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浙江大学硕士学位论文 Error! No text of specified style in document.i高校融合通讯平台即时通信模块研究与应用近年来互联网的高速发展,催生了大批量的互联网应用,即时通讯就是这之中最家喻户晓的一类,用户 可以通过它实时的传递文本信息、语音信息和视频信息等,而且该应用在具有实时 性的同时,相比 电话业务还具有价格低廉的优点,所以近年来备受用户青睐。近年来,国内外许多公司和 组织都开始使用内部的企业级即时通讯服务,各大电 商也开始拓展自己即时通讯方面的业务,可以说多网融合已经成为一种趋势,即 时通讯将渗透到大家生活的各个角落。本系统在技术上,客户端采用 C/S 架构,客 户在登录管理平台或者客户端之后,首先完成鉴权,然后依次自动登录 IM 服务器、Avaya 服务器、ECP 平台,建立与各服务器的连接;系统管理平台采用 SSH 架构,以 Web 形式管理系统。另外,本文从高校的实际需求出发, 对高校融合通讯平台中的即时通讯模块的整个研发过程做了详细的阐述,涵盖了相关技术介绍,概要设计, 详细设计,实现以及测试的整个软件工程流程。关键词:即时通讯,XMPP,客户端,管理平台浙江大学硕士学位论文 AbstractiiAbstractIn recent years, with the high-speed development of the Internet, it also gave birth to a large number Internet applications , a kind of instant communication is the most known to users, because users can real-time transmission of text information, audio information and video information, and the application in real-time, compared with the telephone service also has more lower cost, so the in recent years favored by users. In recent years, many companies and organizations both here and abroad have begun enterprise instant messaging service used inside, each big electric business also began to expand their instant messaging services, and we can said that the network integration has become a trend, instant messaging will penetrate into our life . In the technology, the management platform uses C/S architecture, the client completes the authentication at login system management platform, order automatically log on to the IM server, Avaya server, ECP platform, establish a connection with the server, management system using SSH structure, management system using the form of Web.In addition, the article come from actual requirement of the situation, has made the detailed the whole process of development of instant communication module of the fusion of communication platform. Covering the entire process ,introduced: the outline design, detailed design, the software engineering process implementation and testing.Key Words:IM , XMPP , Client , Management platform浙江大学硕士学位论文 目录I目录摘要 .iAbstract.ii图目录 .IV表目录 .V第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 课题背景 .11.1.1 课题来源 .11.1.2 融合通讯平台 IM 模块发展现状 .21.1.3 选题意义 .31.2 课题研究内容和研究目标 .41.2.1 课题研究类型和内容 .41.2.2 课题研究目标 .41.3 论文结构安排和课题关键问题 .51.3.1 论文结构安排 .51.3.2 课题关键问题 .51.4 本章小结 .7第 2 章 相关技术综述 .82.1 SSH 架构设计 .82.2 XMPP .82.3 Openfire.102.4 MFC 框架设计 .102.5 Json .112.6 Restlet .112.7 ActiveSkin 技术 .
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