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2007 年 12 月英语四级答案解析1. 各大学开设了各种各样的选修课;2. 学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课;3. 以你自己为例. .What Electives to ChooseNowadays, more and more universities are opening more opportunities for their students to choose from various optional courses in their spare time. This is, in fact, not a new phenomenon, but presently, it is of different implications to the students who want to or need to improve themselves.There can be a great many different reawsons to choose their optional courses. For example, some of them may choose some courses on practical skills so that it will be more likely for them to get a good job after graduation, because nowadays companies are placing emphasis on a candidates working experience, an inseparable part of which is practical skills. However, some others may choose to learn some courses. like literatjre, philosophy, etc., to broaden their view and find a different way of looking at things. And still some others may choose the electives just in that they are interested in the courses.Personally, I prefer to choose courses which can enrich my knowledge of science and society, and even of ourselves as human beings, whether the courses can be of any pratical uses does not make any big differrence to me, because I think To learn is fun!点评:此次作文属典型的阐述性议论文,即 some, others,型的文章,考生可参考我们提供的作文模板中的该类作文写法。从提纲来看,该文可以分三步走。首先,用 1-2 句话大体介绍当前越来越多的大学提供各种各样的选修课;然后,用 5-6 句话介绍学生选修课的种种理由,并对各个理由进行解释;最后,用 1-2 句话讲述自己选课的情况,并加以简单说明。刚刚结束额四级考试,作文题没有任何新意。关于选修课的话题是老生常谈,历史上也曾经出现过。这从一个侧面反映了在准备考试时历年真题的重要性。而且也揭示了四级考试写作部分将来的一种可能的发展方向,即,相对固定的校园话题。这也让我们的备考相对容易一些。1.各学校开了各种各样的选修课2.学生选课有不同的原因3. 就我而言What Electives To ChooseWith the reform of Chinese higher education, more and more colleges and universities put emphasis on nurturing students abilities. As a result, elective courses are available not only for excellent academic performers but also for students about the average level.Certainly, students have different reasons to choose their own electives. For some, practical skills are the essence of college education, and therefore, courses on computer science, marketing, and finance are highly preferred. On the other hand, others may hold the idea of liberal education and electives concerning literature, history, and philosophy are the most welcome.Take me as an example: being a disciple of free education, I stand for the notion that university is not a place for survival skills, but a palace of knowledge and critical reasoning. Although my major is chemistry, the electives I attend most frequently are English literature, an Introduction to Classic Music, and Different Schools of Western Painting. They really widen my horizon.题目:What electives to choose作文:1. 各大学开设了各种各样的选修课;2. 学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课;3. 以你自己为例.范文:At present, a lot of electives are offered in the universities. The phenomenon has become a heated topic among the people around us.The students choose different types of electives for the following reasons. Firstly, it goes without saying that the learners are interested in various courses. In the second place, these electives are taught by many teachers, they are about different topics, and they meet all kinds of demands of the university students. At last, we can see an important fact that the electives can enrich the life the learners.Take me as an example. I choose painting as one of my electives because I dream of becoming a painter during my childhood period. Of course, this dream does not come true, so in a sense this course fulfill my dream.2003 年是四六级作文的分水岭。再此之前,一些社会设点话题是我们考试的重点,比如历年考察了虚假广告、城市绿化、交通问题、城市住房问题等,在 03 年以后,尤其03 年在六级中考察了住房所有权改个的问题后,命题相关的人员已经注意到了如果在考试当中考察社会热点话题。不同地区的考生对同一个社会话题的信息摄入量,认知程度是大相径庭的,鉴于此,2003 年之后,开始加大对学校生活题目的考察,因为这类题材不存在地域的差异,不同地域的同学都有话可说,比如,2003 年之后考的校园浪费,学生会主席竞选,以学生会的名义写公开信,名校校园旅游等,所以,今年在四级中考察选修课,也是意料之中的话题。从考试话题和考试题型我们都可以看出新四级考试中作文这部分的考察历年都是比较稳定的.1. B. in service training organizations2. C. at an annual rate of 3.9 percent3. B. 20%4. D. They give them chances for international study or internship5. A. Yales collaboration with Fudan University on genetic research6. C. It is intentionally created by Stanford University.7. B. It has been unsteady for years.8. changes in the visa process9. take their knowledge and skills back home10. strengthen the nation听力11. C) She was somewhat overweight12. D) At a hotel reception13. B) Having confidence in her son14. A) Have a short break15. D) He has been in perfect condition16. B) She still keeps some old furniture in her new house17. D) The woman forgot lending the book to the man18. C) The man doesnt look like a sportsman19. A)She has packed it in one of her bags.20. C) It will last one week.21. B) The taxi is waiting for them.22. A) At home.23. C) She is tired of her present work.24. A) Translator.25. D) Education and experience.26. A) They care a lot about children.27. B) Their birth information is usually kept secret.28. C) They have mixed feelings about finding their natural parents.29. D) Adoption has much to do with love
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