their policies about homework. In high school, homework is required to help motivate students to study. In college, most homework consists of self-studying, very little of it is written and turned in. The third and last difference is their attendance policies. In high schoo
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