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Jiang Zemins report at 16th Party congress(5)V. Plitial Develpent and RestruturingDevelping sialist deray and establishing a sialist plitial ivilizatin are an iprtant gal fr building a ell-ff siety in an all-rund ay. Adhering t the Fur ardinal Priniples, e ust g n steadily and surely ith plitial restruturing, extend sialist deray and iprve the sialist legal syste in rder t build a sialist untry under the rule f la and nslidate and develp the plitial situatin haraterized by deray, slidarity, liveliness, stability and harny. ur Party has alays deeed it its duty t realize and develp peples deray. Sine the beginning f refr and pening up, e have pressed n ith plitial restruturing and iprved sialist deray. The key t develping sialist deray is t bine the need t uphld the Partys leadership and t ensure that the peple are the asters f the untry ith the need t rule the untry by la. Leadership by the Party is the fundaental guarantee that the peple are the asters f the untry and that the untry is ruled by la. The peple being the asters f the untry nstitutes the essential requireent f sialist deray. Ruling the untry by la is the basi priniple the Party pursues hile it leads the peple in running the untry. The P is the re f leadership fr the ause f sialis ith hinese harateristis. Gvernane by the unist Party eans that it leads and supprts the peple in ating as the asters f the untry and bilizes and rganizes the n a st extensive sale t anage state and sial affairs and eni and ultural undertakings arding t la, safeguarding and realizing their fundaental interests. The nstitutin and ther las ebdy the unity f the Partys vies and the peples ill. All rganizatins and individuals ust at in strit ardane ith the la, and nne f the are alled t have the privilege t verstep the nstitutin and ther las. Plitial restruturing is the self-iprveent and develpent f the sialist plitial syste. It ust help enhane the vitality f the Party and state, denstrate the features and advantages f the sialist syste, give full spe t the initiative and reativity f the peple, safeguard natinal unity, ethni slidarity and sial stability and prte eni develpent and sial prgress. e ust alays preed fr ur natinal nditins, revie ur experiene gained in pratie and at the sae tie learn fr the ahieveents f plitial ivilizatin f ankind. e shuld never py any dels f the plitial syste f the est. e ust nentrate n institutinal iprveent and ensure that sialist deray is institutinalized and standardized and has its predures. 1. Uphld and iprve the systes f sialist deray. It is essential t iprve the systes f deray, develp diverse frs f deray, expand itizens partiipatin in plitial affairs in an rderly ay, and ensure that the peple g in fr derati eletins and deisin-aking, exerise derati anageent and supervisin arding t la and enjy extensive rights and freeds, and that huan rights are respeted and guaranteed. e shuld uphld and iprve the syste f peples ngresses and ensure that the ngresses and their standing ittees exerise their funtins arding t la and that their legislatin and pliy deisins better ebdy the peples ill. e shuld ptiize the psitin f the standing ittees. e shuld uphld and iprve the syste f ultiparty peratin and plitial nsultatin under the leadership f the unist Party. e shuld uphld the priniple f lng-ter existene, utual supervisin, treating eah ther ith all sinerity and sharing eal and e, step up ur peratin ith the derati parties and better display the features and advantages f the hinese sialist syste f plitial parties. e ill ensure that the hinese Peples Plitial nsultative nferene PP) plays its rle in plitial nsultatin, derati supervisin and partiipatin in and deliberatin f state affairs. e ill nslidate and develp the bradest pssible patriti united frnt. e ill fully ipleent the Partys pliy tard ethni inrities, uphld and iprve the syste f reginal ethni autny, nslidate and enhane sialist ethni relatins f equality, slidarity and utual assistane and prte n prsperity and prgress fr all ur ethni grups. e ill ipleent the Partys pliy tard the freed f religius belief, handle religius affairs arding t la, enurage the adaptability f religins t the sialist siety and uphld the priniple f self-adinistratin and running religius affairs independently. e ill nsientiusly arry ut the Partys pliy tard verseas hinese affairs.Extending deray at the grassrts level is the grundrk fr develping sialist deray. e ill iprve grassrts self-gverning rganizatins, their derati anageent syste and the syste f keeping the publi infred f atters being handled, and ensure that the peple diretly exerise their derati rights arding t la, anage grassrts publi affairs and prgras fr publi gd and exerise derati supervisin ver the adres. e ill iprve self-gvernane ang villagers and fster a ehanis f their self-gvernane full f vitality under the leadership f village Party rganizatins. e ill iprve self-gvernane ang urban residents and build ne-type and ell-anaged unities
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