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文件号: P-2031客户样品寄送管理程序 版本号: 04Customer Sample Management Procedure 发行日期:2012-3-3页码: 1/51. 目的Purpose本程序规定了对客户所需样品的准备过程,以确保样品准确的被送到客户。 This procedure describe the preparation process of customers sample to ensure that the sample will be sent to the customer correctly.2. 范围Scope本程序适用于客户要求的所有样品的准备。This procedure apply for all the samples which required by the customer.3. 职责Responsibility3.1 销售部负责提供客户需求样品的信息Sales department provides the sample request by the customer.3.2 根据客户的要求,质量部负责准备瓶装的样品QC department prepares the bottle sample based on the requirement of the customer.3.3 根据客户的要求,物流部负责准备桶装的样品Logisitic prepares the drum/tote sample based on the requirement of the customer.4. 操作过程Process4.1 客服部接受到客户的样品需求后,将信息(包括质量,数量,包装材料,标签,报告,时间,送样方式等(R-2015)以书面或邮件通知给物流部和质量部。Customer service clearly understand customers requirements and forward all information in paper (or email) to logistic and QC department including quality, quantity, packing material, label, COA, timing, delivery method, etc. (R-2015)4.2 质量部根据样品检查表 Check List(R-2016)要求的项目准备样品。如果样品以桶包装的或者外来样,则保存于仓库中,质量部打印出标签和报告,物流人员(主管)准备样品并更换标签。见附录客户样品准备流程图。QC department prepare the sample according to the items in the attached Check list for sample (R-2016). If the sample is packed in drum/tote or from outside and keep in the warehouse, QC department print the label and the report, the logistic clerk (supervisor) prepares the sample and exchange the label. See the customer sample preparation flow chart in attachment.4.3 如果有项目不能满足客户的要求,如不同的包装材料,QC/ 物流部需要提前和客服联系,客服与客户联系,只有得到客户的同意(书面或邮件)才可以发送样品。If there are some items can not meet the customers request, for instance, different packing material request, QC/Logistic supervisor needs to inform Customer service department in advance, Customer service communicate with the customer. Sample can not ship out unless there is permission in paper (or e-mail) from customer side. 4.4 物流部需要跟踪样品的运输信息,如果时间有变化需要通知客服,客服与客户客户联系,如果需要,则将所有信息通知给客户。Logistic department needs to trace the transportation of sample, if there is possible variation of timing, 文件号: P-2031客户样品寄送管理程序 版本号: 04Customer Sample Management Procedure 发行日期:2012-3-3页码: 2/5Logistic department needs to inform Customer Service, and Customer Service communicates with the customer and sends all information to the customer if necessary.5. 记录Record记录名称 表格编号 保存方式 保存年限样品需求表Sample request form R-2015纸版Paper 3 年样品检查表Check list for sample R-2016纸版Paper 3 年 文件号: P-2031客户样品寄送管理程序 版本号: 04Customer Sample Management Procedure 发行日期:2012-3-3页码: 3/5ChemistChemistChemistChemistOperatorChemistChemistChemistChemistChemistChemistChemistChemistDrum/toteOperatorBottle sampleOperatorOperatorStick label 2Move the sample to table2 Sampling,Label 1(batch No.)Put sample on the lab“Reception1,2,3” (After completed analysis if for Nepes)Take picture1 with two labels(one picture with 4 bottles at most)Seal the bottle with SACHEM logo film, put the bottle into the plastic bag and tied with beltput the bottle with Package list, MSDS or report into box and seal the boxTake picture2(one picture with 4 bottles at most), double checkCustomer Sample RequestStore in the warehouse ChemistMove the label 1 and paste on the Check ListInform the logistics to take the sample from labReplace label 1 with label 2Store in the warehouseChemist Operator附录: Prepare and print label 2(with Lot No. add additional No. for Nepes)Prepare and print Check List, two Package lists, MSDS and reportSend COA, package list and picture2 to customer service and supply chain by e-mailFill the Check List and sign by two chemistsPrint picture1&2, keep the pictures, package list and check list in the folder 文件号: P-2031客户样品寄送管理程序 版本号: 04Customer Sample Management Procedure 发行日期:2012-3-3页码: 4/5程序修订记录版本 04 2011-10-30 全部内容 文件号: P-2031客户样品寄送管理程序 版本号: 04Customer Sample Management Procedure 发行日期:2012-3-3页码: 5/5编制: 赵芹 审核: 蒋红梅 批准:
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