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Art icle ID :100020240 (2004) Suppl . 20184205Permaf rost Engineer ing Geological Character ist icsof Qingha i2 Ra il wa y(青 藏 铁 路 多 年 冻 土 工 程 地 质 勘 察 )钊 ) 1 ,2ZHAN G Zhao (张( 1 . T he Fi rst S u rvey a n d Desi g n I nst i t ute of Chi na R ai l w ay , L a nz hou Ga ns u 730000 , Chi na ; 2 . S t ateKey L aboratory of Frozen S oi l En gi neeri n g , CA R E ER I , CA S , L a nz hou Ga ns u 730000 , Chi na)Abstract : The effective and assured measures in criteria of formulatio n , p rocedures , techniques and met hodsfor geological p rospecting of Qinghai2 Railway have been made. The permaf rost engineering geological investigatio n indicate t he tali k and t hose sectio ns wit h annual average ground temperat ure higher t han 1 takes up 68 . 8 % of total amount ; t he high ice co ntent permaf rost also account for 50 % of real permaf rost sec2tio n. The dist ributio n of permaf rost characteristics is obviously influenced by altit ude and latit ude. The p rospecting also shows t he dist ributio n of permaf rost characteristics is rat her co mplicated. Based o n t wo p redi2 catio ns of air temperat ure2rising tendency , by calculating climate model of permaf rost t hermal stat us , and co m2 paring and analyzing geological dist ributio n of Qinghai2 Railway , t he tendency of permaf rost recessio n range has been p redicated.Key words : Qinghai2 Railway ; permaf rost ; engineering geological investigatio n ; engineering geologicalcharacteristicsDocument code : ACLC number : 642 . 14co nst ructio n greatly depends o n a reaso nable and reli2able engineering design fo r per maf ro st , w hich result s f ro m a p recise investigatio n of geological co nditio ns of Qinghai2 Railway per maf ro st engineering. Wit h several years of explo ratio n and effo rt , t he per2 maf ro st engineering geological co nditio ns and charac2 teristics of Qinghai2 Railway have been basical2 ly nailed dow n , p reparing well fo r t he acco mplish2ment of Qinghai2 Railway co nst ructio n .1 IntroductionThe Qinghai2 Railway ( Q XR) , f ro m Gol2mud to L hasa covers 1 142 km , amo ng w hich t he newly built line is 1 110 km lo ng. The railway cro ss2 es 960 km of over 4 000 m above sea level land , high2 est point 5 072 m above sea level o n Tanggula Mo un2 tain , co ntinuo us per maf ro st regio ns fo r 546 km and patchy per maf ro st regio ns fo r 82 km. Alo ng t he Qinghai2 Railway , t he nat ural enviro nment is severe , t he geolo gical co nditio n is co mplicated , t he co nst ructio n is difficult in technique and t he require2 ment fo r enviro nmental p rotectio n is high . Hence it is co nf ro nted wit h t he challenge f ro m co nst ructio n o n f rozen gro und , enviro nmental p rotectio n , and altit ude acclimatizatio n ; t herefo re it is a pio neering and great wo r k in t he histo ry of railway co nst ructio n t hro ugh2 o ut t he wo rld.The acco mplishment of Qinghai2 Railway2 The Permaf rost Engineering GeologicalInvestigationThe no n2unifo r mit y in spatial dist ributio n , sea2so nalit y and effectiveness , instability and sensitive2ness of plateau per maf ro st to t he o ut side enviro nment claim fo r t he special requirement s in it s investigatio n , w hich are different f ro m t hat in ot her regio ns. Hence , t he effective and assured measures in criteria sfo r mulatio n , p rocedures , techniques and met ho ds fo rSuppl . 张 钊 : 青藏铁路多年冻土工程地质勘察 185 geological p ro specting of Qinghai2 Railwayhave been made .2 . 1 Criterias f ormulat ion f or geological prospect2ingThe geological p ro specting of Qinghai2 Railway per maf ro st engineering draw s t he experience f ro m bot h relevant engineering co nst ructio ns and so me impo rtant st udy f ruit s of geolo gical per maf ro st engineering at ho me and abroad , w hich p rovide t hep ro specting wit h a higher starting point . In t his co n2clusio n1 , t he o ne of clo se link bet ween embankment stabilit y and gro und temperat ure is t he basis of as2 signing t he annual average gro und temperat ure of per2 maf ro st as main item in engineering geological p ro specting. Therefo re , in t he p ro specting of Qing2 hai2 Railway per maf ro st regio ns , acco rding to characteristics of railway engineering and invest ment of engineering co nst ructio n , t he per maf ro st divisio n in ter ms of t he annual average gro und temperat ure has been made , namely : high2temperat ure ext remely unstable regio n wit h T cp - 0 . 5 , high2tempera2t ure unstable regio n wit h - 1 . 0 T cp - 0 . 5 ,low2temperat ure basically stable regio n wit h - 2 . 0 T cp - 1 . 0 , and low2temperat ure stable regio n wit h Tcp - 2 . 0 . And it is w rit ten in The Inter2 im Provisio ns fo r Per maf ro st Engineerin
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