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1Do one thing at a time, and do well.Unit 2 HeroesGuo Lei 24/9/2014. Important sentences1.Venus is now _(排名世界第十一位),and her younger sister Serena has _(已经移升至第三 )2.In 1991, the sisters and their family moved to a safer area and since then _(再也没有旧地重游过)3.They _(完成高中学业)while developing their their tennis careers.4.They both _(表达了对.的极度兴趣)in working in design.5.The sisters_(成功之路)has been _(令人惊叹的).6.Serena has continued to improve and _(取得了惊人的进步).7.He would never walk again but he _(极大的勇气开始了一种新生活).8.He _(募集了很多钱)to _(促进.的医学研究)into back injuries.9.His speeches _(引起了公众.的专注)this speech.10.The doctor said I was not going to _(渡过难关). Vocabulary:1. He described the _(性格)of the _(角色)he played with two Chinese _(汉字).2. It was _ 慷慨的 of him to offer to pay for us both.3. Children shouldnt be allowed to watch _ 暴力的 movies.4. The Party was _ 建立 on July 23rd, 1921.5. _(在我看来),what he said is right in a way.6. For hundreds of years, the black in the USA have been _ (挣扎)for their _ 平等的 rights with the white.7. It is _(无用的) telling him not to worry.8. The two girls _ (竞争)with each other for the highest mark.9. The new car goes at an _(惊人的)speed.10. He is _(热心的,渴望的)to buy a computer.My roommate is very_(喜爱的)on bridge cards.11. We need to consider all the costs _ (与.有关) in the projects.He got _ with drug dealers.12. I am _(自信的)of your getting the job.13. Everybody _(钦佩)him because he has completed that hard task _(独自地).14. Theory shouldnt be _ ( 分开) from practice.15. Your should _(放弃)smoking as it is bad to your health. Language points:1. agree: 2agree with sb/sbs idea/ sbs view/ sbs opinion/what sb said.agree to sbs plan/sbs suggestion/ sbs arrangement/ sbs proposal.agree on sth. agree to do sth.agree that-clause.I couldnt agree more.选择: The weather there doesnt _ me. The two sides _ the matter that they were disputing about. Many scientists _ global warming is a serious problem. He _ let me go early.A. agreed to B. agree that C. agree with D. agreed on2. tooto:So you can see , Im far too busy with living to think of giving up !(1) too + adj / adv ( for sb ) + to do sth _Eg.1.这个男孩年龄太小,不能上学。 2.他走得太慢,不能按时到达那儿。 3.英语太难,我学不好。(2)not / never +too to _Eg. Its never too late to mend . 你过马路时越小心越好。(3)only / but / all / just + tooto _Eg. 1.I am but too glad to do so. 2.We are only too happy to live in China.(4) too + anxious / eager / glad / happy / pleased / ready / willing 等 + to _Eg. 1.又见到你我非常高兴 。2.Comrade Lei Feng was too ready to help others. 3.He was too anxious to do this job. 句式转换:The child is too young to go to school .The child is _ old _ _ go to school .The child is _ young _ he cant go to school . 3. with 的复合结构:1. 即:with+宾语 +宾补,在句中多作_等。其 构 成 可 分 为 :3 with+名 词 /代 词 +形 容 词 ; He is used to sleeping _(开 着 窗 户 睡 觉 ). with+名 词 /代 词 +副 词 ; She left the room _(所 有 的 灯 都 亮 着 ). with+名 词 /代 词 +介 词 短 语 ; He walked into the dark street _( 手 里 拿 着 棍 子 ) . with+名 词 /代 词 +动 词 不 定 式 ; _( 有 这 么 多 的 工 作 要 做 ) , I have no time for a holiday. with+名 词 /代 词 +现 在 分 词 ; We found the house easily _(有 这 个 小 孩 领 路 ). With+名 词 、 代 词 +过 去 分 词 ;_( 所 有 的 东 西 都 买 了 ) , she went home happily.with+名 词 /代 词 +名 词 :He died with his son yet _(一个学童) .2. with 复 合 结 构 也 可 以 作 定 语 : Anyone_( 头 上 长 着 眼 睛 的 ) can see its exactly like a rope. With nothing _ to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.A. leaving B. left C. leave D. to leave You have no idea how she finished the relay race_ her foot injured badly.A. for B. when C. with D. while4.Brandi, the sisters mother, taught her daughters at home so that they completed their high school while developing their tennis careers. 这对姐妹的母亲布兰迪在家里教她们,这样在她们发展网球事业的同时,也可以参加高中考试。(1)状语从句的省略的概念 省略的条件_ 怎么省略 _(2)各种状语从句的省略现象列举如下: 时间状语从句中的省略 When (she was) very young, she began to learn to play the piano. 她很小时,就开始学习弹钢琴。 Before leaving, turn off all the lights. (Before you leave, turn off all the lights.) 走之前,请关闭所有的灯。 注:as ,before ,after 在引导时间状语从句时,一般没有这种省略现象。我们不可说 As walking, she found a nice shining thing on the ground. 地点状语从句中的省略 Put i
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