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第 1 页国际贸易合同协议英文版国际贸易合同协议英文版BUSINESS AGREEMENTTHIS AGREEMENT made and entered into under the dotrine of good faith b and beteen:O-Line, a Chinese orporation having its prinipal offie at *andPIUS W. *, an independent onsultant having its prinipal offie at *THIS AGREEMENT relates to the produts hih O-Line Tehnolog designs andor produes to *, and * shall be entrusted ith THIS TASK. THIS TASK shall mean that, all ats of sales and marketing of O-Line Tehnolog produts b * for losing ontrats beteen O-Line Tehnolog and tele panies in Tanzania and possibl in other Afrian nations. And it inludes the folloing;Introdue THIS PRODUCT to CUSTOMERS.Marketing of THIS PRODUCT.Provide market information Condut field test of THIS PRODUCT.ARTICLE-4: CommissionCommission fee of THIS TASK shall be paid in ontingent fee sstem, and O-Line Tehnolog shall ire mone into * s bank aount ithin 7 das after full-pament from 第 2 页CUSTOMERS. Commission fee shall be not less that US$3 per eah unit of the produts sold to CUSTOMERS.Comments: Generall, the mission fee ill keep ith *USD. Hoever, If CUSTOMERS do not aept * prie poli, mission fee should depend on the pratial situation, sine OLine ill derease prie for CUSTOMERS aordingl, this ill redue both * and * s profit.ARTICLE-5: After-sales servie*, in ollaboration ith * Tehnolog shall provide after-sales servie of THIS PRODUCT as per sales ontrat entered beteen O-Line Tehnolog and CUSTOMERS.ARTICLE-6: SereBoth O-Line Tehnolog and * shall not dislose to an third part an tehnial, eonomi, finanial, marketing, ustomer or other information beame to knon through THIS BUSINESS, exept the folloing;Information hih has bee publil knon.Information hih both O-Line Tehnolog and * has knon before THISBUSINESS.Information hih la requires to be dislosed.Information hih is exluded from onfidential information b mutual agreementbeteen O-Line Tehnolog and * for safet reasons.第 3 页Information hih is exluded from onfidential information b mutual agreementbeteen O-Line Tehnolog and *.ARTICLE-7: TermTHIS AGREEMENT shall remain in full fore and effet for one ear from the date of exeution hereof. And THIS AGREEMENT shall be extended another one ear, unless otherise either part notifies the other part of its unillingness to extend the duration of THIS AGREEMENT in riting not later than thirt das prior to the sheduled end of the then urrent terms of its desire to terminate. Notithstanding the foregoing, the sere provisions of Artile-6 shall remain in full fore and effet after termination of THIS AGREEMENT.ARTICLE-8: ConsultationAn question arising out of, or in onnetion ith, THIS AGREEMENT, or an matter not stipulated herein shall be settled eah time upon onsultation beteen O-Line Tehnolog and *.ARTICLE-9: Dispute ResolutionAbout an dispute hih ma arise out of or in relation to or in onnetion ith THIS AGREEMENT andor other individual ontrat beteen O-Line Tehnolog and *, both parties shall onsent to non-exlusive jurisdition of either . or Commerial Court of *.第 4 页IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have exeuted THIS AGREEMENT in dupliate b plaing their signatures thereon, and eah part shall keep one op of the originals.Februar 11, 20*.Name: .Position: .
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