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电力系统、智能电网英语专业术语与英语文献翻译一、词汇翻译序号 英文 中文 序号 英文 中文1 real-time communication 实时通信 21 Local Area Networks 局域网2 Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制 22 Wireless LAN(WLAN) 无线局域网3 circuit breaker 断路器 23 intelligent electronic device 智能电子装置4 plug-and-play 即插即用 24 Instantaneous over-current 瞬时过电流5 Phasor Measurement Units 相量测量单元 25 earth fault 接地故障6 relaying protection 继电保护 26 distribution system 配电系统7 High Voltage DC 高压直流 27 optical fibre 光纤8 Wide Area Monitoring 广域测量 28 Dynamic Voltage Restorer 动态电压恢 复器9 reliability of the power system 电力系统 稳定性 29 Static SynchronousCompensator 静止同步补 偿器10 smart meter 智能电表 30 fault isolation and restoration 故障隔离与 恢复11 communication channel 通信通道 31 Ring Main Unit 环网柜12 current transformer 电流变送器 32 voltage regulation 电压调整13 Network interface card 网络接口卡 33 on load tap changing transformer(OLTC ) 有载调压变 压器14 Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制 34 state estimation 状态估计15 Switching techniques 交换技术 35 Geographic InformationSystem (GIS) 地理信息系统16 router 路由器 36 asymmetrical fault 不对称故障17 message switching 报文交换 37 fault calculations 短路计算18 packet switching 包交换技术 38 load forecasting 负荷预测19 fuel cells 燃料电池 39 leakage reactances, 漏电抗20 twisted pair 双绞线 40 HumanMachine Interface 人机界面姓名: 班级: 学号: 二、段落翻译Original text: Book1: Smart Grid-Technology and Applications(2012) : 269.Large quantities of electrical energy can be stored using pumped hydro or underground compressed air facilities. Such schemes can have a power rating of up to 1-2 GW with an energy capacity of 10-20 GWh. Smaller quantities of energy can be stored in batteries, flywheels and Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) devices 1-3. Fuel cells convert a continuous source of chemical energy into electricity but have a similar impact on the power network as some energy storage systems (for example, flow batteries). Figure 12.1 (also refer to Plate 9) shows the power and energy outputs of some of the electricity storage schemes that have been implemented using different technologies 1, 4, 5. Fuel cells of a few hundred kW to several MWs are now in operation as a continuous source of power and are not shown in Figure 12.1. (Also refer to Plate 9) 6. Applications of energy storage in the power system can be considered as being divided into those whose prime function is to deliver short-term power (kW) or those primarily supplying energy (kWh) over a longer period. Power quality, voltage support and some frequency support services which require short-term power support use batteries, flywheels and SMES which have a high power to energy ratio. Support for renewable energy, electrical energy shifting and end user energy management requires a large amount of energy and a discharge duration of several minutes to hours. Pumped hydro, compressed air storage, thermal energy storage and (flow) batteries are suitable candidate technologies. The initial market opportunities of energy storage will be developed in specific locations, but multiple income streams are likely to be necessary to cover the high cost of the storage equipment and account for the efficiency loss during charging and discharging.中文译文:大量的电能储存可以通过抽水蓄能或地下压缩空气设备实现。这样的方案可以储存额定功率多达 1-2 千瓦、容量为 10-20 千兆瓦时的能量。少量的能量可以储存在电池、飞轮、超导磁储能系统(SMES)装置里1-3。燃料电池可以连续地将化学能转化为电能,但对电力系统的影响和其他一些能量存储系统类似(例如,液流电池) 。图 12.1(可参考板块 9)显示了一些电能储存方案的功率和能量的输出。这些电能储存方案已通过不同的技术得以实现1,4,5。目前,功率为几百千瓦到几兆瓦的燃料电池投入运行,为电网提供持续电源,但这并没有在图 12.1(可参考板块 9)中显示出来。储能应用于电力系统中,其主要功能是提供短期功率(千瓦)或是长期的主要供应能量(千瓦时) 。电能质量、电压和频率支撑服务都使用了需要短期电力支持使用电池、飞轮,以及具有高功率、高能量比的超导磁储能装置。这些服务都需要一个短期的功率支持。对可再生能源、电能转换和最终用户的电能管理的支持,需要大量的储能和持续几分钟至数小时放电。抽水蓄能、压缩空气储能、热能储能和(液流)电池都是合适的候选技术,也将在一些特定区域发展这些储能的初始市场。初始的能量的市场机会存储将在特定的位置,但是多种收益方式可能会必要的,其中包括高成本的储能装置和计及在充、放电过程中的效率损失。
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