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Unit2 This is my sister 课后练习题雅鲁河学校:刘胜广1、单项选择1 is she? She is my sister.A. what B. HowC. who D. which2-_, are you Mr. Wang? -Yes, I am.A. Fine B. PleaseC. Excuse me D. OK3Are these your cousins?_. They are my sister and brother.A. Yes, these are B. No, these arentC. No, they arent D. yes, they are4Is his hair short?._A. Yes, she is.B. No, he isnt.C. Yes, it is.5 - _ is your Maths teachers name ?-His name is Tom.A. What B. WhoC. Which man D. Whos6Call Tom 18341657868 , please.A. in B. at C. on D. /7 , Bob. Is this your eraser ?Yes, thank you.AGood morning BExcuse me CNice to meet you. DIm ok.8Thank you your oranges.Aat Bon Cfor Din9Whats that ? is an orange.AThat BThis CIt DIts10一 Your English is very good一_AThank you BHave a good dayCNo,very bad DOK2、阅读理解Look at the picture. Who is the girl? She is my friend. Her name is Alice Black. She is an English girl.Alice has a big family. Her grandparents have two daughters and one son her father. Alice lives with her grandparents, parents, two brothers and one sister. Alice has two dogs Bobby and Tony. Bobby is black and Tony is white. Alice likes them very much. Alice is a middle school student. She has a good friend at school. Her name is Helen. They are cousins, too.11 _ is the girls last name.A. White B. Brown C. Black D. Green12 Alices grandparents have _ children (孩子).A. two B. three C. four D. five13 第二段中划线单词 them 指代的是“_”。A. her dogs B. her familyC. her friends D. her brothers14 Helen is Alices _.A. aunt B. sisterC. teacher D. cousin15Which is TRUE(正确的)according to the passage?A. Alice is in China.B. Alice has two aunts.C. Alice has no sister.D. Bobby is a white dog3、补充句子(一)用 be 填空16Millie _ a student.17Jim and Lily _ my classmates.18My parents _ very busy every day.19I _ an English boy.20What _ your father?21The light _ red.22My name _Li Lei.23The girl_ Lucys sister.24There _some fans in our class.25There _ a big desk for the teachers.(二)补全对话,根据对话情景,在空白处填适当的句子。A: Are these your photos, Lei Mei? . B: Yes, Jim. Look! This is my mother. She is cleaning the house.A: 26 ? B: The woman is my aunt. She is buying fruit in the shop.A:Oh, this man is driving a car. 27 ?B: He is my father.A: 28 ? B: Yes, he is a driver.A:There are so many people in this photo.Who are they? B:They are my grandparents,my parents and my uncles.They are having a family dinner.A: 29 ?B: I have three uncles.A: 30 ?B: I am not in the photo.参考答案1C 2C 3C 4C 5B 6B 7B 8C 9C 10 A11C 12B 13A 14D 15B16is 17are18are19am20is21is22is23is24 are25is26Who is this woman?27Who is he ?28Is he a driver?29How many uncles do you have ?30Where are you?
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