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I摘 要面对国际国内能源的减缩,节能减排已经成为汽车业所面临的主题。节能环保具有现实意义和深远意义。车架是汽车的重要组成部分,承受车上装置和来自地面的交变作用力,需要满足一定的刚度和强度。由 HONDA 公司发起的节能竞技大赛将会促进更加节能减排的汽车的问世。汽车节能可以通过很多渠道做到,本设计主要从车辆的轻量化角度出发,通过减少车架质量,从而在满足车架刚度的强度的条件下来进一步减少节油车整车质量。本设计对整车做了整体总布置,确定了重心的位置。而且通过 PRO/E 软件设计出了三个不同结构的模型,然后将三个车架模型转换成工程图。最后通过 ANSYS 软件多车架进行进一步的有限元分析,其中包括静力结构分析,模态分析,和基于实际情况的有限元优化设计。由于车架结构的复杂性,通过有限元软件不但可以减少繁重的计算量,而且可以有效提高计算精度。通过静力结构可以更为直观的反映出车架受的最大应力和变形,同时便于三种车架比较。通过模态分析可以看出车架的动态特性,看其是否在发动机怠速状态下与发动机发生共振,应该避免共振。车架优化设计原则上是以梁段横截面的高、宽和壁厚为设计变量(DV),以总应力和位移为状态变量(SV) ,以车架总重量为目标函数的设计过程。但基于实际,本优化设计是在选出最好的车架模型的基础之上通过加减不同的梁,变换在不同处的梁截面,从而达到对车架优化的目的,进一步实现整车的轻量化而使得节能车更节能、更环保。关键词:节能车;车架;轻量化;三维建模;静力分析;模态分析;优化设计 IIABSTRACTFacing the reduce of resource in our country or in the whole world, saving resource and protecting the environment are becoming more and more important nowadays. They have direct and huge meanings .The frame plays an important part in the car.It bends changing machanics from the car and ground, and should satisfied some strength. The composition which is put out by the HONDA Corporation would make more economical car be possible. We have many ways ,but my design is to try to make the frame much lighter. By doing this we can get the frame which meet our requiry. My design do the work that make the cars components be in its really destination and make sure the location of its gravity. I have made three modes by PRO/E software and changed they into engineering paintings. At last I try to test by softwareANSYS,including statical analysis and motal analysis and getting better results by compariment .because of the frames not simpty, analysising by the sortware is more convinent and we can get more accute resaunts. By statical analysis we can get directly pictures of the whole machanic and the leave of the move from is original position. By motal analysis we can diagnose that if the frame will shock with the engine at the same pace. We should get the best resaunts by regarding the width and height in the cut face as the DV, by regarding the whole strength and the leave move from its original location as its SV, by regarding the gravity as its objective function. After thinking the reality, based on finding the best modes, I change different size of different beams so that we can get the best resaunts . Finally will get the most economical frame. It will make the economical car much better in realm of economy and will be good for our environment.Key words: Fuel Efficient Veicle; Frame; Lightweight; Statical Analysis; Motal Analysis ; Optimizasion Design 黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计目 录摘要 IAbstractII第 1 章 绪论 11.1 节油车的研究背景 11.2 HONDA 节能竞技大赛的规则简介 21.3 节能赛车的节能技术简介 31.4 节能赛车的车架简介 41.5 节能赛车车架的研究的目的和意义 61.6 HQJ-500 型节油车车架研究的基本内容及技术路线 7第 2 章 HQJ-500 型车架结构设计与总体布局82.1 节油车车架选用材料 82.2 节油车车架结构设计 82.3 节油车总体布局 82.4 节油车整体质心位置的确定 102.5 本章小结 14第 3 章 基于 PRO/E 的模型的构建 153.1 Pro/E 软件简介 153.2 车架三维模型的构建 153.2.1 节油车车架方案一模型 163.2.2 节油车车架方案二模型 203.2.3 节油车车架方案三模型 233.3 本章小结
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