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1【 开放英语 3】 小抄排版完型填空文章1:开头More and more people.havehave been askingduewho-which estimatedto have them installedyetto install文章2:开头Traffic in India means.have been sold invehicles withonpulledwatch outare recommendedby that文章3:开头Most workers spend eight.workdaysenjoy extratoratherunderAs a resultlittleend health文章4:开头There are advantages and disbothtothandopreparesyet onnew as have文章5:开头Jules Vernes most famousmeaninginventedatstory-tellerto bewho easywaysas well as Sometimes文章6:开头Peter Blake is a successfulused wasdecided beensowhichownon-but文章7:开头Although internationalexcitingfrominfromwhich toleavebeforeeffectslessen bestfor文章8:开头Frank knew he was very illsometimesinmindlistenedbe admittedremembernobodywhenever onlylike文章9:开头A study().has showntowhoeven ifmore likelywereexercisingHoweverto reduceencourage文章10:开头A study has shown that fitness is the keytoorthose who do notthe leastwhether or notto be fatbeingsmokingonto exercise文章11:开头 A survey was carried out last year bysharplyAlthoughto exercisewalkingwalkonto makeforfor文章12:开头 Bill was on holiday and he was veryaboutwho had hadaboutsurprisedforanything hisand with阅读理解:文章1:开头是:Bill cooper is portfolio manager of the 13billion value thust funds . for nine years running through his fathers explanation one can make money through buying stockshard work only indicated that one was ready to start his career文章2:开头是:my mother reised me as best as the could poor badly whichare not regular or fixed the three years of military service the anthor was surprised that he was accepted as a firefight文章3:开头:robert was born in a small town in England his father is a rich farmer there were a lot of thiever in the city he was afraid to lose his wallet he hoped to make fun of the thieves the thief make fun of Robert文章4:开头 I have two jobs growing up and they all help share my life how to talk and behave properly working in different occupationschallenging joining a baseball game never be faraid of taking risks 文章5:开头 Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century ad in china in 1500 one tre faster houses文章6:开头 the entertainment profession ,or shou businessgeting the best tailor yonger singes are catching up they make him rich and famous can be very annoying keep smiling 文章7:开头may you wish upon a thousand stars? husband and wife her motorhome they learn a lot more than ordinary school kids global positioning syatem their life is rich and they stay closer to each other文章8:开头dear folks :I ve been here fou about three weeks looks very different form what she expected it is the cheapest to keep up in a different learning bnvironment less confident in making lanzhou 文章9:开头a funny thing happened on the way to the communication. unhappy both A and B more disconnecet all of the above it actually creates a distand between 文章10:开头 Cynthia woolly is calld the Michael Jordan of women the best professional woman baskbetball well the team leader of a basketball team at a disadvantage she doesnt want the yonger providing them eith a better文章11 开头: I was 15 when I walked into . he happended to walk into the shop and got in by chance it helped him understand the world and himself proud of himself perauding his boss to let him do the story on tv it helps people make sense of the worle 文章12:开头 we are all in rush . feel time is pressing at the same time about time is doubtful aboutcan we save timesaving文章13开头: PALO ALTO ,California children will get father if they spend more time watching tv is more than fours a day three hours childrend usually eat more while watching tvboth A and B文章14开头: Lillian hanson , a college student .she hadnt got enough money to further her education at college that she is 73 years old they were deeply moved by her spirit cares for study very much 文章15开头 the greatest recent social changers have been in the lives of woman .at about tewenty-five many children died before they were five was unlikely to find a job evwen if the wanted one marry before they are twenty-five today more married women leave文章16开头:Once the king of India fell ill and sent for his doctor.drinking bulls milk hated Gulbo very much He was upset. Because she wanted the king to notice her.understood the girls meaning文章17开头:People all over the world today are beginning to.the release of artificial or natural substances into the environmentall sides concerned would make more effortsboth a litter problem and a waster of resourcesEatingbits of waste things文章18开头:Thousands of years ago,how life began on a volcano-produced islandits own rockbaresoil, plants and animalsInsects could not live on the island without plants.文章19开头:In the last 500 years, nothing about peopl
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