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孵隧r,一T。_。、i伸-蠛近1。鞭曩婶。Y。r怀馥 醚 。 ;五 陡黧嚣圈 甑_j l震 i 5 j 础i1 、 I :I1 1ii一: 翟署: F-一J二|隘 罐 醯 u_ L吨。 - 馘 龇 飘馐矗婴鼋 C: 自 _惜Il I函 嘲口_ 慧 蔫衄Fe il嗣 蜀j硝 酸。凋辫 孵F j。攀:黔爱I - 堕 鼹一湖鳞 篝乒,谴毹珏耸嘶iilIc喇0娅d赫I穗 :t虢 瞄五0: 卜,:嚣嘶H端麓嚣嚣霸鬻蚕雾孵髻鬻瓣i 蕊箱匾商雠潮嘲 l!黼囊泽鄹聪。秘“:H1誓。翟鬻 皴:戡瀚蝴溉麟溉蕊黼:j娥渺巍即r :i斌赫Ef啊 勰隧缀粼霎爨黔:。?d _慧贰墨艟嘲嬲髓啊睇I:j;茔慵掣嫡口瞰晋:l,两鼻虬-、:i“ -jF_翠f。tPm1 圈隧鼎弹懈飒艘辫苫辎科炳h !盎蕊舯f硼瞄盟瞄“毪四捌瑚佩黝鐾藩船跚鬟lf一 :朔鼢i啊j圈豳懿 黼蘸 弼嚆瞄狮盈酣:渭二嚣跚丽强戳擂涨熙艇0嚣。,!蓝澎,“磷RESEARCH oN THE DRAW SOLUTJON AN DMEMBRANE PROPERTY IN FORWARD OSMoSISAB STRACTIn forward osmosis(FO)process,the driving force iS osmotic pressure differenccamong the FO membraneCompared with the traditional membrane separationprocess,there are some advantages in FO process,such as low operate pressure,lowenergy consumption,high recovery,high rejection of contaminants,lower membranefouling propensity and environmental pollutionThus,it possesses brood prospectsInFO,the key technologies are selectivity membrane and draw solutionsIn this research,the FO performance,draw solution selection,FONF hybridprocess for brackish water desalination and nanofiltration for divalent inorganic saltrecovery were studiedThe effects of operation conditions on the water flux andreverse salt flux in the FO process,the suitable draw solution,the performance ofFONF hybfid process and divalent inorganic salt recovery were knownThe results shows that,1,When the draw solution(DS)iS against the active layer,the water fluxes wimflow directions are related to the DS concentrationWith the increasing of the DSconcentrationthe increasing rate of reverse salt flux of CTA2 membrane remainsconstant、vhile the feed water(FW)iS against the active layer,the flow directionshave no effect on the water flux and reverse flux2,Divalent inorganic salts ore good draw solute for high osmotic pressure,stableand recovered by NF easily3,a dual NF process can produce permeate water with TDS lower than 500mgLat a low operate pressureAt the same concentration,the Na2S04 draw solution has abetter NF performance4the simulate results of ROSA design software shows that a dual NF process fordivalent inorganic salt recovery is a low operate pressure and low energy consumptionprocessAnd it iS the basis for the FONF hybrid processKEYWORDS forward osmosis;desalination;membrane test;draw solution;nanofi ltration recovery;!。P 酽i嶝奠i-隧豢 鬻: 孵黼黼燃舀一H:脚H科媾麓-l nTI*5_r1一I愀目 录第一章绪论111传统膜分离过程112正渗透膜分离技术2121正渗透相关理论21211浓差极化21212反向盐扩散51213膜污染5122正渗透膜研究现状51221商业正渗透膜61222正渗透膜改性8123正渗透汲取液研究现状121231NH。-CO:汲取液1 31232磁性汲取液l 51233有机物汲取液151234无机离子汲取液15124正渗透膜分离技术应用161241食品和医药161242废水处理161243蛋白质浓缩和纯化1 61244海水淡化及盐差发电1613课题的提出1 714主要研究内容18第二章正渗透膜性能测试1921前言,1922实验材料和仪器2023膜性能测试方法及装置20231正渗透膜结构表征2l232水通量21233反向盐扩散21234实验步骤2224结果与讨论23241扫描电镜分析23242水通量23243反向盐扩散25244反向通量选择性2625小结27第三章汲取液选择28正渗透汲取液研究及膜性能测试31前言2832实验材料和仪器2833汲取液性质29331溶解度29332渗透压测定293321碳酸氢铵293322无机盐汲取液3l333稳定性及毒性323331碳酸氢铵323332无机盐34334分离性能343341热回收343342纳滤343343其他3534小结35第四章正渗透一纳滤耦合淡化苦咸水3641前言3642实验材料和仪器3643正渗透性能测试3744纳滤测试方法及性能评价37441软件计算38442实验研究3845结果与讨论38451正渗透测试38452纳滤回收404521软件计算404522纳滤性能研究414523纳滤条件优化4546小结:47第五章纳滤性能计算4951纳滤过程4952软件计算设定5053软件计算结果50531回收率影响505311一级纳滤505312二级纳滤52532浓度影响545321一级纳滤545322二级纳滤5654小结:58结论592蔼青岛科技大学研究生学位论文第一章绪论目前水资源匮乏已经成为制约人类未来发展的瓶颈之一,对污水和含盐水进行纯化和脱盐,获得低成本淡水一真是科学研究的重点【11。膜分离过程作为一种新型的分离提纯技术已经广泛应用于海水淡化、废水处理、蛋白质浓缩等方面。其中反渗透(Reverse osmosis,RO)水处理技术作为目前海水淡化的主流技术,在一定程度上缓解了全球水资源危机,
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