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本科 毕业 设计毕业设计题目:红外线监控遥控报警器设计学生姓名:学 号:系 别:电子工程学院专业班级:指导教师姓名及职称:起止时间: 摘 要随着时代的不断进步,人们对自己所处环境的安全性提出了更高的要求,尤其是在家居安全方面,不得不时刻留意那些不速之客。随着电子技术的发展,人类不断研究,不断创新纪录,人们自身的安防意识也在逐渐增强。红外线具有隐蔽性,在露天防护的地方设计一束红外线可以方便地检测到是否有人出入。此类装置设计的要点:其一是能有效判断是否有人员进入;其二是尽可能大地增加防护范围。该报警器能探测人体发出的红外线,当人进入报警器的监视区域内,即可发出报警声,适用于家庭、办公室、仓库、实验室等比较重要场合防盗报警。本设计是利用热释电红外线传感器探测人体辐射出的红外线信号原理设计出来的人体红外线感应报警器。内容广泛,灵活应用。关键词 传感器 放大器灵敏度基准电压AbstractBecause the ages progresses unremittingly, peoples make higher request thesafety of place environment to them , particularly at the aspect of home safey,which have to keep in mind those guest who comes uninvited every moment.Along with electronics technical development, the mankinds continuouslystudy and continuously innovate to record, the consciousness of peoples oneselfdefends also gradually strengthen. The infrared ray has concealment and design abunch of infrared ray in the place of open-air protection can expediently examineif someone comes in and goes out. This kind of device designs of important point:One is effective ability judgment if someones member gets into the room; Theother is the earth increment the protection scope is possibly.The alarm can detect infrared issued by the body, can sound an alarm intothe alarm monitoring area, and applies to homes, offices, warehouses laboratoriesand other important occasions, anti-theft alarm. This design is to make use of heatto release electricity infrared ray to spread a feeling machine to probe into thehuman body infrared ray that the infrared signal principle design that the humanbody radiates comes out to respond to report to the police a machine. The contentsof sensor is extensive, vivid applied.Key words:Sensor Amplifier Sensitivity The reference voltage目 录1.引言. 11.1报警器的概念.11.2报警器种类.11.3报警器基本结构与应用场合.12.设计要求. 22.1目的和要求.22.2性质.22.3总体结构.23.热释电红外传感器.33.1热释电红外传感器的结构原理.33.2热释电红外传感器的组成与技术特性. 43.3热释电红外传感器的安装与使用. 53.3.1热释电红外传感器在使用和安装中应注意以下几点.53.3.2热释电红外传感器的选择使用. 63.4菲涅耳透镜.73.4.1菲涅尔透镜的原理.73.4.2菲涅尔透镜作用.73.4.3菲涅尔透镜的主要技术指标. 73.4.4菲涅尔透镜分类.83.4.5菲涅尔透镜应用.84.红外线探测报警器的工作原理.94.1红外传感器.94.2信号放大电路.94.3电压比较器.
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