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摘要 本论文试图回答不同体裁对英语学习者的听力理解是否产生影响的问题。本研究以广州某普通高校 30 名英语专业本科生为实验对象,以全国高校英语专业四级 2010 年考试听力理解部分的三篇会话和六则新闻为听力测试材料。考查学习着对整体问题和局部问题的理解结果。考查结果表明受试能更好地捕捉会话体裁的整体信息,却能获取更多新闻体裁的局部信息。本研究认为,会话和新闻的体裁特点导致受试在整体和局部问题上的听力理解发生偏差,证实了不同体裁的确会对英语专业学生的听力理解产生影响。因此,本文建议英语教学中,教师帮助学习这熟悉各种体裁的典型特点,以便产生更好的理解结果。关键词 英语听力理解; 体裁;听力输入; 新闻体裁;会话体裁 第 2 页 共 16 页Abstract In order to answer the question “Does genre of the listening input affect the listening comprehension?”, the study examined participants performance on the global questions and local questions by taking 30 English majors from a university in Guangzhou as the participants and taking 3 conversation and 6 pieces of news broadcast extracted from the listening comprehension part of TEM-4 2010 as the listening input of the test. The result showed that participants had better performance on the global questions of conversation while they had better results in answering the local questions. Therefore, this study claimed that the distinct generic characteristics of conversation and news broadcast led to the deviation of participants listening comprehension on the global and local questions. That was to say, genres had effect on English majors listening comprehension. Hence, it was suggested that in English teaching, teachers should help learners to learn more knowledge about the typical generic characteristics of different genres so that learners can comprehend different genres better. Key Words English listening comprehension; genre; listening input; news; conversation第 3 页 共 16 页CONTENTSAbstract in ChineseAbstract in English.11. Introduction .12. Literature Review.32.1 The Definition of Genre .32.2 The Genre theory.32.3 Previous Research on Genre and Listening Comprehension .43. The Study .53.1 Research Questions .53.2 Participants.53.3 Instruments.63.4 Procedures .73.4.1 Pre-test.73.4.2 Test.83.5 Data Collection and Results .83.5.1 The test questions on TEM-4 listening comprehension .84. Discussions and Implication.114.1 Discussions.114.2 Implication .165. Conclusions .16References .17第 4 页 共 16 页1. IntroductionGenre is originally a French word means kind and type. In English, the term refers to classification of the literary works. In order to achieve certain social purpose, a genre of text has its own typical and particular structure and textual feature. That is to say, the social function of the genre of a text can be reflected in the macrostructure of the text. Is it possible that genre is among the factors that affect English learners listening comprehension since the listening process involves the “top-down process” which deals with the information process of the macrostructure? Besides, according to “genre analysis theory” (秦秀白, 1997:8-15) , the typical generic characteristics of a genre of text consist of three factors include the linguistic factor, the generic factors and the register fac
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