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哈尔滨某大学本科毕业设计(论文)-I-摘 要伴随着中国城市化进程的加快,中国必须提高环保意识,逐步扭转社会发展进步与保护环境之间的矛盾,努力构建社会主义和谐社会。现有辽宁省大连地区 A 城市为扭转城市发展与环境污染之间的矛盾,改善居民生活环境,提高城市形象,改善投资环境,需要设计一套城市排水系统,将城市生活污水与工业废水集中至污水厂处理。经过对该市污水水质水量以及相应的出水标准的分析,采用 SBR 工艺对污水进行生化处理,可以同步实现去除 BOD、脱氮、除磷。来水悬浮物浓度为 305.14mg/L,BOD 5 浓度为 207.71mg/L,处理后悬浮物浓度和 BOD5 浓度达到污水综合排放标准 ,均小于 10mg/L。污水处理过程包括:污水总泵站格栅沉砂池初沉池SBR 生化池消毒接触池巴氏计量槽。污泥处理过程包括:浓缩池贮泥池消化池脱水间。由于在浓缩池、贮泥池、消化池中污泥的停留时间过长,上清液中含有大量的磷,故而需要将上清液加以处理。处理后的上清液回流至泵站,产生的泥渣作为生活垃圾卫生填埋或则用作农用肥。关键字 污水处理;SBR;脱氮;除磷哈尔滨某大学本科毕业设计(论文)-II-AbstractCoupled with the acceleration of Chinese urbanization, China must advances environmental consciousness and gradually resolves the contradiction between environment protection and social development so as to build socialistic concordant society.Now, a city in Liao Ning Province need a municipal drainage system to collect sewage and industrial effluent together and treat it to meet the goal of fabricate urban image, ameliorate investment environment. Considering waste waters actual condition and the discharge standard, SBR is chosen as the most favorable technique. The concentration of suspended solids is 305.14mg/L, and the concentration of BOD5 is 207.71mg/L. After disposing, the concentration of SS and BOD5 are both less than 10mg/L and accord with Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard. Sewage treatment process include: Pumping Station Grill Preliminary Sedimentation Tank Sequencing Batch Reactor Disinfection Tank Parshall flume. Sludge process include: Sludge Thickener Sludge bulking Sludge Digestion Tank Sludge Dewatering Station. As the sludge stayed too long in Sludge Thickener、 Sludge bulking and Sludge Digestion Tank, the supernatant containing a lot of phosphorus, supernatant therefore need to be disposed. After disposing, supernatant return to Pumping Station, and the sludge as a solid waste sanitary landfill, or is used as a farm fertilizer. Keywords wastewater treatment;SBR ;nitrogen removal;dephosphorization哈尔滨某大学本科毕业设计(论文)-III-目 录摘 要 .IAbstract .II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 概述 .11.1.1 城市概况 .11.1.2 设计范围 .11.1.3 设计任务 .21.2 设计资料 .21.2.1 地形与城市规划资料 .21.2.2 气象资料 .31.2.3 地质资料 .41.2.4 受纳水体水文与水质资料 .4第 2 章 排水管网的规划设计 .52.1 城市排水管网定线原则 .52.1.1 排水工程规划设计的基本原则 .52.1.2 排水管网的管道定线原则 .62.2 排水体制确定及区域划分 .62.2.1 排水体制的选择 .62.2.2 排水区域的划分 .82.3 排水系统的布置形式 .82.4 污水设计流量的计算 .92.4.1 水量计算公式 .92.4.2 软件参数 .102.5 污水管网的水力计算 .112.5.1 水力计算的基本公式 .112.5.2 污水管道水力计算的设计数据 .122.5.3 污水管道水力计算时应注意的问题 .132.5.4 污水管道水力计算结果 .14第 3 章 雨水管渠设计 .153.1 雨水管渠系统平面布置的原则 .
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