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解 放 军 理 工 大 学 指 挥 自 动 化 学 院 学 员 论 文1内部资料注意保存理工大学指挥自动化学院本科毕业设计论文Under the background of Economic globalization Business English talents direction经济全球化的背景下商务英语人才的培养方向 姓 名: 杜新宇 队 别: 二十一队 专 业: 商贸英语 理工大学指挥自动化学院训练部制表二一一 年 五 月解 放 军 理 工 大 学 指 挥 自 动 化 学 院 学 员 论 文2AbstractSince China entered WTO, with the booming international business activities, business English arises at the historic moment. Business English major is an interdisciplinary professional. It involves a professional knowledge of English, business, secretarial and communication, etc. In international business activities, cultural consciousness on its plays an important role, is the key to success. So, when in training business English talents, not only to pay attention to the cultivation of business English professional knowledge, also want to pay attention to business culture consciousness training. After completing their studies the professional students should be good at English language knowledge, basic knowledge of eastern and western culture, trade, and has the basic concept of international culture communication skills and business skills. Can adapt workplace needs, become our country economy development and international business activities need to applied, composite talents.Keywords: Business English, Teaching defects,business culture consciousness, applied, composite cultivation of talents解 放 军 理 工 大 学 指 挥 自 动 化 学 院 学 员 论 文3摘要自中国入世后,随着国际商务活动的增多,商务英语应运而生。商务英语专业是一门跨学科专业,它的专业知识涉及了英语,商贸,文秘和交际学等方面。在国际商务活动中,文化因素对其起到了重要的作用,是国际商务活动能否顺利的关键。所以,在培养商务英语人才时,不仅要注重商务英语专业知识的培养,也要注重商务文化意识的培养。该专业学生完成学业后应具备较好的英语语言知识,商贸基本知识,东西方文化基本概念,且具有跨国文化交流能力和商务运作能力。能适应职场需要,成为我国经济发展和国际商务活动需要的“应用型,复合型”人才。关键词:商务英语,教学缺陷,商务文化意识, “应用型、复合型”人才培养解 放 军 理 工 大 学 指 挥 自 动 化 学 院 学 员 论 文4Contents1 Business English in the importance of under the background of globalization.42 Business English teaching problems .52.1 Teaching the lack of a real business situations.52.2 Student class is positive participation is poor.62.3 The role of teachers without full play.73 Business English specialized curriculum teaching mode.74 Under the background of globalization situation of business English teaching reform.105 Business English courses.116 Under the perspective of globalization the importance of intercultural communication competence.137 Business culture consciousness training4 .147.1 Business English in business culture.157.2 The cultural phenomenon of business English .157.3 Business culture consciousness training.16解 放 军 理 工 大 学 指 挥 自 动 化 学 院 学 员 论 文58 References .191 Business English in the importance of under the background of globalizationEconomic globalization with its unstoppable momentum is sweeping the globe, countries increasingly close economic and trade relations, global value relations are happen even revolutionary change. China as an emerging developing countries with a positive attitude, on the one hand, the family involved in the world economy, on the other hand, is also facing a global talent was starved of reality. As a global talent, in addition to a global perspective, the globalization management ability, more important is to grasp the international language ability to communicate with globalization. Therefore, business English is the necessary capacity ability of globalization.Chinas entry into WTO, the human resources market for international, demand more and more talents. Therefore, business English major1 faced greater challenges, its graduates must have good English communication ability, intercultural business communication2, master basic rules, and business activities should have very strong learning and innovation ability. Simple English professional and trade professional courses are not very good commercial English talents to meet the social requirement, also cannot reflect the business English professional 解 放 军 理 工 大 学 指 挥 自 动 化 学 院 学 员 论 文6characteristics. In addition, English major and trade professional class curriculum more, occupy more teaching class. Along with the development of information technology, some business means have been eliminated, some business concept is behind The Times development. Business English professional talents must be explicitly lines, three outstanding, namely to English application abilities as the main line, outstanding professional competence,
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